{"version":3,"file":"js/application-719ab7d0f42ea5474bb0.js","sources":["webpack:///webpack/bootstrap","webpack:///./app/javascript/application/controllers sync nonrecursive \\.js$","webpack:///./app/javascript/application/controllers/password_meter_controller.js","webpack:///./app/javascript/application/index.js","webpack:///./app/javascript/application/initializers/bootstrap.js","webpack:///./app/javascript/application/initializers/index.js","webpack:///./app/javascript/application/initializers/stimulus.js","webpack:///./app/javascript/application/initializers/turbolinks.js","webpack:///./app/javascript/application/initializers/ujs.js","webpack:///./app/javascript/lib/rails-bootbox.js","webpack:///./app/javascript/packs/application.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@rails/ujs/lib/assets/compiled/rails-ujs.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/index.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/action.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/action_descriptor.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/application.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/binding.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/binding_observer.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/context.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/controller.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/data_map.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/definition.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/dispatcher.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/event_listener.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/module.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/router.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/schema.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/scope.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/scope_observer.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/selectors.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/target_properties.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/core/dist/src/target_set.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/multimap/dist/index.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/multimap/dist/src/indexed_multimap.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/multimap/dist/src/multimap.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/multimap/dist/src/set_operations.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/mutation-observers/dist/index.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/mutation-observers/dist/src/attribute_observer.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/mutation-observers/dist/src/element_observer.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/mutation-observers/dist/src/token_list_observer.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/mutation-observers/dist/src/value_list_observer.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@stimulus/webpack-helpers/dist/index.js","webpack:///./node_modules/bootbox/bootbox.all.js","webpack:///./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js","webpack:///./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js","webpack:///./node_modules/popper.js/dist/esm/popper.js","webpack:///./node_modules/stimulus/index.js","webpack:///./node_modules/stimulus/webpack-helpers.js","webpack:///./node_modules/turbolinks/dist/turbolinks.js","webpack:///(webpack)/buildin/global.js","webpack:///(webpack)/buildin/module.js"],"sourcesContent":[" \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"/packs/\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = \"./app/javascript/packs/application.js\");\n","var map = {\n\t\"./password_meter_controller.js\": \"./app/javascript/application/controllers/password_meter_controller.js\"\n};\n\n\nfunction webpackContext(req) {\n\tvar id = webpackContextResolve(req);\n\treturn __webpack_require__(id);\n}\nfunction webpackContextResolve(req) {\n\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(map, req)) {\n\t\tvar e = new Error(\"Cannot find module '\" + req + \"'\");\n\t\te.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';\n\t\tthrow e;\n\t}\n\treturn map[req];\n}\nwebpackContext.keys = function webpackContextKeys() {\n\treturn Object.keys(map);\n};\nwebpackContext.resolve = webpackContextResolve;\nmodule.exports = webpackContext;\nwebpackContext.id = \"./app/javascript/application/controllers sync \\\\.js$\";","import { Controller } from 'stimulus'\nimport $ from 'jquery'\n\nexport default class extends Controller {\n connect () {\n $(this.element).on('keyup', function (e) {\n const pwd = $(this).val()\n if (pwd.length >= 8) {\n $('#pws_length i').removeClass('fa-times-circle text-primary').addClass('fa-check-circle text-secondary')\n } else {\n $('#pws_length i').removeClass('fa-check-circle text-secondary').addClass('fa-times-circle text-primary')\n }\n if (pwd.match(/[0-9]/g)) {\n $('#pws_number i').removeClass('fa-times-circle text-primary').addClass('fa-check-circle text-secondary')\n } else {\n $('#pws_number i').removeClass('fa-check-circle text-secondary').addClass('fa-times-circle text-primary')\n }\n if (pwd.match(/[a-z]/g) && pwd.match(/[A-Z]/g)) {\n $('#pws_letter i').removeClass('fa-times-circle text-primary').addClass('fa-check-circle text-secondary')\n } else {\n $('#pws_letter i').removeClass('fa-check-circle text-secondary').addClass('fa-times-circle text-primary')\n }\n if (pwd.match(/[@#$%^&+=.:\\-!?]/g)) {\n $('#pws_special_sign i').removeClass('fa-times-circle text-primary').addClass('fa-check-circle text-secondary')\n } else {\n $('#pws_special_sign i').removeClass('fa-check-circle text-secondary').addClass('fa-times-circle text-primary')\n }\n })\n }\n\n disconnect () {\n $(this.element).off('keyup')\n }\n}\n","import './initializers'\n","import 'bootstrap'\n","import './bootstrap'\nimport './ujs'\nimport './turbolinks'\nimport './stimulus'\n","import { Application } from 'stimulus'\nimport { definitionsFromContext } from 'stimulus/webpack-helpers'\n\nconst application = Application.start()\nconst context = require.context('../controllers', false, /\\.js$/)\napplication.load(definitionsFromContext(context))\n","import Turbolinks from 'turbolinks'\nimport Rails from '@rails/ujs'\nimport $ from 'jquery'\n\n// Prevent stale CSRF tokens\ndocument.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', Rails.refreshCSRFTokens)\ndocument.addEventListener('turbolinks:before-cache', function () {\n $('.modal, .modal-backdrop, .alert').remove()\n})\n\nTurbolinks.start()\n","import Rails from '@rails/ujs'\nimport { confirm } from 'lib/rails-bootbox'\n\nRails.confirm = confirm\n\nRails.start()\n","import { confirm } from 'bootbox'\n\nfunction railsConfirmationHandler (message, element) {\n if (element.dataset.confirmed) return true\n\n confirm({\n message,\n centerVertical: true,\n buttons: {\n confirm: {\n label: element.dataset.confirmOk,\n className: 'btn-danger'\n },\n cancel: {\n label: element.dataset.confirmCancel\n }\n },\n callback (confirmed) {\n if (confirmed) {\n element.dataset.confirmed = true\n element.click()\n }\n }\n })\n\n return false\n}\n\nexport { railsConfirmationHandler as confirm }\n","import 'application'\n","function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\n/*\nUnobtrusive JavaScript\nhttps://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/actionview/app/assets/javascripts\nReleased under the MIT license\n */\n;\n(function () {\n var context = this;\n (function () {\n (function () {\n this.Rails = {\n linkClickSelector: 'a[data-confirm], a[data-method], a[data-remote]:not([disabled]), a[data-disable-with], a[data-disable]',\n buttonClickSelector: {\n selector: 'button[data-remote]:not([form]), button[data-confirm]:not([form])',\n exclude: 'form button'\n },\n inputChangeSelector: 'select[data-remote], input[data-remote], textarea[data-remote]',\n formSubmitSelector: 'form',\n formInputClickSelector: 'form input[type=submit], form input[type=image], form button[type=submit], form button:not([type]), input[type=submit][form], input[type=image][form], button[type=submit][form], button[form]:not([type])',\n formDisableSelector: 'input[data-disable-with]:enabled, button[data-disable-with]:enabled, textarea[data-disable-with]:enabled, input[data-disable]:enabled, button[data-disable]:enabled, textarea[data-disable]:enabled',\n formEnableSelector: 'input[data-disable-with]:disabled, button[data-disable-with]:disabled, textarea[data-disable-with]:disabled, input[data-disable]:disabled, button[data-disable]:disabled, textarea[data-disable]:disabled',\n fileInputSelector: 'input[name][type=file]:not([disabled])',\n linkDisableSelector: 'a[data-disable-with], a[data-disable]',\n buttonDisableSelector: 'button[data-remote][data-disable-with], button[data-remote][data-disable]'\n };\n }).call(this);\n }).call(context);\n var Rails = context.Rails;\n (function () {\n (function () {\n var nonce;\n nonce = null;\n\n Rails.loadCSPNonce = function () {\n var ref;\n return nonce = (ref = document.querySelector(\"meta[name=csp-nonce]\")) != null ? ref.content : void 0;\n };\n\n Rails.cspNonce = function () {\n return nonce != null ? nonce : Rails.loadCSPNonce();\n };\n }).call(this);\n (function () {\n var expando, m;\n m = Element.prototype.matches || Element.prototype.matchesSelector || Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;\n\n Rails.matches = function (element, selector) {\n if (selector.exclude != null) {\n return m.call(element, selector.selector) && !m.call(element, selector.exclude);\n } else {\n return m.call(element, selector);\n }\n };\n\n expando = '_ujsData';\n\n Rails.getData = function (element, key) {\n var ref;\n return (ref = element[expando]) != null ? ref[key] : void 0;\n };\n\n Rails.setData = function (element, key, value) {\n if (element[expando] == null) {\n element[expando] = {};\n }\n\n return element[expando][key] = value;\n };\n\n Rails.$ = function (selector) {\n return Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector));\n };\n }).call(this);\n (function () {\n var $, csrfParam, csrfToken;\n $ = Rails.$;\n\n csrfToken = Rails.csrfToken = function () {\n var meta;\n meta = document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-token]');\n return meta && meta.content;\n };\n\n csrfParam = Rails.csrfParam = function () {\n var meta;\n meta = document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-param]');\n return meta && meta.content;\n };\n\n Rails.CSRFProtection = function (xhr) {\n var token;\n token = csrfToken();\n\n if (token != null) {\n return xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', token);\n }\n };\n\n Rails.refreshCSRFTokens = function () {\n var param, token;\n token = csrfToken();\n param = csrfParam();\n\n if (token != null && param != null) {\n return $('form input[name=\"' + param + '\"]').forEach(function (input) {\n return input.value = token;\n });\n }\n };\n }).call(this);\n (function () {\n var CustomEvent, fire, matches, preventDefault;\n matches = Rails.matches;\n CustomEvent = window.CustomEvent;\n\n if (typeof CustomEvent !== 'function') {\n CustomEvent = function CustomEvent(event, params) {\n var evt;\n evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');\n evt.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail);\n return evt;\n };\n\n CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype;\n preventDefault = CustomEvent.prototype.preventDefault;\n\n CustomEvent.prototype.preventDefault = function () {\n var result;\n result = preventDefault.call(this);\n\n if (this.cancelable && !this.defaultPrevented) {\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultPrevented', {\n get: function get() {\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n\n return result;\n };\n }\n\n fire = Rails.fire = function (obj, name, data) {\n var event;\n event = new CustomEvent(name, {\n bubbles: true,\n cancelable: true,\n detail: data\n });\n obj.dispatchEvent(event);\n return !event.defaultPrevented;\n };\n\n Rails.stopEverything = function (e) {\n fire(e.target, 'ujs:everythingStopped');\n e.preventDefault();\n e.stopPropagation();\n return e.stopImmediatePropagation();\n };\n\n Rails.delegate = function (element, selector, eventType, handler) {\n return element.addEventListener(eventType, function (e) {\n var target;\n target = e.target;\n\n while (!(!(target instanceof Element) || matches(target, selector))) {\n target = target.parentNode;\n }\n\n if (target instanceof Element && handler.call(target, e) === false) {\n e.preventDefault();\n return e.stopPropagation();\n }\n });\n };\n }).call(this);\n (function () {\n var AcceptHeaders, CSRFProtection, createXHR, cspNonce, fire, prepareOptions, processResponse;\n cspNonce = Rails.cspNonce, CSRFProtection = Rails.CSRFProtection, fire = Rails.fire;\n AcceptHeaders = {\n '*': '*/*',\n text: 'text/plain',\n html: 'text/html',\n xml: 'application/xml, text/xml',\n json: 'application/json, text/javascript',\n script: 'text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript'\n };\n\n Rails.ajax = function (options) {\n var xhr;\n options = prepareOptions(options);\n xhr = createXHR(options, function () {\n var ref, response;\n response = processResponse((ref = xhr.response) != null ? ref : xhr.responseText, xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type'));\n\n if (Math.floor(xhr.status / 100) === 2) {\n if (typeof options.success === \"function\") {\n options.success(response, xhr.statusText, xhr);\n }\n } else {\n if (typeof options.error === \"function\") {\n options.error(response, xhr.statusText, xhr);\n }\n }\n\n return typeof options.complete === \"function\" ? options.complete(xhr, xhr.statusText) : void 0;\n });\n\n if (options.beforeSend != null && !options.beforeSend(xhr, options)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.OPENED) {\n return xhr.send(options.data);\n }\n };\n\n prepareOptions = function prepareOptions(options) {\n options.url = options.url || location.href;\n options.type = options.type.toUpperCase();\n\n if (options.type === 'GET' && options.data) {\n if (options.url.indexOf('?') < 0) {\n options.url += '?' + options.data;\n } else {\n options.url += '&' + options.data;\n }\n }\n\n if (AcceptHeaders[options.dataType] == null) {\n options.dataType = '*';\n }\n\n options.accept = AcceptHeaders[options.dataType];\n\n if (options.dataType !== '*') {\n options.accept += ', */*; q=0.01';\n }\n\n return options;\n };\n\n createXHR = function createXHR(options, done) {\n var xhr;\n xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n xhr.open(options.type, options.url, true);\n xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', options.accept);\n\n if (typeof options.data === 'string') {\n xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');\n }\n\n if (!options.crossDomain) {\n xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');\n }\n\n CSRFProtection(xhr);\n xhr.withCredentials = !!options.withCredentials;\n\n xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {\n if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {\n return done(xhr);\n }\n };\n\n return xhr;\n };\n\n processResponse = function processResponse(response, type) {\n var parser, script;\n\n if (typeof response === 'string' && typeof type === 'string') {\n if (type.match(/\\bjson\\b/)) {\n try {\n response = JSON.parse(response);\n } catch (error) {}\n } else if (type.match(/\\b(?:java|ecma)script\\b/)) {\n script = document.createElement('script');\n script.setAttribute('nonce', cspNonce());\n script.text = response;\n document.head.appendChild(script).parentNode.removeChild(script);\n } else if (type.match(/\\b(xml|html|svg)\\b/)) {\n parser = new DOMParser();\n type = type.replace(/;.+/, '');\n\n try {\n response = parser.parseFromString(response, type);\n } catch (error) {}\n }\n }\n\n return response;\n };\n\n Rails.href = function (element) {\n return element.href;\n };\n\n Rails.isCrossDomain = function (url) {\n var e, originAnchor, urlAnchor;\n originAnchor = document.createElement('a');\n originAnchor.href = location.href;\n urlAnchor = document.createElement('a');\n\n try {\n urlAnchor.href = url;\n return !((!urlAnchor.protocol || urlAnchor.protocol === ':') && !urlAnchor.host || originAnchor.protocol + '//' + originAnchor.host === urlAnchor.protocol + '//' + urlAnchor.host);\n } catch (error) {\n e = error;\n return true;\n }\n };\n }).call(this);\n (function () {\n var matches, toArray;\n matches = Rails.matches;\n\n toArray = function toArray(e) {\n return Array.prototype.slice.call(e);\n };\n\n Rails.serializeElement = function (element, additionalParam) {\n var inputs, params;\n inputs = [element];\n\n if (matches(element, 'form')) {\n inputs = toArray(element.elements);\n }\n\n params = [];\n inputs.forEach(function (input) {\n if (!input.name || input.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (matches(input, 'fieldset[disabled] *')) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (matches(input, 'select')) {\n return toArray(input.options).forEach(function (option) {\n if (option.selected) {\n return params.push({\n name: input.name,\n value: option.value\n });\n }\n });\n } else if (input.checked || ['radio', 'checkbox', 'submit'].indexOf(input.type) === -1) {\n return params.push({\n name: input.name,\n value: input.value\n });\n }\n });\n\n if (additionalParam) {\n params.push(additionalParam);\n }\n\n return params.map(function (param) {\n if (param.name != null) {\n return encodeURIComponent(param.name) + \"=\" + encodeURIComponent(param.value);\n } else {\n return param;\n }\n }).join('&');\n };\n\n Rails.formElements = function (form, selector) {\n if (matches(form, 'form')) {\n return toArray(form.elements).filter(function (el) {\n return matches(el, selector);\n });\n } else {\n return toArray(form.querySelectorAll(selector));\n }\n };\n }).call(this);\n (function () {\n var allowAction, fire, stopEverything;\n fire = Rails.fire, stopEverything = Rails.stopEverything;\n\n Rails.handleConfirm = function (e) {\n if (!allowAction(this)) {\n return stopEverything(e);\n }\n };\n\n Rails.confirm = function (message, element) {\n return confirm(message);\n };\n\n allowAction = function allowAction(element) {\n var answer, callback, message;\n message = element.getAttribute('data-confirm');\n\n if (!message) {\n return true;\n }\n\n answer = false;\n\n if (fire(element, 'confirm')) {\n try {\n answer = Rails.confirm(message, element);\n } catch (error) {}\n\n callback = fire(element, 'confirm:complete', [answer]);\n }\n\n return answer && callback;\n };\n }).call(this);\n (function () {\n var disableFormElement, disableFormElements, disableLinkElement, enableFormElement, enableFormElements, enableLinkElement, formElements, getData, isXhrRedirect, matches, setData, stopEverything;\n matches = Rails.matches, getData = Rails.getData, setData = Rails.setData, stopEverything = Rails.stopEverything, formElements = Rails.formElements;\n\n Rails.handleDisabledElement = function (e) {\n var element;\n element = this;\n\n if (element.disabled) {\n return stopEverything(e);\n }\n };\n\n Rails.enableElement = function (e) {\n var element;\n\n if (e instanceof Event) {\n if (isXhrRedirect(e)) {\n return;\n }\n\n element = e.target;\n } else {\n element = e;\n }\n\n if (matches(element, Rails.linkDisableSelector)) {\n return enableLinkElement(element);\n } else if (matches(element, Rails.buttonDisableSelector) || matches(element, Rails.formEnableSelector)) {\n return enableFormElement(element);\n } else if (matches(element, Rails.formSubmitSelector)) {\n return enableFormElements(element);\n }\n };\n\n Rails.disableElement = function (e) {\n var element;\n element = e instanceof Event ? e.target : e;\n\n if (matches(element, Rails.linkDisableSelector)) {\n return disableLinkElement(element);\n } else if (matches(element, Rails.buttonDisableSelector) || matches(element, Rails.formDisableSelector)) {\n return disableFormElement(element);\n } else if (matches(element, Rails.formSubmitSelector)) {\n return disableFormElements(element);\n }\n };\n\n disableLinkElement = function disableLinkElement(element) {\n var replacement;\n\n if (getData(element, 'ujs:disabled')) {\n return;\n }\n\n replacement = element.getAttribute('data-disable-with');\n\n if (replacement != null) {\n setData(element, 'ujs:enable-with', element.innerHTML);\n element.innerHTML = replacement;\n }\n\n element.addEventListener('click', stopEverything);\n return setData(element, 'ujs:disabled', true);\n };\n\n enableLinkElement = function enableLinkElement(element) {\n var originalText;\n originalText = getData(element, 'ujs:enable-with');\n\n if (originalText != null) {\n element.innerHTML = originalText;\n setData(element, 'ujs:enable-with', null);\n }\n\n element.removeEventListener('click', stopEverything);\n return setData(element, 'ujs:disabled', null);\n };\n\n disableFormElements = function disableFormElements(form) {\n return formElements(form, Rails.formDisableSelector).forEach(disableFormElement);\n };\n\n disableFormElement = function disableFormElement(element) {\n var replacement;\n\n if (getData(element, 'ujs:disabled')) {\n return;\n }\n\n replacement = element.getAttribute('data-disable-with');\n\n if (replacement != null) {\n if (matches(element, 'button')) {\n setData(element, 'ujs:enable-with', element.innerHTML);\n element.innerHTML = replacement;\n } else {\n setData(element, 'ujs:enable-with', element.value);\n element.value = replacement;\n }\n }\n\n element.disabled = true;\n return setData(element, 'ujs:disabled', true);\n };\n\n enableFormElements = function enableFormElements(form) {\n return formElements(form, Rails.formEnableSelector).forEach(enableFormElement);\n };\n\n enableFormElement = function enableFormElement(element) {\n var originalText;\n originalText = getData(element, 'ujs:enable-with');\n\n if (originalText != null) {\n if (matches(element, 'button')) {\n element.innerHTML = originalText;\n } else {\n element.value = originalText;\n }\n\n setData(element, 'ujs:enable-with', null);\n }\n\n element.disabled = false;\n return setData(element, 'ujs:disabled', null);\n };\n\n isXhrRedirect = function isXhrRedirect(event) {\n var ref, xhr;\n xhr = (ref = event.detail) != null ? ref[0] : void 0;\n return (xhr != null ? xhr.getResponseHeader(\"X-Xhr-Redirect\") : void 0) != null;\n };\n }).call(this);\n (function () {\n var stopEverything;\n stopEverything = Rails.stopEverything;\n\n Rails.handleMethod = function (e) {\n var csrfParam, csrfToken, form, formContent, href, link, method;\n link = this;\n method = link.getAttribute('data-method');\n\n if (!method) {\n return;\n }\n\n href = Rails.href(link);\n csrfToken = Rails.csrfToken();\n csrfParam = Rails.csrfParam();\n form = document.createElement('form');\n formContent = \"\";\n\n if (csrfParam != null && csrfToken != null && !Rails.isCrossDomain(href)) {\n formContent += \"\";\n }\n\n formContent += '';\n form.method = 'post';\n form.action = href;\n form.target = link.target;\n form.innerHTML = formContent;\n form.style.display = 'none';\n document.body.appendChild(form);\n form.querySelector('[type=\"submit\"]').click();\n return stopEverything(e);\n };\n }).call(this);\n (function () {\n var ajax,\n fire,\n getData,\n isCrossDomain,\n isRemote,\n matches,\n serializeElement,\n setData,\n stopEverything,\n slice = [].slice;\n matches = Rails.matches, getData = Rails.getData, setData = Rails.setData, fire = Rails.fire, stopEverything = Rails.stopEverything, ajax = Rails.ajax, isCrossDomain = Rails.isCrossDomain, serializeElement = Rails.serializeElement;\n\n isRemote = function isRemote(element) {\n var value;\n value = element.getAttribute('data-remote');\n return value != null && value !== 'false';\n };\n\n Rails.handleRemote = function (e) {\n var button, data, dataType, element, method, url, withCredentials;\n element = this;\n\n if (!isRemote(element)) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (!fire(element, 'ajax:before')) {\n fire(element, 'ajax:stopped');\n return false;\n }\n\n withCredentials = element.getAttribute('data-with-credentials');\n dataType = element.getAttribute('data-type') || 'script';\n\n if (matches(element, Rails.formSubmitSelector)) {\n button = getData(element, 'ujs:submit-button');\n method = getData(element, 'ujs:submit-button-formmethod') || element.method;\n url = getData(element, 'ujs:submit-button-formaction') || element.getAttribute('action') || location.href;\n\n if (method.toUpperCase() === 'GET') {\n url = url.replace(/\\?.*$/, '');\n }\n\n if (element.enctype === 'multipart/form-data') {\n data = new FormData(element);\n\n if (button != null) {\n data.append(button.name, button.value);\n }\n } else {\n data = serializeElement(element, button);\n }\n\n setData(element, 'ujs:submit-button', null);\n setData(element, 'ujs:submit-button-formmethod', null);\n setData(element, 'ujs:submit-button-formaction', null);\n } else if (matches(element, Rails.buttonClickSelector) || matches(element, Rails.inputChangeSelector)) {\n method = element.getAttribute('data-method');\n url = element.getAttribute('data-url');\n data = serializeElement(element, element.getAttribute('data-params'));\n } else {\n method = element.getAttribute('data-method');\n url = Rails.href(element);\n data = element.getAttribute('data-params');\n }\n\n ajax({\n type: method || 'GET',\n url: url,\n data: data,\n dataType: dataType,\n beforeSend: function beforeSend(xhr, options) {\n if (fire(element, 'ajax:beforeSend', [xhr, options])) {\n return fire(element, 'ajax:send', [xhr]);\n } else {\n fire(element, 'ajax:stopped');\n return false;\n }\n },\n success: function success() {\n var args;\n args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];\n return fire(element, 'ajax:success', args);\n },\n error: function error() {\n var args;\n args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];\n return fire(element, 'ajax:error', args);\n },\n complete: function complete() {\n var args;\n args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];\n return fire(element, 'ajax:complete', args);\n },\n crossDomain: isCrossDomain(url),\n withCredentials: withCredentials != null && withCredentials !== 'false'\n });\n return stopEverything(e);\n };\n\n Rails.formSubmitButtonClick = function (e) {\n var button, form;\n button = this;\n form = button.form;\n\n if (!form) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (button.name) {\n setData(form, 'ujs:submit-button', {\n name: button.name,\n value: button.value\n });\n }\n\n setData(form, 'ujs:formnovalidate-button', button.formNoValidate);\n setData(form, 'ujs:submit-button-formaction', button.getAttribute('formaction'));\n return setData(form, 'ujs:submit-button-formmethod', button.getAttribute('formmethod'));\n };\n\n Rails.preventInsignificantClick = function (e) {\n var data, insignificantMetaClick, link, metaClick, method, nonPrimaryMouseClick;\n link = this;\n method = (link.getAttribute('data-method') || 'GET').toUpperCase();\n data = link.getAttribute('data-params');\n metaClick = e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey;\n insignificantMetaClick = metaClick && method === 'GET' && !data;\n nonPrimaryMouseClick = e.button != null && e.button !== 0;\n\n if (nonPrimaryMouseClick || insignificantMetaClick) {\n return e.stopImmediatePropagation();\n }\n };\n }).call(this);\n (function () {\n var $, CSRFProtection, delegate, disableElement, enableElement, fire, formSubmitButtonClick, getData, handleConfirm, handleDisabledElement, handleMethod, handleRemote, loadCSPNonce, preventInsignificantClick, refreshCSRFTokens;\n fire = Rails.fire, delegate = Rails.delegate, getData = Rails.getData, $ = Rails.$, refreshCSRFTokens = Rails.refreshCSRFTokens, CSRFProtection = Rails.CSRFProtection, loadCSPNonce = Rails.loadCSPNonce, enableElement = Rails.enableElement, disableElement = Rails.disableElement, handleDisabledElement = Rails.handleDisabledElement, handleConfirm = Rails.handleConfirm, preventInsignificantClick = Rails.preventInsignificantClick, handleRemote = Rails.handleRemote, formSubmitButtonClick = Rails.formSubmitButtonClick, handleMethod = Rails.handleMethod;\n\n if (typeof jQuery !== \"undefined\" && jQuery !== null && jQuery.ajax != null) {\n if (jQuery.rails) {\n throw new Error('If you load both jquery_ujs and rails-ujs, use rails-ujs only.');\n }\n\n jQuery.rails = Rails;\n jQuery.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {\n if (!options.crossDomain) {\n return CSRFProtection(xhr);\n }\n });\n }\n\n Rails.start = function () {\n if (window._rails_loaded) {\n throw new Error('rails-ujs has already been loaded!');\n }\n\n window.addEventListener('pageshow', function () {\n $(Rails.formEnableSelector).forEach(function (el) {\n if (getData(el, 'ujs:disabled')) {\n return enableElement(el);\n }\n });\n return $(Rails.linkDisableSelector).forEach(function (el) {\n if (getData(el, 'ujs:disabled')) {\n return enableElement(el);\n }\n });\n });\n delegate(document, Rails.linkDisableSelector, 'ajax:complete', enableElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.linkDisableSelector, 'ajax:stopped', enableElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.buttonDisableSelector, 'ajax:complete', enableElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.buttonDisableSelector, 'ajax:stopped', enableElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', preventInsignificantClick);\n delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', handleDisabledElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', handleConfirm);\n delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', disableElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', handleRemote);\n delegate(document, Rails.linkClickSelector, 'click', handleMethod);\n delegate(document, Rails.buttonClickSelector, 'click', preventInsignificantClick);\n delegate(document, Rails.buttonClickSelector, 'click', handleDisabledElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.buttonClickSelector, 'click', handleConfirm);\n delegate(document, Rails.buttonClickSelector, 'click', disableElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.buttonClickSelector, 'click', handleRemote);\n delegate(document, Rails.inputChangeSelector, 'change', handleDisabledElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.inputChangeSelector, 'change', handleConfirm);\n delegate(document, Rails.inputChangeSelector, 'change', handleRemote);\n delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit', handleDisabledElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit', handleConfirm);\n delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit', handleRemote);\n delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit', function (e) {\n return setTimeout(function () {\n return disableElement(e);\n }, 13);\n });\n delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'ajax:send', disableElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.formSubmitSelector, 'ajax:complete', enableElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.formInputClickSelector, 'click', preventInsignificantClick);\n delegate(document, Rails.formInputClickSelector, 'click', handleDisabledElement);\n delegate(document, Rails.formInputClickSelector, 'click', handleConfirm);\n delegate(document, Rails.formInputClickSelector, 'click', formSubmitButtonClick);\n document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', refreshCSRFTokens);\n document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loadCSPNonce);\n return window._rails_loaded = true;\n };\n\n if (window.Rails === Rails && fire(document, 'rails:attachBindings')) {\n Rails.start();\n }\n }).call(this);\n }).call(this);\n\n if ((typeof module === \"undefined\" ? \"undefined\" : _typeof(module)) === \"object\" && module.exports) {\n module.exports = Rails;\n } else if (typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd) {\n define(Rails);\n }\n}).call(this);","export { Application } from \"./src/application\";\nexport { Context } from \"./src/context\";\nexport { Controller } from \"./src/controller\";\nexport { defaultSchema } from \"./src/schema\";","import { parseDescriptorString, stringifyEventTarget } from \"./action_descriptor\";\n\nvar Action =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function Action(element, index, descriptor) {\n this.element = element;\n this.index = index;\n this.eventTarget = descriptor.eventTarget || element;\n this.eventName = descriptor.eventName || getDefaultEventNameForElement(element) || error(\"missing event name\");\n this.identifier = descriptor.identifier || error(\"missing identifier\");\n this.methodName = descriptor.methodName || error(\"missing method name\");\n }\n\n Action.forToken = function (token) {\n return new this(token.element, token.index, parseDescriptorString(token.content));\n };\n\n Action.prototype.toString = function () {\n var eventNameSuffix = this.eventTargetName ? \"@\" + this.eventTargetName : \"\";\n return \"\" + this.eventName + eventNameSuffix + \"->\" + this.identifier + \"#\" + this.methodName;\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(Action.prototype, \"eventTargetName\", {\n get: function get() {\n return stringifyEventTarget(this.eventTarget);\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Action;\n}();\n\nexport { Action };\nvar defaultEventNames = {\n \"a\": function a(e) {\n return \"click\";\n },\n \"button\": function button(e) {\n return \"click\";\n },\n \"form\": function form(e) {\n return \"submit\";\n },\n \"input\": function input(e) {\n return e.getAttribute(\"type\") == \"submit\" ? \"click\" : \"change\";\n },\n \"select\": function select(e) {\n return \"change\";\n },\n \"textarea\": function textarea(e) {\n return \"change\";\n }\n};\nexport function getDefaultEventNameForElement(element) {\n var tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();\n\n if (tagName in defaultEventNames) {\n return defaultEventNames[tagName](element);\n }\n}\n\nfunction error(message) {\n throw new Error(message);\n}","// capture nos.: 12 23 4 43 1 5 56 7 76\nvar descriptorPattern = /^((.+?)(@(window|document))?->)?(.+?)(#(.+))?$/;\nexport function parseDescriptorString(descriptorString) {\n var source = descriptorString.trim();\n var matches = source.match(descriptorPattern) || [];\n return {\n eventTarget: parseEventTarget(matches[4]),\n eventName: matches[2],\n identifier: matches[5],\n methodName: matches[7]\n };\n}\n\nfunction parseEventTarget(eventTargetName) {\n if (eventTargetName == \"window\") {\n return window;\n } else if (eventTargetName == \"document\") {\n return document;\n }\n}\n\nexport function stringifyEventTarget(eventTarget) {\n if (eventTarget == window) {\n return \"window\";\n } else if (eventTarget == document) {\n return \"document\";\n }\n}","var __awaiter = this && this.__awaiter || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\n function fulfilled(value) {\n try {\n step(generator.next(value));\n } catch (e) {\n reject(e);\n }\n }\n\n function rejected(value) {\n try {\n step(generator[\"throw\"](value));\n } catch (e) {\n reject(e);\n }\n }\n\n function step(result) {\n result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) {\n resolve(result.value);\n }).then(fulfilled, rejected);\n }\n\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\n });\n};\n\nvar __generator = this && this.__generator || function (thisArg, body) {\n var _ = {\n label: 0,\n sent: function sent() {\n if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1];\n return t[1];\n },\n trys: [],\n ops: []\n },\n f,\n y,\n t,\n g;\n return g = {\n next: verb(0),\n \"throw\": verb(1),\n \"return\": verb(2)\n }, typeof Symbol === \"function\" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function () {\n return this;\n }), g;\n\n function verb(n) {\n return function (v) {\n return step([n, v]);\n };\n }\n\n function step(op) {\n if (f) throw new TypeError(\"Generator is already executing.\");\n\n while (_) {\n try {\n if (f = 1, y && (t = y[op[0] & 2 ? \"return\" : op[0] ? \"throw\" : \"next\"]) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;\n if (y = 0, t) op = [0, t.value];\n\n switch (op[0]) {\n case 0:\n case 1:\n t = op;\n break;\n\n case 4:\n _.label++;\n return {\n value: op[1],\n done: false\n };\n\n case 5:\n _.label++;\n y = op[1];\n op = [0];\n continue;\n\n case 7:\n op = _.ops.pop();\n\n _.trys.pop();\n\n continue;\n\n default:\n if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) {\n _ = 0;\n continue;\n }\n\n if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) {\n _.label = op[1];\n break;\n }\n\n if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) {\n _.label = t[1];\n t = op;\n break;\n }\n\n if (t && _.label < t[2]) {\n _.label = t[2];\n\n _.ops.push(op);\n\n break;\n }\n\n if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();\n\n _.trys.pop();\n\n continue;\n }\n\n op = body.call(thisArg, _);\n } catch (e) {\n op = [6, e];\n y = 0;\n } finally {\n f = t = 0;\n }\n }\n\n if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1];\n return {\n value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0,\n done: true\n };\n }\n};\n\nimport { Dispatcher } from \"./dispatcher\";\nimport { Router } from \"./router\";\nimport { defaultSchema } from \"./schema\";\n\nvar Application =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function Application(element, schema) {\n if (element === void 0) {\n element = document.documentElement;\n }\n\n if (schema === void 0) {\n schema = defaultSchema;\n }\n\n this.element = element;\n this.schema = schema;\n this.dispatcher = new Dispatcher(this);\n this.router = new Router(this);\n }\n\n Application.start = function (element, schema) {\n var application = new Application(element, schema);\n application.start();\n return application;\n };\n\n Application.prototype.start = function () {\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {\n return __generator(this, function (_a) {\n switch (_a.label) {\n case 0:\n return [4\n /*yield*/\n , domReady()];\n\n case 1:\n _a.sent();\n\n this.router.start();\n this.dispatcher.start();\n return [2\n /*return*/\n ];\n }\n });\n });\n };\n\n Application.prototype.stop = function () {\n this.router.stop();\n this.dispatcher.stop();\n };\n\n Application.prototype.register = function (identifier, controllerConstructor) {\n this.load({\n identifier: identifier,\n controllerConstructor: controllerConstructor\n });\n };\n\n Application.prototype.load = function (head) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var rest = [];\n\n for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];\n }\n\n var definitions = Array.isArray(head) ? head : [head].concat(rest);\n definitions.forEach(function (definition) {\n return _this.router.loadDefinition(definition);\n });\n };\n\n Application.prototype.unload = function (head) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var rest = [];\n\n for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];\n }\n\n var identifiers = Array.isArray(head) ? head : [head].concat(rest);\n identifiers.forEach(function (identifier) {\n return _this.router.unloadIdentifier(identifier);\n });\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(Application.prototype, \"controllers\", {\n // Controllers\n get: function get() {\n return this.router.contexts.map(function (context) {\n return context.controller;\n });\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n Application.prototype.getControllerForElementAndIdentifier = function (element, identifier) {\n var context = this.router.getContextForElementAndIdentifier(element, identifier);\n return context ? context.controller : null;\n }; // Error handling\n\n\n Application.prototype.handleError = function (error, message, detail) {\n console.error(\"%s\\n\\n%o\\n\\n%o\", message, error, detail);\n };\n\n return Application;\n}();\n\nexport { Application };\n\nfunction domReady() {\n return new Promise(function (resolve) {\n if (document.readyState == \"loading\") {\n document.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", resolve);\n } else {\n resolve();\n }\n });\n}","var Binding =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function Binding(context, action) {\n this.context = context;\n this.action = action;\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, \"index\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.action.index;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, \"eventTarget\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.action.eventTarget;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, \"identifier\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.context.identifier;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n Binding.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {\n if (this.willBeInvokedByEvent(event)) {\n this.invokeWithEvent(event);\n }\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, \"eventName\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.action.eventName;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, \"method\", {\n get: function get() {\n var method = this.controller[this.methodName];\n\n if (typeof method == \"function\") {\n return method;\n }\n\n throw new Error(\"Action \\\"\" + this.action + \"\\\" references undefined method \\\"\" + this.methodName + \"\\\"\");\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n Binding.prototype.invokeWithEvent = function (event) {\n try {\n this.method.call(this.controller, event);\n } catch (error) {\n var _a = this,\n identifier = _a.identifier,\n controller = _a.controller,\n element = _a.element,\n index = _a.index;\n\n var detail = {\n identifier: identifier,\n controller: controller,\n element: element,\n index: index,\n event: event\n };\n this.context.handleError(error, \"invoking action \\\"\" + this.action + \"\\\"\", detail);\n }\n };\n\n Binding.prototype.willBeInvokedByEvent = function (event) {\n var eventTarget = event.target;\n\n if (this.element === eventTarget) {\n return true;\n } else if (eventTarget instanceof Element && this.element.contains(eventTarget)) {\n return this.scope.containsElement(eventTarget);\n } else {\n return true;\n }\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, \"controller\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.context.controller;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, \"methodName\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.action.methodName;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, \"element\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.scope.element;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Binding.prototype, \"scope\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.context.scope;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Binding;\n}();\n\nexport { Binding };","import { Action } from \"./action\";\nimport { Binding } from \"./binding\";\nimport { ValueListObserver } from \"@stimulus/mutation-observers\";\n\nvar BindingObserver =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function BindingObserver(context, delegate) {\n this.context = context;\n this.delegate = delegate;\n this.bindingsByAction = new Map();\n }\n\n BindingObserver.prototype.start = function () {\n if (!this.valueListObserver) {\n this.valueListObserver = new ValueListObserver(this.element, this.actionAttribute, this);\n this.valueListObserver.start();\n }\n };\n\n BindingObserver.prototype.stop = function () {\n if (this.valueListObserver) {\n this.valueListObserver.stop();\n delete this.valueListObserver;\n this.disconnectAllActions();\n }\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(BindingObserver.prototype, \"element\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.context.element;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(BindingObserver.prototype, \"identifier\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.context.identifier;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(BindingObserver.prototype, \"actionAttribute\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.schema.actionAttribute;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(BindingObserver.prototype, \"schema\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.context.schema;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(BindingObserver.prototype, \"bindings\", {\n get: function get() {\n return Array.from(this.bindingsByAction.values());\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n BindingObserver.prototype.connectAction = function (action) {\n var binding = new Binding(this.context, action);\n this.bindingsByAction.set(action, binding);\n this.delegate.bindingConnected(binding);\n };\n\n BindingObserver.prototype.disconnectAction = function (action) {\n var binding = this.bindingsByAction.get(action);\n\n if (binding) {\n this.bindingsByAction[\"delete\"](action);\n this.delegate.bindingDisconnected(binding);\n }\n };\n\n BindingObserver.prototype.disconnectAllActions = function () {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.bindings.forEach(function (binding) {\n return _this.delegate.bindingDisconnected(binding);\n });\n this.bindingsByAction.clear();\n }; // Value observer delegate\n\n\n BindingObserver.prototype.parseValueForToken = function (token) {\n var action = Action.forToken(token);\n\n if (action.identifier == this.identifier) {\n return action;\n }\n };\n\n BindingObserver.prototype.elementMatchedValue = function (element, action) {\n this.connectAction(action);\n };\n\n BindingObserver.prototype.elementUnmatchedValue = function (element, action) {\n this.disconnectAction(action);\n };\n\n return BindingObserver;\n}();\n\nexport { BindingObserver };","import { BindingObserver } from \"./binding_observer\";\n\nvar Context =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function Context(module, scope) {\n this.module = module;\n this.scope = scope;\n this.controller = new module.controllerConstructor(this);\n this.bindingObserver = new BindingObserver(this, this.dispatcher);\n\n try {\n this.controller.initialize();\n } catch (error) {\n this.handleError(error, \"initializing controller\");\n }\n }\n\n Context.prototype.connect = function () {\n this.bindingObserver.start();\n\n try {\n this.controller.connect();\n } catch (error) {\n this.handleError(error, \"connecting controller\");\n }\n };\n\n Context.prototype.disconnect = function () {\n try {\n this.controller.disconnect();\n } catch (error) {\n this.handleError(error, \"disconnecting controller\");\n }\n\n this.bindingObserver.stop();\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, \"application\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.module.application;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, \"identifier\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.module.identifier;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, \"schema\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.application.schema;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, \"dispatcher\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.application.dispatcher;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, \"element\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.scope.element;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Context.prototype, \"parentElement\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.element.parentElement;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n }); // Error handling\n\n Context.prototype.handleError = function (error, message, detail) {\n if (detail === void 0) {\n detail = {};\n }\n\n var _a = this,\n identifier = _a.identifier,\n controller = _a.controller,\n element = _a.element;\n\n detail = Object.assign({\n identifier: identifier,\n controller: controller,\n element: element\n }, detail);\n this.application.handleError(error, \"Error \" + message, detail);\n };\n\n return Context;\n}();\n\nexport { Context };","import { defineTargetProperties } from \"./target_properties\";\n\nvar Controller =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function Controller(context) {\n this.context = context;\n }\n\n Controller.bless = function () {\n defineTargetProperties(this);\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, \"application\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.context.application;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, \"scope\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.context.scope;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, \"element\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.scope.element;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, \"identifier\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.scope.identifier;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, \"targets\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.scope.targets;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Controller.prototype, \"data\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.scope.data;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n Controller.prototype.initialize = function () {// Override in your subclass to set up initial controller state\n };\n\n Controller.prototype.connect = function () {// Override in your subclass to respond when the controller is connected to the DOM\n };\n\n Controller.prototype.disconnect = function () {// Override in your subclass to respond when the controller is disconnected from the DOM\n };\n\n Controller.targets = [];\n return Controller;\n}();\n\nexport { Controller };","var DataMap =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function DataMap(scope) {\n this.scope = scope;\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(DataMap.prototype, \"element\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.scope.element;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(DataMap.prototype, \"identifier\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.scope.identifier;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n DataMap.prototype.get = function (key) {\n key = this.getFormattedKey(key);\n return this.element.getAttribute(key);\n };\n\n DataMap.prototype.set = function (key, value) {\n key = this.getFormattedKey(key);\n this.element.setAttribute(key, value);\n return this.get(key);\n };\n\n DataMap.prototype.has = function (key) {\n key = this.getFormattedKey(key);\n return this.element.hasAttribute(key);\n };\n\n DataMap.prototype[\"delete\"] = function (key) {\n if (this.has(key)) {\n key = this.getFormattedKey(key);\n this.element.removeAttribute(key);\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n };\n\n DataMap.prototype.getFormattedKey = function (key) {\n return \"data-\" + this.identifier + \"-\" + dasherize(key);\n };\n\n return DataMap;\n}();\n\nexport { DataMap };\n\nfunction dasherize(value) {\n return value.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (_, _char) {\n return \"-\" + _char.toLowerCase();\n });\n}","var __extends = this && this.__extends || function () {\n var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || {\n __proto__: []\n } instanceof Array && function (d, b) {\n d.__proto__ = b;\n } || function (d, b) {\n for (var p in b) {\n if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];\n }\n };\n\n return function (d, b) {\n extendStatics(d, b);\n\n function __() {\n this.constructor = d;\n }\n\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n}();\n/** @hidden */\n\n\nexport function blessDefinition(definition) {\n return {\n identifier: definition.identifier,\n controllerConstructor: blessControllerConstructor(definition.controllerConstructor)\n };\n}\n\nfunction blessControllerConstructor(controllerConstructor) {\n var constructor = extend(controllerConstructor);\n constructor.bless();\n return constructor;\n}\n\nvar extend = function () {\n function extendWithReflect(constructor) {\n function Controller() {\n var _newTarget = this && this instanceof Controller ? this.constructor : void 0;\n\n return Reflect.construct(constructor, arguments, _newTarget);\n }\n\n Controller.prototype = Object.create(constructor.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: Controller\n }\n });\n Reflect.setPrototypeOf(Controller, constructor);\n return Controller;\n }\n\n function testReflectExtension() {\n var a = function a() {\n this.a.call(this);\n };\n\n var b = extendWithReflect(a);\n\n b.prototype.a = function () {};\n\n return new b();\n }\n\n try {\n testReflectExtension();\n return extendWithReflect;\n } catch (error) {\n return function (constructor) {\n return (\n /** @class */\n function (_super) {\n __extends(Controller, _super);\n\n function Controller() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n\n return Controller;\n }(constructor)\n );\n };\n }\n}();","import { EventListener } from \"./event_listener\";\n\nvar Dispatcher =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function Dispatcher(application) {\n this.application = application;\n this.eventListenerMaps = new Map();\n this.started = false;\n }\n\n Dispatcher.prototype.start = function () {\n if (!this.started) {\n this.started = true;\n this.eventListeners.forEach(function (eventListener) {\n return eventListener.connect();\n });\n }\n };\n\n Dispatcher.prototype.stop = function () {\n if (this.started) {\n this.started = false;\n this.eventListeners.forEach(function (eventListener) {\n return eventListener.disconnect();\n });\n }\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(Dispatcher.prototype, \"eventListeners\", {\n get: function get() {\n return Array.from(this.eventListenerMaps.values()).reduce(function (listeners, map) {\n return listeners.concat(Array.from(map.values()));\n }, []);\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n }); // Binding observer delegate\n\n /** @hidden */\n\n Dispatcher.prototype.bindingConnected = function (binding) {\n this.fetchEventListenerForBinding(binding).bindingConnected(binding);\n };\n /** @hidden */\n\n\n Dispatcher.prototype.bindingDisconnected = function (binding) {\n this.fetchEventListenerForBinding(binding).bindingDisconnected(binding);\n }; // Error handling\n\n\n Dispatcher.prototype.handleError = function (error, message, detail) {\n if (detail === void 0) {\n detail = {};\n }\n\n this.application.handleError(error, \"Error \" + message, detail);\n };\n\n Dispatcher.prototype.fetchEventListenerForBinding = function (binding) {\n var eventTarget = binding.eventTarget,\n eventName = binding.eventName;\n return this.fetchEventListener(eventTarget, eventName);\n };\n\n Dispatcher.prototype.fetchEventListener = function (eventTarget, eventName) {\n var eventListenerMap = this.fetchEventListenerMapForEventTarget(eventTarget);\n var eventListener = eventListenerMap.get(eventName);\n\n if (!eventListener) {\n eventListener = this.createEventListener(eventTarget, eventName);\n eventListenerMap.set(eventName, eventListener);\n }\n\n return eventListener;\n };\n\n Dispatcher.prototype.createEventListener = function (eventTarget, eventName) {\n var eventListener = new EventListener(eventTarget, eventName);\n\n if (this.started) {\n eventListener.connect();\n }\n\n return eventListener;\n };\n\n Dispatcher.prototype.fetchEventListenerMapForEventTarget = function (eventTarget) {\n var eventListenerMap = this.eventListenerMaps.get(eventTarget);\n\n if (!eventListenerMap) {\n eventListenerMap = new Map();\n this.eventListenerMaps.set(eventTarget, eventListenerMap);\n }\n\n return eventListenerMap;\n };\n\n return Dispatcher;\n}();\n\nexport { Dispatcher };","var EventListener =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function EventListener(eventTarget, eventName) {\n this.eventTarget = eventTarget;\n this.eventName = eventName;\n this.unorderedBindings = new Set();\n }\n\n EventListener.prototype.connect = function () {\n this.eventTarget.addEventListener(this.eventName, this, false);\n };\n\n EventListener.prototype.disconnect = function () {\n this.eventTarget.removeEventListener(this.eventName, this, false);\n }; // Binding observer delegate\n\n /** @hidden */\n\n\n EventListener.prototype.bindingConnected = function (binding) {\n this.unorderedBindings.add(binding);\n };\n /** @hidden */\n\n\n EventListener.prototype.bindingDisconnected = function (binding) {\n this.unorderedBindings[\"delete\"](binding);\n };\n\n EventListener.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {\n var extendedEvent = extendEvent(event);\n\n for (var _i = 0, _a = this.bindings; _i < _a.length; _i++) {\n var binding = _a[_i];\n\n if (extendedEvent.immediatePropagationStopped) {\n break;\n } else {\n binding.handleEvent(extendedEvent);\n }\n }\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(EventListener.prototype, \"bindings\", {\n get: function get() {\n return Array.from(this.unorderedBindings).sort(function (left, right) {\n var leftIndex = left.index,\n rightIndex = right.index;\n return leftIndex < rightIndex ? -1 : leftIndex > rightIndex ? 1 : 0;\n });\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n return EventListener;\n}();\n\nexport { EventListener };\n\nfunction extendEvent(event) {\n if (\"immediatePropagationStopped\" in event) {\n return event;\n } else {\n var stopImmediatePropagation_1 = event.stopImmediatePropagation;\n return Object.assign(event, {\n immediatePropagationStopped: false,\n stopImmediatePropagation: function stopImmediatePropagation() {\n this.immediatePropagationStopped = true;\n stopImmediatePropagation_1.call(this);\n }\n });\n }\n}","import { Context } from \"./context\";\nimport { blessDefinition } from \"./definition\";\n\nvar Module =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function Module(application, definition) {\n this.application = application;\n this.definition = blessDefinition(definition);\n this.contextsByScope = new WeakMap();\n this.connectedContexts = new Set();\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, \"identifier\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.definition.identifier;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, \"controllerConstructor\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.definition.controllerConstructor;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Module.prototype, \"contexts\", {\n get: function get() {\n return Array.from(this.connectedContexts);\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n Module.prototype.connectContextForScope = function (scope) {\n var context = this.fetchContextForScope(scope);\n this.connectedContexts.add(context);\n context.connect();\n };\n\n Module.prototype.disconnectContextForScope = function (scope) {\n var context = this.contextsByScope.get(scope);\n\n if (context) {\n this.connectedContexts[\"delete\"](context);\n context.disconnect();\n }\n };\n\n Module.prototype.fetchContextForScope = function (scope) {\n var context = this.contextsByScope.get(scope);\n\n if (!context) {\n context = new Context(this, scope);\n this.contextsByScope.set(scope, context);\n }\n\n return context;\n };\n\n return Module;\n}();\n\nexport { Module };","import { Module } from \"./module\";\nimport { Multimap } from \"@stimulus/multimap\";\nimport { ScopeObserver } from \"./scope_observer\";\n\nvar Router =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function Router(application) {\n this.application = application;\n this.scopeObserver = new ScopeObserver(this.element, this.schema, this);\n this.scopesByIdentifier = new Multimap();\n this.modulesByIdentifier = new Map();\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype, \"element\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.application.element;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype, \"schema\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.application.schema;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype, \"controllerAttribute\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.schema.controllerAttribute;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype, \"modules\", {\n get: function get() {\n return Array.from(this.modulesByIdentifier.values());\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Router.prototype, \"contexts\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.modules.reduce(function (contexts, module) {\n return contexts.concat(module.contexts);\n }, []);\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n Router.prototype.start = function () {\n this.scopeObserver.start();\n };\n\n Router.prototype.stop = function () {\n this.scopeObserver.stop();\n };\n\n Router.prototype.loadDefinition = function (definition) {\n this.unloadIdentifier(definition.identifier);\n var module = new Module(this.application, definition);\n this.connectModule(module);\n };\n\n Router.prototype.unloadIdentifier = function (identifier) {\n var module = this.modulesByIdentifier.get(identifier);\n\n if (module) {\n this.disconnectModule(module);\n }\n };\n\n Router.prototype.getContextForElementAndIdentifier = function (element, identifier) {\n var module = this.modulesByIdentifier.get(identifier);\n\n if (module) {\n return module.contexts.find(function (context) {\n return context.element == element;\n });\n }\n }; // Error handler delegate\n\n /** @hidden */\n\n\n Router.prototype.handleError = function (error, message, detail) {\n this.application.handleError(error, message, detail);\n }; // Scope observer delegate\n\n /** @hidden */\n\n\n Router.prototype.scopeConnected = function (scope) {\n this.scopesByIdentifier.add(scope.identifier, scope);\n var module = this.modulesByIdentifier.get(scope.identifier);\n\n if (module) {\n module.connectContextForScope(scope);\n }\n };\n /** @hidden */\n\n\n Router.prototype.scopeDisconnected = function (scope) {\n this.scopesByIdentifier[\"delete\"](scope.identifier, scope);\n var module = this.modulesByIdentifier.get(scope.identifier);\n\n if (module) {\n module.disconnectContextForScope(scope);\n }\n }; // Modules\n\n\n Router.prototype.connectModule = function (module) {\n this.modulesByIdentifier.set(module.identifier, module);\n var scopes = this.scopesByIdentifier.getValuesForKey(module.identifier);\n scopes.forEach(function (scope) {\n return module.connectContextForScope(scope);\n });\n };\n\n Router.prototype.disconnectModule = function (module) {\n this.modulesByIdentifier[\"delete\"](module.identifier);\n var scopes = this.scopesByIdentifier.getValuesForKey(module.identifier);\n scopes.forEach(function (scope) {\n return module.disconnectContextForScope(scope);\n });\n };\n\n return Router;\n}();\n\nexport { Router };","export var defaultSchema = {\n controllerAttribute: \"data-controller\",\n actionAttribute: \"data-action\",\n targetAttribute: \"data-target\"\n};","import { DataMap } from \"./data_map\";\nimport { TargetSet } from \"./target_set\";\nimport { attributeValueContainsToken } from \"./selectors\";\n\nvar Scope =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function Scope(schema, identifier, element) {\n this.schema = schema;\n this.identifier = identifier;\n this.element = element;\n this.targets = new TargetSet(this);\n this.data = new DataMap(this);\n }\n\n Scope.prototype.findElement = function (selector) {\n return this.findAllElements(selector)[0];\n };\n\n Scope.prototype.findAllElements = function (selector) {\n var head = this.element.matches(selector) ? [this.element] : [];\n var tail = this.filterElements(Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll(selector)));\n return head.concat(tail);\n };\n\n Scope.prototype.filterElements = function (elements) {\n var _this = this;\n\n return elements.filter(function (element) {\n return _this.containsElement(element);\n });\n };\n\n Scope.prototype.containsElement = function (element) {\n return element.closest(this.controllerSelector) === this.element;\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(Scope.prototype, \"controllerSelector\", {\n get: function get() {\n return attributeValueContainsToken(this.schema.controllerAttribute, this.identifier);\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n return Scope;\n}();\n\nexport { Scope };","import { Scope } from \"./scope\";\nimport { ValueListObserver } from \"@stimulus/mutation-observers\";\n\nvar ScopeObserver =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function ScopeObserver(element, schema, delegate) {\n this.element = element;\n this.schema = schema;\n this.delegate = delegate;\n this.valueListObserver = new ValueListObserver(this.element, this.controllerAttribute, this);\n this.scopesByIdentifierByElement = new WeakMap();\n this.scopeReferenceCounts = new WeakMap();\n }\n\n ScopeObserver.prototype.start = function () {\n this.valueListObserver.start();\n };\n\n ScopeObserver.prototype.stop = function () {\n this.valueListObserver.stop();\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(ScopeObserver.prototype, \"controllerAttribute\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.schema.controllerAttribute;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n }); // Value observer delegate\n\n /** @hidden */\n\n ScopeObserver.prototype.parseValueForToken = function (token) {\n var element = token.element,\n identifier = token.content;\n var scopesByIdentifier = this.fetchScopesByIdentifierForElement(element);\n var scope = scopesByIdentifier.get(identifier);\n\n if (!scope) {\n scope = new Scope(this.schema, identifier, element);\n scopesByIdentifier.set(identifier, scope);\n }\n\n return scope;\n };\n /** @hidden */\n\n\n ScopeObserver.prototype.elementMatchedValue = function (element, value) {\n var referenceCount = (this.scopeReferenceCounts.get(value) || 0) + 1;\n this.scopeReferenceCounts.set(value, referenceCount);\n\n if (referenceCount == 1) {\n this.delegate.scopeConnected(value);\n }\n };\n /** @hidden */\n\n\n ScopeObserver.prototype.elementUnmatchedValue = function (element, value) {\n var referenceCount = this.scopeReferenceCounts.get(value);\n\n if (referenceCount) {\n this.scopeReferenceCounts.set(value, referenceCount - 1);\n\n if (referenceCount == 1) {\n this.delegate.scopeDisconnected(value);\n }\n }\n };\n\n ScopeObserver.prototype.fetchScopesByIdentifierForElement = function (element) {\n var scopesByIdentifier = this.scopesByIdentifierByElement.get(element);\n\n if (!scopesByIdentifier) {\n scopesByIdentifier = new Map();\n this.scopesByIdentifierByElement.set(element, scopesByIdentifier);\n }\n\n return scopesByIdentifier;\n };\n\n return ScopeObserver;\n}();\n\nexport { ScopeObserver };","/** @hidden */\nexport function attributeValueContainsToken(attributeName, token) {\n return \"[\" + attributeName + \"~=\\\"\" + token + \"\\\"]\";\n}","/** @hidden */\nexport function defineTargetProperties(constructor) {\n var prototype = constructor.prototype;\n var targetNames = getTargetNamesForConstructor(constructor);\n targetNames.forEach(function (name) {\n var _a;\n\n return defineLinkedProperties(prototype, (_a = {}, _a[name + \"Target\"] = {\n get: function get() {\n var target = this.targets.find(name);\n\n if (target) {\n return target;\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Missing target element \\\"\" + this.identifier + \".\" + name + \"\\\"\");\n }\n }\n }, _a[name + \"Targets\"] = {\n get: function get() {\n return this.targets.findAll(name);\n }\n }, _a[\"has\" + capitalize(name) + \"Target\"] = {\n get: function get() {\n return this.targets.has(name);\n }\n }, _a));\n });\n}\n\nfunction getTargetNamesForConstructor(constructor) {\n var ancestors = getAncestorsForConstructor(constructor);\n return Array.from(ancestors.reduce(function (targetNames, constructor) {\n getOwnTargetNamesForConstructor(constructor).forEach(function (name) {\n return targetNames.add(name);\n });\n return targetNames;\n }, new Set()));\n}\n\nfunction getAncestorsForConstructor(constructor) {\n var ancestors = [];\n\n while (constructor) {\n ancestors.push(constructor);\n constructor = Object.getPrototypeOf(constructor);\n }\n\n return ancestors;\n}\n\nfunction getOwnTargetNamesForConstructor(constructor) {\n var definition = constructor[\"targets\"];\n return Array.isArray(definition) ? definition : [];\n}\n\nfunction defineLinkedProperties(object, properties) {\n Object.keys(properties).forEach(function (name) {\n if (!(name in object)) {\n var descriptor = properties[name];\n Object.defineProperty(object, name, descriptor);\n }\n });\n}\n\nfunction capitalize(name) {\n return name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);\n}","import { attributeValueContainsToken } from \"./selectors\";\n\nvar TargetSet =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function TargetSet(scope) {\n this.scope = scope;\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(TargetSet.prototype, \"element\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.scope.element;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(TargetSet.prototype, \"identifier\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.scope.identifier;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(TargetSet.prototype, \"schema\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.scope.schema;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n TargetSet.prototype.has = function (targetName) {\n return this.find(targetName) != null;\n };\n\n TargetSet.prototype.find = function () {\n var targetNames = [];\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n targetNames[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n\n var selector = this.getSelectorForTargetNames(targetNames);\n return this.scope.findElement(selector);\n };\n\n TargetSet.prototype.findAll = function () {\n var targetNames = [];\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\n targetNames[_i] = arguments[_i];\n }\n\n var selector = this.getSelectorForTargetNames(targetNames);\n return this.scope.findAllElements(selector);\n };\n\n TargetSet.prototype.getSelectorForTargetNames = function (targetNames) {\n var _this = this;\n\n return targetNames.map(function (targetName) {\n return _this.getSelectorForTargetName(targetName);\n }).join(\", \");\n };\n\n TargetSet.prototype.getSelectorForTargetName = function (targetName) {\n var targetDescriptor = this.identifier + \".\" + targetName;\n return attributeValueContainsToken(this.schema.targetAttribute, targetDescriptor);\n };\n\n return TargetSet;\n}();\n\nexport { TargetSet };","export * from \"./src/multimap\";\nexport * from \"./src/indexed_multimap\";","var __extends = this && this.__extends || function () {\n var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || {\n __proto__: []\n } instanceof Array && function (d, b) {\n d.__proto__ = b;\n } || function (d, b) {\n for (var p in b) {\n if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];\n }\n };\n\n return function (d, b) {\n extendStatics(d, b);\n\n function __() {\n this.constructor = d;\n }\n\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n}();\n\nimport { Multimap } from \"./multimap\";\nimport { add, del } from \"./set_operations\";\n\nvar IndexedMultimap =\n/** @class */\nfunction (_super) {\n __extends(IndexedMultimap, _super);\n\n function IndexedMultimap() {\n var _this = _super.call(this) || this;\n\n _this.keysByValue = new Map();\n return _this;\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(IndexedMultimap.prototype, \"values\", {\n get: function get() {\n return Array.from(this.keysByValue.keys());\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n IndexedMultimap.prototype.add = function (key, value) {\n _super.prototype.add.call(this, key, value);\n\n add(this.keysByValue, value, key);\n };\n\n IndexedMultimap.prototype[\"delete\"] = function (key, value) {\n _super.prototype[\"delete\"].call(this, key, value);\n\n del(this.keysByValue, value, key);\n };\n\n IndexedMultimap.prototype.hasValue = function (value) {\n return this.keysByValue.has(value);\n };\n\n IndexedMultimap.prototype.getKeysForValue = function (value) {\n var set = this.keysByValue.get(value);\n return set ? Array.from(set) : [];\n };\n\n return IndexedMultimap;\n}(Multimap);\n\nexport { IndexedMultimap };","import { add, del } from \"./set_operations\";\n\nvar Multimap =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function Multimap() {\n this.valuesByKey = new Map();\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(Multimap.prototype, \"values\", {\n get: function get() {\n var sets = Array.from(this.valuesByKey.values());\n return sets.reduce(function (values, set) {\n return values.concat(Array.from(set));\n }, []);\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(Multimap.prototype, \"size\", {\n get: function get() {\n var sets = Array.from(this.valuesByKey.values());\n return sets.reduce(function (size, set) {\n return size + set.size;\n }, 0);\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n Multimap.prototype.add = function (key, value) {\n add(this.valuesByKey, key, value);\n };\n\n Multimap.prototype[\"delete\"] = function (key, value) {\n del(this.valuesByKey, key, value);\n };\n\n Multimap.prototype.has = function (key, value) {\n var values = this.valuesByKey.get(key);\n return values != null && values.has(value);\n };\n\n Multimap.prototype.hasKey = function (key) {\n return this.valuesByKey.has(key);\n };\n\n Multimap.prototype.hasValue = function (value) {\n var sets = Array.from(this.valuesByKey.values());\n return sets.some(function (set) {\n return set.has(value);\n });\n };\n\n Multimap.prototype.getValuesForKey = function (key) {\n var values = this.valuesByKey.get(key);\n return values ? Array.from(values) : [];\n };\n\n Multimap.prototype.getKeysForValue = function (value) {\n return Array.from(this.valuesByKey).filter(function (_a) {\n var key = _a[0],\n values = _a[1];\n return values.has(value);\n }).map(function (_a) {\n var key = _a[0],\n values = _a[1];\n return key;\n });\n };\n\n return Multimap;\n}();\n\nexport { Multimap };","export function add(map, key, value) {\n fetch(map, key).add(value);\n}\nexport function del(map, key, value) {\n fetch(map, key)[\"delete\"](value);\n prune(map, key);\n}\nexport function fetch(map, key) {\n var values = map.get(key);\n\n if (!values) {\n values = new Set();\n map.set(key, values);\n }\n\n return values;\n}\nexport function prune(map, key) {\n var values = map.get(key);\n\n if (values != null && values.size == 0) {\n map[\"delete\"](key);\n }\n}","export * from \"./src/attribute_observer\";\nexport * from \"./src/element_observer\";\nexport * from \"./src/token_list_observer\";\nexport * from \"./src/value_list_observer\";","import { ElementObserver } from \"./element_observer\";\n\nvar AttributeObserver =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function AttributeObserver(element, attributeName, delegate) {\n this.attributeName = attributeName;\n this.delegate = delegate;\n this.elementObserver = new ElementObserver(element, this);\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(AttributeObserver.prototype, \"element\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.elementObserver.element;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(AttributeObserver.prototype, \"selector\", {\n get: function get() {\n return \"[\" + this.attributeName + \"]\";\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n AttributeObserver.prototype.start = function () {\n this.elementObserver.start();\n };\n\n AttributeObserver.prototype.stop = function () {\n this.elementObserver.stop();\n };\n\n AttributeObserver.prototype.refresh = function () {\n this.elementObserver.refresh();\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(AttributeObserver.prototype, \"started\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.elementObserver.started;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n }); // Element observer delegate\n\n AttributeObserver.prototype.matchElement = function (element) {\n return element.hasAttribute(this.attributeName);\n };\n\n AttributeObserver.prototype.matchElementsInTree = function (tree) {\n var match = this.matchElement(tree) ? [tree] : [];\n var matches = Array.from(tree.querySelectorAll(this.selector));\n return match.concat(matches);\n };\n\n AttributeObserver.prototype.elementMatched = function (element) {\n if (this.delegate.elementMatchedAttribute) {\n this.delegate.elementMatchedAttribute(element, this.attributeName);\n }\n };\n\n AttributeObserver.prototype.elementUnmatched = function (element) {\n if (this.delegate.elementUnmatchedAttribute) {\n this.delegate.elementUnmatchedAttribute(element, this.attributeName);\n }\n };\n\n AttributeObserver.prototype.elementAttributeChanged = function (element, attributeName) {\n if (this.delegate.elementAttributeValueChanged && this.attributeName == attributeName) {\n this.delegate.elementAttributeValueChanged(element, attributeName);\n }\n };\n\n return AttributeObserver;\n}();\n\nexport { AttributeObserver };","var ElementObserver =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function ElementObserver(element, delegate) {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.element = element;\n this.started = false;\n this.delegate = delegate;\n this.elements = new Set();\n this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {\n return _this.processMutations(mutations);\n });\n }\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.start = function () {\n if (!this.started) {\n this.started = true;\n this.mutationObserver.observe(this.element, {\n attributes: true,\n childList: true,\n subtree: true\n });\n this.refresh();\n }\n };\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.stop = function () {\n if (this.started) {\n this.mutationObserver.takeRecords();\n this.mutationObserver.disconnect();\n this.started = false;\n }\n };\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.refresh = function () {\n if (this.started) {\n var matches = new Set(this.matchElementsInTree());\n\n for (var _i = 0, _a = Array.from(this.elements); _i < _a.length; _i++) {\n var element = _a[_i];\n\n if (!matches.has(element)) {\n this.removeElement(element);\n }\n }\n\n for (var _b = 0, _c = Array.from(matches); _b < _c.length; _b++) {\n var element = _c[_b];\n this.addElement(element);\n }\n }\n }; // Mutation record processing\n\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.processMutations = function (mutations) {\n if (this.started) {\n for (var _i = 0, mutations_1 = mutations; _i < mutations_1.length; _i++) {\n var mutation = mutations_1[_i];\n this.processMutation(mutation);\n }\n }\n };\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.processMutation = function (mutation) {\n if (mutation.type == \"attributes\") {\n this.processAttributeChange(mutation.target, mutation.attributeName);\n } else if (mutation.type == \"childList\") {\n this.processRemovedNodes(mutation.removedNodes);\n this.processAddedNodes(mutation.addedNodes);\n }\n };\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.processAttributeChange = function (node, attributeName) {\n var element = node;\n\n if (this.elements.has(element)) {\n if (this.delegate.elementAttributeChanged && this.matchElement(element)) {\n this.delegate.elementAttributeChanged(element, attributeName);\n } else {\n this.removeElement(element);\n }\n } else if (this.matchElement(element)) {\n this.addElement(element);\n }\n };\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.processRemovedNodes = function (nodes) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a = Array.from(nodes); _i < _a.length; _i++) {\n var node = _a[_i];\n var element = this.elementFromNode(node);\n\n if (element) {\n this.processTree(element, this.removeElement);\n }\n }\n };\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.processAddedNodes = function (nodes) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a = Array.from(nodes); _i < _a.length; _i++) {\n var node = _a[_i];\n var element = this.elementFromNode(node);\n\n if (element && this.elementIsActive(element)) {\n this.processTree(element, this.addElement);\n }\n }\n }; // Element matching\n\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.matchElement = function (element) {\n return this.delegate.matchElement(element);\n };\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.matchElementsInTree = function (tree) {\n if (tree === void 0) {\n tree = this.element;\n }\n\n return this.delegate.matchElementsInTree(tree);\n };\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.processTree = function (tree, processor) {\n for (var _i = 0, _a = this.matchElementsInTree(tree); _i < _a.length; _i++) {\n var element = _a[_i];\n processor.call(this, element);\n }\n };\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.elementFromNode = function (node) {\n if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {\n return node;\n }\n };\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.elementIsActive = function (element) {\n if (element.isConnected != this.element.isConnected) {\n return false;\n } else {\n return this.element.contains(element);\n }\n }; // Element tracking\n\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.addElement = function (element) {\n if (!this.elements.has(element)) {\n if (this.elementIsActive(element)) {\n this.elements.add(element);\n\n if (this.delegate.elementMatched) {\n this.delegate.elementMatched(element);\n }\n }\n }\n };\n\n ElementObserver.prototype.removeElement = function (element) {\n if (this.elements.has(element)) {\n this.elements[\"delete\"](element);\n\n if (this.delegate.elementUnmatched) {\n this.delegate.elementUnmatched(element);\n }\n }\n };\n\n return ElementObserver;\n}();\n\nexport { ElementObserver };","import { AttributeObserver } from \"./attribute_observer\";\nimport { Multimap } from \"@stimulus/multimap\";\n\nvar TokenListObserver =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function TokenListObserver(element, attributeName, delegate) {\n this.attributeObserver = new AttributeObserver(element, attributeName, this);\n this.delegate = delegate;\n this.tokensByElement = new Multimap();\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(TokenListObserver.prototype, \"started\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.attributeObserver.started;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.start = function () {\n this.attributeObserver.start();\n };\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.stop = function () {\n this.attributeObserver.stop();\n };\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.refresh = function () {\n this.attributeObserver.refresh();\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(TokenListObserver.prototype, \"element\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.attributeObserver.element;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(TokenListObserver.prototype, \"attributeName\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.attributeObserver.attributeName;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n }); // Attribute observer delegate\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.elementMatchedAttribute = function (element) {\n this.tokensMatched(this.readTokensForElement(element));\n };\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.elementAttributeValueChanged = function (element) {\n var _a = this.refreshTokensForElement(element),\n unmatchedTokens = _a[0],\n matchedTokens = _a[1];\n\n this.tokensUnmatched(unmatchedTokens);\n this.tokensMatched(matchedTokens);\n };\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.elementUnmatchedAttribute = function (element) {\n this.tokensUnmatched(this.tokensByElement.getValuesForKey(element));\n };\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.tokensMatched = function (tokens) {\n var _this = this;\n\n tokens.forEach(function (token) {\n return _this.tokenMatched(token);\n });\n };\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.tokensUnmatched = function (tokens) {\n var _this = this;\n\n tokens.forEach(function (token) {\n return _this.tokenUnmatched(token);\n });\n };\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.tokenMatched = function (token) {\n this.delegate.tokenMatched(token);\n this.tokensByElement.add(token.element, token);\n };\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.tokenUnmatched = function (token) {\n this.delegate.tokenUnmatched(token);\n this.tokensByElement[\"delete\"](token.element, token);\n };\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.refreshTokensForElement = function (element) {\n var previousTokens = this.tokensByElement.getValuesForKey(element);\n var currentTokens = this.readTokensForElement(element);\n var firstDifferingIndex = zip(previousTokens, currentTokens).findIndex(function (_a) {\n var previousToken = _a[0],\n currentToken = _a[1];\n return !tokensAreEqual(previousToken, currentToken);\n });\n\n if (firstDifferingIndex == -1) {\n return [[], []];\n } else {\n return [previousTokens.slice(firstDifferingIndex), currentTokens.slice(firstDifferingIndex)];\n }\n };\n\n TokenListObserver.prototype.readTokensForElement = function (element) {\n var attributeName = this.attributeName;\n var tokenString = element.getAttribute(attributeName) || \"\";\n return parseTokenString(tokenString, element, attributeName);\n };\n\n return TokenListObserver;\n}();\n\nexport { TokenListObserver };\n\nfunction parseTokenString(tokenString, element, attributeName) {\n return tokenString.trim().split(/\\s+/).filter(function (content) {\n return content.length;\n }).map(function (content, index) {\n return {\n element: element,\n attributeName: attributeName,\n content: content,\n index: index\n };\n });\n}\n\nfunction zip(left, right) {\n var length = Math.max(left.length, right.length);\n return Array.from({\n length: length\n }, function (_, index) {\n return [left[index], right[index]];\n });\n}\n\nfunction tokensAreEqual(left, right) {\n return left && right && left.index == right.index && left.content == right.content;\n}","import { TokenListObserver } from \"./token_list_observer\";\n\nvar ValueListObserver =\n/** @class */\nfunction () {\n function ValueListObserver(element, attributeName, delegate) {\n this.tokenListObserver = new TokenListObserver(element, attributeName, this);\n this.delegate = delegate;\n this.parseResultsByToken = new WeakMap();\n this.valuesByTokenByElement = new WeakMap();\n }\n\n Object.defineProperty(ValueListObserver.prototype, \"started\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.tokenListObserver.started;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n ValueListObserver.prototype.start = function () {\n this.tokenListObserver.start();\n };\n\n ValueListObserver.prototype.stop = function () {\n this.tokenListObserver.stop();\n };\n\n ValueListObserver.prototype.refresh = function () {\n this.tokenListObserver.refresh();\n };\n\n Object.defineProperty(ValueListObserver.prototype, \"element\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.tokenListObserver.element;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(ValueListObserver.prototype, \"attributeName\", {\n get: function get() {\n return this.tokenListObserver.attributeName;\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true\n });\n\n ValueListObserver.prototype.tokenMatched = function (token) {\n var element = token.element;\n var value = this.fetchParseResultForToken(token).value;\n\n if (value) {\n this.fetchValuesByTokenForElement(element).set(token, value);\n this.delegate.elementMatchedValue(element, value);\n }\n };\n\n ValueListObserver.prototype.tokenUnmatched = function (token) {\n var element = token.element;\n var value = this.fetchParseResultForToken(token).value;\n\n if (value) {\n this.fetchValuesByTokenForElement(element)[\"delete\"](token);\n this.delegate.elementUnmatchedValue(element, value);\n }\n };\n\n ValueListObserver.prototype.fetchParseResultForToken = function (token) {\n var parseResult = this.parseResultsByToken.get(token);\n\n if (!parseResult) {\n parseResult = this.parseToken(token);\n this.parseResultsByToken.set(token, parseResult);\n }\n\n return parseResult;\n };\n\n ValueListObserver.prototype.fetchValuesByTokenForElement = function (element) {\n var valuesByToken = this.valuesByTokenByElement.get(element);\n\n if (!valuesByToken) {\n valuesByToken = new Map();\n this.valuesByTokenByElement.set(element, valuesByToken);\n }\n\n return valuesByToken;\n };\n\n ValueListObserver.prototype.parseToken = function (token) {\n try {\n var value = this.delegate.parseValueForToken(token);\n return {\n value: value\n };\n } catch (error) {\n return {\n error: error\n };\n }\n };\n\n return ValueListObserver;\n}();\n\nexport { ValueListObserver };","export function definitionsFromContext(context) {\n return context.keys().map(function (key) {\n return definitionForModuleWithContextAndKey(context, key);\n }).filter(function (value) {\n return value;\n });\n}\n\nfunction definitionForModuleWithContextAndKey(context, key) {\n var identifier = identifierForContextKey(key);\n\n if (identifier) {\n return definitionForModuleAndIdentifier(context(key), identifier);\n }\n}\n\nfunction definitionForModuleAndIdentifier(module, identifier) {\n var controllerConstructor = module[\"default\"];\n\n if (typeof controllerConstructor == \"function\") {\n return {\n identifier: identifier,\n controllerConstructor: controllerConstructor\n };\n }\n}\n\nexport function identifierForContextKey(key) {\n var logicalName = (key.match(/^(?:\\.\\/)?(.+)(?:[_-]controller\\..+?)$/) || [])[1];\n\n if (logicalName) {\n return logicalName.replace(/_/g, \"-\").replace(/\\//g, \"--\");\n }\n}","function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\n/*! @preserve\r\n * bootbox.js\r\n * version: 5.5.1\r\n * author: Nick Payne \r\n * license: MIT\r\n * http://bootboxjs.com/\r\n */\n(function (root, factory) {\n 'use strict';\n\n if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n // AMD\n define(['jquery'], factory);\n } else if ((typeof exports === \"undefined\" ? \"undefined\" : _typeof(exports)) === 'object') {\n // Node, CommonJS-like\n module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));\n } else {\n // Browser globals (root is window)\n root.bootbox = factory(root.jQuery);\n }\n})(this, function init($, undefined) {\n 'use strict'; // Polyfills Object.keys, if necessary.\n // @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/keys\n\n if (!Object.keys) {\n Object.keys = function () {\n var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,\n hasDontEnumBug = !{\n toString: null\n }.propertyIsEnumerable('toString'),\n dontEnums = ['toString', 'toLocaleString', 'valueOf', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'constructor'],\n dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length;\n return function (obj) {\n if (typeof obj !== 'function' && (_typeof(obj) !== 'object' || obj === null)) {\n throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object');\n }\n\n var result = [],\n prop,\n i;\n\n for (prop in obj) {\n if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) {\n result.push(prop);\n }\n }\n\n if (hasDontEnumBug) {\n for (i = 0; i < dontEnumsLength; i++) {\n if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, dontEnums[i])) {\n result.push(dontEnums[i]);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n };\n }();\n }\n\n var exports = {};\n var VERSION = '5.5.1';\n exports.VERSION = VERSION;\n var locales = {\n ar: {\n OK: 'موافق',\n CANCEL: 'الغاء',\n CONFIRM: 'تأكيد'\n },\n bg_BG: {\n OK: 'Ок',\n CANCEL: 'Отказ',\n CONFIRM: 'Потвърждавам'\n },\n br: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Cancelar',\n CONFIRM: 'Sim'\n },\n cs: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Zrušit',\n CONFIRM: 'Potvrdit'\n },\n da: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Annuller',\n CONFIRM: 'Accepter'\n },\n de: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Abbrechen',\n CONFIRM: 'Akzeptieren'\n },\n el: {\n OK: 'Εντάξει',\n CANCEL: 'Ακύρωση',\n CONFIRM: 'Επιβεβαίωση'\n },\n en: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Cancel',\n CONFIRM: 'OK'\n },\n es: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Cancelar',\n CONFIRM: 'Aceptar'\n },\n eu: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Ezeztatu',\n CONFIRM: 'Onartu'\n },\n et: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Katkesta',\n CONFIRM: 'OK'\n },\n fa: {\n OK: 'قبول',\n CANCEL: 'لغو',\n CONFIRM: 'تایید'\n },\n fi: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Peruuta',\n CONFIRM: 'OK'\n },\n fr: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Annuler',\n CONFIRM: 'Confirmer'\n },\n he: {\n OK: 'אישור',\n CANCEL: 'ביטול',\n CONFIRM: 'אישור'\n },\n hu: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Mégsem',\n CONFIRM: 'Megerősít'\n },\n hr: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Odustani',\n CONFIRM: 'Potvrdi'\n },\n id: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Batal',\n CONFIRM: 'OK'\n },\n it: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Annulla',\n CONFIRM: 'Conferma'\n },\n ja: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'キャンセル',\n CONFIRM: '確認'\n },\n ka: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'გაუქმება',\n CONFIRM: 'დადასტურება'\n },\n ko: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: '취소',\n CONFIRM: '확인'\n },\n lt: {\n OK: 'Gerai',\n CANCEL: 'Atšaukti',\n CONFIRM: 'Patvirtinti'\n },\n lv: {\n OK: 'Labi',\n CANCEL: 'Atcelt',\n CONFIRM: 'Apstiprināt'\n },\n nl: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Annuleren',\n CONFIRM: 'Accepteren'\n },\n no: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Avbryt',\n CONFIRM: 'OK'\n },\n pl: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Anuluj',\n CONFIRM: 'Potwierdź'\n },\n pt: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Cancelar',\n CONFIRM: 'Confirmar'\n },\n ru: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Отмена',\n CONFIRM: 'Применить'\n },\n sk: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Zrušiť',\n CONFIRM: 'Potvrdiť'\n },\n sl: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Prekliči',\n CONFIRM: 'Potrdi'\n },\n sq: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Anulo',\n CONFIRM: 'Prano'\n },\n sv: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Avbryt',\n CONFIRM: 'OK'\n },\n sw: {\n OK: 'Sawa',\n CANCEL: 'Ghairi',\n CONFIRM: 'Thibitisha'\n },\n ta: {\n OK: 'சரி',\n CANCEL: 'ரத்து செய்',\n CONFIRM: 'உறுதி செய்'\n },\n th: {\n OK: 'ตกลง',\n CANCEL: 'ยกเลิก',\n CONFIRM: 'ยืนยัน'\n },\n tr: {\n OK: 'Tamam',\n CANCEL: 'İptal',\n CONFIRM: 'Onayla'\n },\n uk: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: 'Відміна',\n CONFIRM: 'Прийняти'\n },\n zh_CN: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: '取消',\n CONFIRM: '确认'\n },\n zh_TW: {\n OK: 'OK',\n CANCEL: '取消',\n CONFIRM: '確認'\n }\n };\n var templates = {\n dialog: '',\n header: '',\n footer: '',\n closeButton: '',\n form: '',\n button: '',\n option: '',\n promptMessage: '',\n inputs: {\n text: '',\n textarea: '',\n email: '',\n select: '',\n checkbox: '',\n radio: '',\n date: '',\n time: '',\n number: '',\n password: '',\n range: ''\n }\n };\n var defaults = {\n // default language\n locale: 'en',\n // show backdrop or not. Default to static so user has to interact with dialog\n backdrop: 'static',\n // animate the modal in/out\n animate: true,\n // additional class string applied to the top level dialog\n className: null,\n // whether or not to include a close button\n closeButton: true,\n // show the dialog immediately by default\n show: true,\n // dialog container\n container: 'body',\n // default value (used by the prompt helper)\n value: '',\n // default input type (used by the prompt helper)\n inputType: 'text',\n // switch button order from cancel/confirm (default) to confirm/cancel\n swapButtonOrder: false,\n // center modal vertically in page\n centerVertical: false,\n // Append \"multiple\" property to the select when using the \"prompt\" helper\n multiple: false,\n // Automatically scroll modal content when height exceeds viewport height\n scrollable: false,\n // whether or not to destroy the modal on hide\n reusable: false\n }; // PUBLIC FUNCTIONS\n // *************************************************************************************************************\n // Return all currently registered locales, or a specific locale if \"name\" is defined\n\n exports.locales = function (name) {\n return name ? locales[name] : locales;\n }; // Register localized strings for the OK, CONFIRM, and CANCEL buttons\n\n\n exports.addLocale = function (name, values) {\n $.each(['OK', 'CANCEL', 'CONFIRM'], function (_, v) {\n if (!values[v]) {\n throw new Error('Please supply a translation for \"' + v + '\"');\n }\n });\n locales[name] = {\n OK: values.OK,\n CANCEL: values.CANCEL,\n CONFIRM: values.CONFIRM\n };\n return exports;\n }; // Remove a previously-registered locale\n\n\n exports.removeLocale = function (name) {\n if (name !== 'en') {\n delete locales[name];\n } else {\n throw new Error('\"en\" is used as the default and fallback locale and cannot be removed.');\n }\n\n return exports;\n }; // Set the default locale\n\n\n exports.setLocale = function (name) {\n return exports.setDefaults('locale', name);\n }; // Override default value(s) of Bootbox.\n\n\n exports.setDefaults = function () {\n var values = {};\n\n if (arguments.length === 2) {\n // allow passing of single key/value...\n values[arguments[0]] = arguments[1];\n } else {\n // ... and as an object too\n values = arguments[0];\n }\n\n $.extend(defaults, values);\n return exports;\n }; // Hides all currently active Bootbox modals\n\n\n exports.hideAll = function () {\n $('.bootbox').modal('hide');\n return exports;\n }; // Allows the base init() function to be overridden\n\n\n exports.init = function (_$) {\n return init(_$ || $);\n }; // CORE HELPER FUNCTIONS\n // *************************************************************************************************************\n // Core dialog function\n\n\n exports.dialog = function (options) {\n if ($.fn.modal === undefined) {\n throw new Error('\"$.fn.modal\" is not defined; please double check you have included ' + 'the Bootstrap JavaScript library. See https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/getting-started/javascript/ ' + 'for more details.');\n }\n\n options = sanitize(options);\n\n if ($.fn.modal.Constructor.VERSION) {\n options.fullBootstrapVersion = $.fn.modal.Constructor.VERSION;\n var i = options.fullBootstrapVersion.indexOf('.');\n options.bootstrap = options.fullBootstrapVersion.substring(0, i);\n } else {\n // Assuming version 2.3.2, as that was the last \"supported\" 2.x version\n options.bootstrap = '2';\n options.fullBootstrapVersion = '2.3.2';\n console.warn('Bootbox will *mostly* work with Bootstrap 2, but we do not officially support it. Please upgrade, if possible.');\n }\n\n var dialog = $(templates.dialog);\n var innerDialog = dialog.find('.modal-dialog');\n var body = dialog.find('.modal-body');\n var header = $(templates.header);\n var footer = $(templates.footer);\n var buttons = options.buttons;\n var callbacks = {\n onEscape: options.onEscape\n };\n body.find('.bootbox-body').html(options.message); // Only attempt to create buttons if at least one has \n // been defined in the options object\n\n if (getKeyLength(options.buttons) > 0) {\n each(buttons, function (key, b) {\n var button = $(templates.button);\n button.data('bb-handler', key);\n button.addClass(b.className);\n\n switch (key) {\n case 'ok':\n case 'confirm':\n button.addClass('bootbox-accept');\n break;\n\n case 'cancel':\n button.addClass('bootbox-cancel');\n break;\n }\n\n button.html(b.label);\n footer.append(button);\n callbacks[key] = b.callback;\n });\n body.after(footer);\n }\n\n if (options.animate === true) {\n dialog.addClass('fade');\n }\n\n if (options.className) {\n dialog.addClass(options.className);\n }\n\n if (options.size) {\n // Requires Bootstrap 3.1.0 or higher\n if (options.fullBootstrapVersion.substring(0, 3) < '3.1') {\n console.warn('\"size\" requires Bootstrap 3.1.0 or higher. You appear to be using ' + options.fullBootstrapVersion + '. Please upgrade to use this option.');\n }\n\n switch (options.size) {\n case 'small':\n case 'sm':\n innerDialog.addClass('modal-sm');\n break;\n\n case 'large':\n case 'lg':\n innerDialog.addClass('modal-lg');\n break;\n\n case 'extra-large':\n case 'xl':\n innerDialog.addClass('modal-xl'); // Requires Bootstrap 4.2.0 or higher\n\n if (options.fullBootstrapVersion.substring(0, 3) < '4.2') {\n console.warn('Using size \"xl\"/\"extra-large\" requires Bootstrap 4.2.0 or higher. You appear to be using ' + options.fullBootstrapVersion + '. Please upgrade to use this option.');\n }\n\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (options.scrollable) {\n innerDialog.addClass('modal-dialog-scrollable'); // Requires Bootstrap 4.3.0 or higher\n\n if (options.fullBootstrapVersion.substring(0, 3) < '4.3') {\n console.warn('Using \"scrollable\" requires Bootstrap 4.3.0 or higher. You appear to be using ' + options.fullBootstrapVersion + '. Please upgrade to use this option.');\n }\n }\n\n if (options.title) {\n body.before(header);\n dialog.find('.modal-title').html(options.title);\n }\n\n if (options.closeButton) {\n var closeButton = $(templates.closeButton);\n\n if (options.title) {\n if (options.bootstrap > 3) {\n dialog.find('.modal-header').append(closeButton);\n } else {\n dialog.find('.modal-header').prepend(closeButton);\n }\n } else {\n closeButton.prependTo(body);\n }\n }\n\n if (options.centerVertical) {\n innerDialog.addClass('modal-dialog-centered'); // Requires Bootstrap 4.0.0-beta.3 or higher\n\n if (options.fullBootstrapVersion < '4.0.0') {\n console.warn('\"centerVertical\" requires Bootstrap 4.0.0-beta.3 or higher. You appear to be using ' + options.fullBootstrapVersion + '. Please upgrade to use this option.');\n }\n } // Bootstrap event listeners; these handle extra\n // setup & teardown required after the underlying\n // modal has performed certain actions.\n\n\n if (!options.reusable) {\n // make sure we unbind any listeners once the dialog has definitively been dismissed\n dialog.one('hide.bs.modal', {\n dialog: dialog\n }, unbindModal);\n }\n\n if (options.onHide) {\n if ($.isFunction(options.onHide)) {\n dialog.on('hide.bs.modal', options.onHide);\n } else {\n throw new Error('Argument supplied to \"onHide\" must be a function');\n }\n }\n\n if (!options.reusable) {\n dialog.one('hidden.bs.modal', {\n dialog: dialog\n }, destroyModal);\n }\n\n if (options.onHidden) {\n if ($.isFunction(options.onHidden)) {\n dialog.on('hidden.bs.modal', options.onHidden);\n } else {\n throw new Error('Argument supplied to \"onHidden\" must be a function');\n }\n }\n\n if (options.onShow) {\n if ($.isFunction(options.onShow)) {\n dialog.on('show.bs.modal', options.onShow);\n } else {\n throw new Error('Argument supplied to \"onShow\" must be a function');\n }\n }\n\n dialog.one('shown.bs.modal', {\n dialog: dialog\n }, focusPrimaryButton);\n\n if (options.onShown) {\n if ($.isFunction(options.onShown)) {\n dialog.on('shown.bs.modal', options.onShown);\n } else {\n throw new Error('Argument supplied to \"onShown\" must be a function');\n }\n } // Bootbox event listeners; used to decouple some\n // behaviours from their respective triggers\n\n\n if (options.backdrop === true) {\n // A boolean true/false according to the Bootstrap docs\n // should show a dialog the user can dismiss by clicking on\n // the background.\n // We always only ever pass static/false to the actual\n // $.modal function because with \"true\" we can't trap\n // this event (the .modal-backdrop swallows it)\n // However, we still want to sort-of respect true\n // and invoke the escape mechanism instead\n dialog.on('click.dismiss.bs.modal', function (e) {\n // @NOTE: the target varies in >= 3.3.x releases since the modal backdrop\n // moved *inside* the outer dialog rather than *alongside* it\n if (dialog.children('.modal-backdrop').length) {\n e.currentTarget = dialog.children('.modal-backdrop').get(0);\n }\n\n if (e.target !== e.currentTarget) {\n return;\n }\n\n dialog.trigger('escape.close.bb');\n });\n }\n\n dialog.on('escape.close.bb', function (e) {\n // the if statement looks redundant but it isn't; without it\n // if we *didn't* have an onEscape handler then processCallback\n // would automatically dismiss the dialog\n if (callbacks.onEscape) {\n processCallback(e, dialog, callbacks.onEscape);\n }\n });\n dialog.on('click', '.modal-footer button:not(.disabled)', function (e) {\n var callbackKey = $(this).data('bb-handler');\n\n if (callbackKey !== undefined) {\n // Only process callbacks for buttons we recognize:\n processCallback(e, dialog, callbacks[callbackKey]);\n }\n });\n dialog.on('click', '.bootbox-close-button', function (e) {\n // onEscape might be falsy but that's fine; the fact is\n // if the user has managed to click the close button we\n // have to close the dialog, callback or not\n processCallback(e, dialog, callbacks.onEscape);\n });\n dialog.on('keyup', function (e) {\n if (e.which === 27) {\n dialog.trigger('escape.close.bb');\n }\n }); // the remainder of this method simply deals with adding our\n // dialog element to the DOM, augmenting it with Bootstrap's modal\n // functionality and then giving the resulting object back\n // to our caller\n\n $(options.container).append(dialog);\n dialog.modal({\n backdrop: options.backdrop,\n keyboard: false,\n show: false\n });\n\n if (options.show) {\n dialog.modal('show');\n }\n\n return dialog;\n }; // Helper function to simulate the native alert() behavior. **NOTE**: This is non-blocking, so any\n // code that must happen after the alert is dismissed should be placed within the callback function \n // for this alert.\n\n\n exports.alert = function () {\n var options;\n options = mergeDialogOptions('alert', ['ok'], ['message', 'callback'], arguments); // @TODO: can this move inside exports.dialog when we're iterating over each\n // button and checking its button.callback value instead?\n\n if (options.callback && !$.isFunction(options.callback)) {\n throw new Error('alert requires the \"callback\" property to be a function when provided');\n } // override the ok and escape callback to make sure they just invoke\n // the single user-supplied one (if provided)\n\n\n options.buttons.ok.callback = options.onEscape = function () {\n if ($.isFunction(options.callback)) {\n return options.callback.call(this);\n }\n\n return true;\n };\n\n return exports.dialog(options);\n }; // Helper function to simulate the native confirm() behavior. **NOTE**: This is non-blocking, so any\n // code that must happen after the confirm is dismissed should be placed within the callback function \n // for this confirm.\n\n\n exports.confirm = function () {\n var options;\n options = mergeDialogOptions('confirm', ['cancel', 'confirm'], ['message', 'callback'], arguments); // confirm specific validation; they don't make sense without a callback so make\n // sure it's present\n\n if (!$.isFunction(options.callback)) {\n throw new Error('confirm requires a callback');\n } // overrides; undo anything the user tried to set they shouldn't have\n\n\n options.buttons.cancel.callback = options.onEscape = function () {\n return options.callback.call(this, false);\n };\n\n options.buttons.confirm.callback = function () {\n return options.callback.call(this, true);\n };\n\n return exports.dialog(options);\n }; // Helper function to simulate the native prompt() behavior. **NOTE**: This is non-blocking, so any\n // code that must happen after the prompt is dismissed should be placed within the callback function \n // for this prompt.\n\n\n exports.prompt = function () {\n var options;\n var promptDialog;\n var form;\n var input;\n var shouldShow;\n var inputOptions; // we have to create our form first otherwise\n // its value is undefined when gearing up our options\n // @TODO this could be solved by allowing message to\n // be a function instead...\n\n form = $(templates.form); // prompt defaults are more complex than others in that\n // users can override more defaults\n\n options = mergeDialogOptions('prompt', ['cancel', 'confirm'], ['title', 'callback'], arguments);\n\n if (!options.value) {\n options.value = defaults.value;\n }\n\n if (!options.inputType) {\n options.inputType = defaults.inputType;\n } // capture the user's show value; we always set this to false before\n // spawning the dialog to give us a chance to attach some handlers to\n // it, but we need to make sure we respect a preference not to show it\n\n\n shouldShow = options.show === undefined ? defaults.show : options.show; // This is required prior to calling the dialog builder below - we need to \n // add an event handler just before the prompt is shown\n\n options.show = false; // Handles the 'cancel' action\n\n options.buttons.cancel.callback = options.onEscape = function () {\n return options.callback.call(this, null);\n }; // Prompt submitted - extract the prompt value. This requires a bit of work, \n // given the different input types available.\n\n\n options.buttons.confirm.callback = function () {\n var value;\n\n if (options.inputType === 'checkbox') {\n value = input.find('input:checked').map(function () {\n return $(this).val();\n }).get();\n } else if (options.inputType === 'radio') {\n value = input.find('input:checked').val();\n } else {\n if (input[0].checkValidity && !input[0].checkValidity()) {\n // prevents button callback from being called\n return false;\n } else {\n if (options.inputType === 'select' && options.multiple === true) {\n value = input.find('option:selected').map(function () {\n return $(this).val();\n }).get();\n } else {\n value = input.val();\n }\n }\n }\n\n return options.callback.call(this, value);\n }; // prompt-specific validation\n\n\n if (!options.title) {\n throw new Error('prompt requires a title');\n }\n\n if (!$.isFunction(options.callback)) {\n throw new Error('prompt requires a callback');\n }\n\n if (!templates.inputs[options.inputType]) {\n throw new Error('Invalid prompt type');\n } // create the input based on the supplied type\n\n\n input = $(templates.inputs[options.inputType]);\n\n switch (options.inputType) {\n case 'text':\n case 'textarea':\n case 'email':\n case 'password':\n input.val(options.value);\n\n if (options.placeholder) {\n input.attr('placeholder', options.placeholder);\n }\n\n if (options.pattern) {\n input.attr('pattern', options.pattern);\n }\n\n if (options.maxlength) {\n input.attr('maxlength', options.maxlength);\n }\n\n if (options.required) {\n input.prop({\n 'required': true\n });\n }\n\n if (options.rows && !isNaN(parseInt(options.rows))) {\n if (options.inputType === 'textarea') {\n input.attr({\n 'rows': options.rows\n });\n }\n }\n\n break;\n\n case 'date':\n case 'time':\n case 'number':\n case 'range':\n input.val(options.value);\n\n if (options.placeholder) {\n input.attr('placeholder', options.placeholder);\n }\n\n if (options.pattern) {\n input.attr('pattern', options.pattern);\n }\n\n if (options.required) {\n input.prop({\n 'required': true\n });\n } // These input types have extra attributes which affect their input validation.\n // Warning: For most browsers, date inputs are buggy in their implementation of 'step', so \n // this attribute will have no effect. Therefore, we don't set the attribute for date inputs.\n // @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/date#Setting_maximum_and_minimum_dates\n\n\n if (options.inputType !== 'date') {\n if (options.step) {\n if (options.step === 'any' || !isNaN(options.step) && parseFloat(options.step) > 0) {\n input.attr('step', options.step);\n } else {\n throw new Error('\"step\" must be a valid positive number or the value \"any\". See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#attr-step for more information.');\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (minAndMaxAreValid(options.inputType, options.min, options.max)) {\n if (options.min !== undefined) {\n input.attr('min', options.min);\n }\n\n if (options.max !== undefined) {\n input.attr('max', options.max);\n }\n }\n\n break;\n\n case 'select':\n var groups = {};\n inputOptions = options.inputOptions || [];\n\n if (!$.isArray(inputOptions)) {\n throw new Error('Please pass an array of input options');\n }\n\n if (!inputOptions.length) {\n throw new Error('prompt with \"inputType\" set to \"select\" requires at least one option');\n } // placeholder is not actually a valid attribute for select,\n // but we'll allow it, assuming it might be used for a plugin\n\n\n if (options.placeholder) {\n input.attr('placeholder', options.placeholder);\n }\n\n if (options.required) {\n input.prop({\n 'required': true\n });\n }\n\n if (options.multiple) {\n input.prop({\n 'multiple': true\n });\n }\n\n each(inputOptions, function (_, option) {\n // assume the element to attach to is the input...\n var elem = input;\n\n if (option.value === undefined || option.text === undefined) {\n throw new Error('each option needs a \"value\" property and a \"text\" property');\n } // ... but override that element if this option sits in a group\n\n\n if (option.group) {\n // initialise group if necessary\n if (!groups[option.group]) {\n groups[option.group] = $('').attr('label', option.group);\n }\n\n elem = groups[option.group];\n }\n\n var o = $(templates.option);\n o.attr('value', option.value).text(option.text);\n elem.append(o);\n });\n each(groups, function (_, group) {\n input.append(group);\n }); // safe to set a select's value as per a normal input\n\n input.val(options.value);\n break;\n\n case 'checkbox':\n var checkboxValues = $.isArray(options.value) ? options.value : [options.value];\n inputOptions = options.inputOptions || [];\n\n if (!inputOptions.length) {\n throw new Error('prompt with \"inputType\" set to \"checkbox\" requires at least one option');\n } // checkboxes have to nest within a containing element, so\n // they break the rules a bit and we end up re-assigning\n // our 'input' element to this container instead\n\n\n input = $('');\n each(inputOptions, function (_, option) {\n if (option.value === undefined || option.text === undefined) {\n throw new Error('each option needs a \"value\" property and a \"text\" property');\n }\n\n var checkbox = $(templates.inputs[options.inputType]);\n checkbox.find('input').attr('value', option.value);\n checkbox.find('label').append('\\n' + option.text); // we've ensured values is an array so we can always iterate over it\n\n each(checkboxValues, function (_, value) {\n if (value === option.value) {\n checkbox.find('input').prop('checked', true);\n }\n });\n input.append(checkbox);\n });\n break;\n\n case 'radio':\n // Make sure that value is not an array (only a single radio can ever be checked)\n if (options.value !== undefined && $.isArray(options.value)) {\n throw new Error('prompt with \"inputType\" set to \"radio\" requires a single, non-array value for \"value\"');\n }\n\n inputOptions = options.inputOptions || [];\n\n if (!inputOptions.length) {\n throw new Error('prompt with \"inputType\" set to \"radio\" requires at least one option');\n } // Radiobuttons have to nest within a containing element, so\n // they break the rules a bit and we end up re-assigning\n // our 'input' element to this container instead\n\n\n input = $(''); // Radiobuttons should always have an initial checked input checked in a \"group\".\n // If value is undefined or doesn't match an input option, select the first radiobutton\n\n var checkFirstRadio = true;\n each(inputOptions, function (_, option) {\n if (option.value === undefined || option.text === undefined) {\n throw new Error('each option needs a \"value\" property and a \"text\" property');\n }\n\n var radio = $(templates.inputs[options.inputType]);\n radio.find('input').attr('value', option.value);\n radio.find('label').append('\\n' + option.text);\n\n if (options.value !== undefined) {\n if (option.value === options.value) {\n radio.find('input').prop('checked', true);\n checkFirstRadio = false;\n }\n }\n\n input.append(radio);\n });\n\n if (checkFirstRadio) {\n input.find('input[type=\"radio\"]').first().prop('checked', true);\n }\n\n break;\n } // now place it in our form\n\n\n form.append(input);\n form.on('submit', function (e) {\n e.preventDefault(); // Fix for SammyJS (or similar JS routing library) hijacking the form post.\n\n e.stopPropagation(); // @TODO can we actually click *the* button object instead?\n // e.g. buttons.confirm.click() or similar\n\n promptDialog.find('.bootbox-accept').trigger('click');\n });\n\n if ($.trim(options.message) !== '') {\n // Add the form to whatever content the user may have added.\n var message = $(templates.promptMessage).html(options.message);\n form.prepend(message);\n options.message = form;\n } else {\n options.message = form;\n } // Generate the dialog\n\n\n promptDialog = exports.dialog(options); // clear the existing handler focusing the submit button...\n\n promptDialog.off('shown.bs.modal', focusPrimaryButton); // ...and replace it with one focusing our input, if possible\n\n promptDialog.on('shown.bs.modal', function () {\n // need the closure here since input isn't\n // an object otherwise\n input.focus();\n });\n\n if (shouldShow === true) {\n promptDialog.modal('show');\n }\n\n return promptDialog;\n }; // INTERNAL FUNCTIONS\n // *************************************************************************************************************\n // Map a flexible set of arguments into a single returned object\n // If args.length is already one just return it, otherwise\n // use the properties argument to map the unnamed args to\n // object properties.\n // So in the latter case:\n // mapArguments([\"foo\", $.noop], [\"message\", \"callback\"])\n // -> { message: \"foo\", callback: $.noop }\n\n\n function mapArguments(args, properties) {\n var argn = args.length;\n var options = {};\n\n if (argn < 1 || argn > 2) {\n throw new Error('Invalid argument length');\n }\n\n if (argn === 2 || typeof args[0] === 'string') {\n options[properties[0]] = args[0];\n options[properties[1]] = args[1];\n } else {\n options = args[0];\n }\n\n return options;\n } // Merge a set of default dialog options with user supplied arguments\n\n\n function mergeArguments(defaults, args, properties) {\n return $.extend( // deep merge\n true, // ensure the target is an empty, unreferenced object\n {}, // the base options object for this type of dialog (often just buttons)\n defaults, // args could be an object or array; if it's an array properties will\n // map it to a proper options object\n mapArguments(args, properties));\n } // This entry-level method makes heavy use of composition to take a simple\n // range of inputs and return valid options suitable for passing to bootbox.dialog\n\n\n function mergeDialogOptions(className, labels, properties, args) {\n var locale;\n\n if (args && args[0]) {\n locale = args[0].locale || defaults.locale;\n var swapButtons = args[0].swapButtonOrder || defaults.swapButtonOrder;\n\n if (swapButtons) {\n labels = labels.reverse();\n }\n } // build up a base set of dialog properties\n\n\n var baseOptions = {\n className: 'bootbox-' + className,\n buttons: createLabels(labels, locale)\n }; // Ensure the buttons properties generated, *after* merging\n // with user args are still valid against the supplied labels\n\n return validateButtons( // merge the generated base properties with user supplied arguments\n mergeArguments(baseOptions, args, // if args.length > 1, properties specify how each arg maps to an object key\n properties), labels);\n } // Checks each button object to see if key is valid. \n // This function will only be called by the alert, confirm, and prompt helpers. \n\n\n function validateButtons(options, buttons) {\n var allowedButtons = {};\n each(buttons, function (key, value) {\n allowedButtons[value] = true;\n });\n each(options.buttons, function (key) {\n if (allowedButtons[key] === undefined) {\n throw new Error('button key \"' + key + '\" is not allowed (options are ' + buttons.join(' ') + ')');\n }\n });\n return options;\n } // From a given list of arguments, return a suitable object of button labels.\n // All this does is normalise the given labels and translate them where possible.\n // e.g. \"ok\", \"confirm\" -> { ok: \"OK\", cancel: \"Annuleren\" }\n\n\n function createLabels(labels, locale) {\n var buttons = {};\n\n for (var i = 0, j = labels.length; i < j; i++) {\n var argument = labels[i];\n var key = argument.toLowerCase();\n var value = argument.toUpperCase();\n buttons[key] = {\n label: getText(value, locale)\n };\n }\n\n return buttons;\n } // Get localized text from a locale. Defaults to 'en' locale if no locale \n // provided or a non-registered locale is requested\n\n\n function getText(key, locale) {\n var labels = locales[locale];\n return labels ? labels[key] : locales.en[key];\n } // Filter and tidy up any user supplied parameters to this dialog.\n // Also looks for any shorthands used and ensures that the options\n // which are returned are all normalized properly\n\n\n function sanitize(options) {\n var buttons;\n var total;\n\n if (_typeof(options) !== 'object') {\n throw new Error('Please supply an object of options');\n }\n\n if (!options.message) {\n throw new Error('\"message\" option must not be null or an empty string.');\n } // make sure any supplied options take precedence over defaults\n\n\n options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); //make sure backdrop is either true, false, or 'static'\n\n if (!options.backdrop) {\n options.backdrop = options.backdrop === false || options.backdrop === 0 ? false : 'static';\n } else {\n options.backdrop = typeof options.backdrop === 'string' && options.backdrop.toLowerCase() === 'static' ? 'static' : true;\n } // no buttons is still a valid dialog but it's cleaner to always have\n // a buttons object to iterate over, even if it's empty\n\n\n if (!options.buttons) {\n options.buttons = {};\n }\n\n buttons = options.buttons;\n total = getKeyLength(buttons);\n each(buttons, function (key, button, index) {\n if ($.isFunction(button)) {\n // short form, assume value is our callback. Since button\n // isn't an object it isn't a reference either so re-assign it\n button = buttons[key] = {\n callback: button\n };\n } // before any further checks make sure by now button is the correct type\n\n\n if ($.type(button) !== 'object') {\n throw new Error('button with key \"' + key + '\" must be an object');\n }\n\n if (!button.label) {\n // the lack of an explicit label means we'll assume the key is good enough\n button.label = key;\n }\n\n if (!button.className) {\n var isPrimary = false;\n\n if (options.swapButtonOrder) {\n isPrimary = index === 0;\n } else {\n isPrimary = index === total - 1;\n }\n\n if (total <= 2 && isPrimary) {\n // always add a primary to the main option in a one or two-button dialog\n button.className = 'btn-primary';\n } else {\n // adding both classes allows us to target both BS3 and BS4 without needing to check the version\n button.className = 'btn-secondary btn-default';\n }\n }\n });\n return options;\n } // Returns a count of the properties defined on the object\n\n\n function getKeyLength(obj) {\n return Object.keys(obj).length;\n } // Tiny wrapper function around jQuery.each; just adds index as the third parameter\n\n\n function each(collection, iterator) {\n var index = 0;\n $.each(collection, function (key, value) {\n iterator(key, value, index++);\n });\n }\n\n function focusPrimaryButton(e) {\n e.data.dialog.find('.bootbox-accept').first().trigger('focus');\n }\n\n function destroyModal(e) {\n // ensure we don't accidentally intercept hidden events triggered\n // by children of the current dialog. We shouldn't need to handle this anymore, \n // now that Bootstrap namespaces its events, but still worth doing.\n if (e.target === e.data.dialog[0]) {\n e.data.dialog.remove();\n }\n }\n\n function unbindModal(e) {\n if (e.target === e.data.dialog[0]) {\n e.data.dialog.off('escape.close.bb');\n e.data.dialog.off('click');\n }\n } // Handle the invoked dialog callback\n\n\n function processCallback(e, dialog, callback) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n e.preventDefault(); // by default we assume a callback will get rid of the dialog,\n // although it is given the opportunity to override this\n // so, if the callback can be invoked and it *explicitly returns false*\n // then we'll set a flag to keep the dialog active...\n\n var preserveDialog = $.isFunction(callback) && callback.call(dialog, e) === false; // ... otherwise we'll bin it\n\n if (!preserveDialog) {\n dialog.modal('hide');\n }\n } // Validate `min` and `max` values based on the current `inputType` value\n\n\n function minAndMaxAreValid(type, min, max) {\n var result = false;\n var minValid = true;\n var maxValid = true;\n\n if (type === 'date') {\n if (min !== undefined && !(minValid = dateIsValid(min))) {\n console.warn('Browsers which natively support the \"date\" input type expect date values to be of the form \"YYYY-MM-DD\" (see ISO-8601 https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html). Bootbox does not enforce this rule, but your min value may not be enforced by this browser.');\n } else if (max !== undefined && !(maxValid = dateIsValid(max))) {\n console.warn('Browsers which natively support the \"date\" input type expect date values to be of the form \"YYYY-MM-DD\" (see ISO-8601 https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html). Bootbox does not enforce this rule, but your max value may not be enforced by this browser.');\n }\n } else if (type === 'time') {\n if (min !== undefined && !(minValid = timeIsValid(min))) {\n throw new Error('\"min\" is not a valid time. See https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20120315/datatypes.html#form.data.time for more information.');\n } else if (max !== undefined && !(maxValid = timeIsValid(max))) {\n throw new Error('\"max\" is not a valid time. See https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-html-markup-20120315/datatypes.html#form.data.time for more information.');\n }\n } else {\n if (min !== undefined && isNaN(min)) {\n minValid = false;\n throw new Error('\"min\" must be a valid number. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#attr-min for more information.');\n }\n\n if (max !== undefined && isNaN(max)) {\n maxValid = false;\n throw new Error('\"max\" must be a valid number. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#attr-max for more information.');\n }\n }\n\n if (minValid && maxValid) {\n if (max <= min) {\n throw new Error('\"max\" must be greater than \"min\". See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#attr-max for more information.');\n } else {\n result = true;\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n\n function timeIsValid(value) {\n return /([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]?:[0-5][0-9]/.test(value);\n }\n\n function dateIsValid(value) {\n return /(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})/.test(value);\n } // The Bootbox object\n\n\n return exports;\n});","function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\n\n/*!\n * Bootstrap v4.5.2 (https://getbootstrap.com/)\n * Copyright 2011-2020 The Bootstrap Authors (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/graphs/contributors)\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n */\n(function (global, factory) {\n (typeof exports === \"undefined\" ? \"undefined\" : _typeof(exports)) === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('jquery'), require('popper.js')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'jquery', 'popper.js'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.bootstrap = {}, global.jQuery, global.Popper));\n})(this, function (exports, $, Popper) {\n 'use strict';\n\n $ = $ && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call($, 'default') ? $['default'] : $;\n Popper = Popper && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Popper, 'default') ? Popper['default'] : Popper;\n\n function _defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);\n }\n }\n\n function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n return Constructor;\n }\n\n function _extends() {\n _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n\n for (var key in source) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n };\n\n return _extends.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {\n subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);\n subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;\n subClass.__proto__ = superClass;\n }\n /**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap (v4.5.2): util.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Private TransitionEnd Helpers\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n var TRANSITION_END = 'transitionend';\n var MAX_UID = 1000000;\n var MILLISECONDS_MULTIPLIER = 1000; // Shoutout AngusCroll (https://goo.gl/pxwQGp)\n\n function toType(obj) {\n if (obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined') {\n return \"\" + obj;\n }\n\n return {}.toString.call(obj).match(/\\s([a-z]+)/i)[1].toLowerCase();\n }\n\n function getSpecialTransitionEndEvent() {\n return {\n bindType: TRANSITION_END,\n delegateType: TRANSITION_END,\n handle: function handle(event) {\n if ($(event.target).is(this)) {\n return event.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments); // eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params\n }\n\n return undefined;\n }\n };\n }\n\n function transitionEndEmulator(duration) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var called = false;\n $(this).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function () {\n called = true;\n });\n setTimeout(function () {\n if (!called) {\n Util.triggerTransitionEnd(_this);\n }\n }, duration);\n return this;\n }\n\n function setTransitionEndSupport() {\n $.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = transitionEndEmulator;\n $.event.special[Util.TRANSITION_END] = getSpecialTransitionEndEvent();\n }\n /**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Public Util Api\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n var Util = {\n TRANSITION_END: 'bsTransitionEnd',\n getUID: function getUID(prefix) {\n do {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise\n prefix += ~~(Math.random() * MAX_UID); // \"~~\" acts like a faster Math.floor() here\n } while (document.getElementById(prefix));\n\n return prefix;\n },\n getSelectorFromElement: function getSelectorFromElement(element) {\n var selector = element.getAttribute('data-target');\n\n if (!selector || selector === '#') {\n var hrefAttr = element.getAttribute('href');\n selector = hrefAttr && hrefAttr !== '#' ? hrefAttr.trim() : '';\n }\n\n try {\n return document.querySelector(selector) ? selector : null;\n } catch (err) {\n return null;\n }\n },\n getTransitionDurationFromElement: function getTransitionDurationFromElement(element) {\n if (!element) {\n return 0;\n } // Get transition-duration of the element\n\n\n var transitionDuration = $(element).css('transition-duration');\n var transitionDelay = $(element).css('transition-delay');\n var floatTransitionDuration = parseFloat(transitionDuration);\n var floatTransitionDelay = parseFloat(transitionDelay); // Return 0 if element or transition duration is not found\n\n if (!floatTransitionDuration && !floatTransitionDelay) {\n return 0;\n } // If multiple durations are defined, take the first\n\n\n transitionDuration = transitionDuration.split(',')[0];\n transitionDelay = transitionDelay.split(',')[0];\n return (parseFloat(transitionDuration) + parseFloat(transitionDelay)) * MILLISECONDS_MULTIPLIER;\n },\n reflow: function reflow(element) {\n return element.offsetHeight;\n },\n triggerTransitionEnd: function triggerTransitionEnd(element) {\n $(element).trigger(TRANSITION_END);\n },\n // TODO: Remove in v5\n supportsTransitionEnd: function supportsTransitionEnd() {\n return Boolean(TRANSITION_END);\n },\n isElement: function isElement(obj) {\n return (obj[0] || obj).nodeType;\n },\n typeCheckConfig: function typeCheckConfig(componentName, config, configTypes) {\n for (var property in configTypes) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(configTypes, property)) {\n var expectedTypes = configTypes[property];\n var value = config[property];\n var valueType = value && Util.isElement(value) ? 'element' : toType(value);\n\n if (!new RegExp(expectedTypes).test(valueType)) {\n throw new Error(componentName.toUpperCase() + \": \" + (\"Option \\\"\" + property + \"\\\" provided type \\\"\" + valueType + \"\\\" \") + (\"but expected type \\\"\" + expectedTypes + \"\\\".\"));\n }\n }\n }\n },\n findShadowRoot: function findShadowRoot(element) {\n if (!document.documentElement.attachShadow) {\n return null;\n } // Can find the shadow root otherwise it'll return the document\n\n\n if (typeof element.getRootNode === 'function') {\n var root = element.getRootNode();\n return root instanceof ShadowRoot ? root : null;\n }\n\n if (element instanceof ShadowRoot) {\n return element;\n } // when we don't find a shadow root\n\n\n if (!element.parentNode) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return Util.findShadowRoot(element.parentNode);\n },\n jQueryDetection: function jQueryDetection() {\n if (typeof $ === 'undefined') {\n throw new TypeError('Bootstrap\\'s JavaScript requires jQuery. jQuery must be included before Bootstrap\\'s JavaScript.');\n }\n\n var version = $.fn.jquery.split(' ')[0].split('.');\n var minMajor = 1;\n var ltMajor = 2;\n var minMinor = 9;\n var minPatch = 1;\n var maxMajor = 4;\n\n if (version[0] < ltMajor && version[1] < minMinor || version[0] === minMajor && version[1] === minMinor && version[2] < minPatch || version[0] >= maxMajor) {\n throw new Error('Bootstrap\\'s JavaScript requires at least jQuery v1.9.1 but less than v4.0.0');\n }\n }\n };\n Util.jQueryDetection();\n setTransitionEndSupport();\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Constants\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n var NAME = 'alert';\n var VERSION = '4.5.2';\n var DATA_KEY = 'bs.alert';\n var EVENT_KEY = \".\" + DATA_KEY;\n var DATA_API_KEY = '.data-api';\n var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT = $.fn[NAME];\n var SELECTOR_DISMISS = '[data-dismiss=\"alert\"]';\n var EVENT_CLOSE = \"close\" + EVENT_KEY;\n var EVENT_CLOSED = \"closed\" + EVENT_KEY;\n var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API = \"click\" + EVENT_KEY + DATA_API_KEY;\n var CLASS_NAME_ALERT = 'alert';\n var CLASS_NAME_FADE = 'fade';\n var CLASS_NAME_SHOW = 'show';\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Class Definition\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n var Alert = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Alert(element) {\n this._element = element;\n } // Getters\n\n\n var _proto = Alert.prototype; // Public\n\n _proto.close = function close(element) {\n var rootElement = this._element;\n\n if (element) {\n rootElement = this._getRootElement(element);\n }\n\n var customEvent = this._triggerCloseEvent(rootElement);\n\n if (customEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._removeElement(rootElement);\n };\n\n _proto.dispose = function dispose() {\n $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY);\n this._element = null;\n } // Private\n ;\n\n _proto._getRootElement = function _getRootElement(element) {\n var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);\n var parent = false;\n\n if (selector) {\n parent = document.querySelector(selector);\n }\n\n if (!parent) {\n parent = $(element).closest(\".\" + CLASS_NAME_ALERT)[0];\n }\n\n return parent;\n };\n\n _proto._triggerCloseEvent = function _triggerCloseEvent(element) {\n var closeEvent = $.Event(EVENT_CLOSE);\n $(element).trigger(closeEvent);\n return closeEvent;\n };\n\n _proto._removeElement = function _removeElement(element) {\n var _this = this;\n\n $(element).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW);\n\n if (!$(element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE)) {\n this._destroyElement(element);\n\n return;\n }\n\n var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(element);\n $(element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function (event) {\n return _this._destroyElement(element, event);\n }).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);\n };\n\n _proto._destroyElement = function _destroyElement(element) {\n $(element).detach().trigger(EVENT_CLOSED).remove();\n } // Static\n ;\n\n Alert._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var $element = $(this);\n var data = $element.data(DATA_KEY);\n\n if (!data) {\n data = new Alert(this);\n $element.data(DATA_KEY, data);\n }\n\n if (config === 'close') {\n data[config](this);\n }\n });\n };\n\n Alert._handleDismiss = function _handleDismiss(alertInstance) {\n return function (event) {\n if (event) {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n\n alertInstance.close(this);\n };\n };\n\n _createClass(Alert, null, [{\n key: \"VERSION\",\n get: function get() {\n return VERSION;\n }\n }]);\n\n return Alert;\n }();\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Data Api implementation\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n $(document).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API, SELECTOR_DISMISS, Alert._handleDismiss(new Alert()));\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * jQuery\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n $.fn[NAME] = Alert._jQueryInterface;\n $.fn[NAME].Constructor = Alert;\n\n $.fn[NAME].noConflict = function () {\n $.fn[NAME] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT;\n return Alert._jQueryInterface;\n };\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Constants\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n var NAME$1 = 'button';\n var VERSION$1 = '4.5.2';\n var DATA_KEY$1 = 'bs.button';\n var EVENT_KEY$1 = \".\" + DATA_KEY$1;\n var DATA_API_KEY$1 = '.data-api';\n var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$1 = $.fn[NAME$1];\n var CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE = 'active';\n var CLASS_NAME_BUTTON = 'btn';\n var CLASS_NAME_FOCUS = 'focus';\n var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE_CARROT = '[data-toggle^=\"button\"]';\n var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLES = '[data-toggle=\"buttons\"]';\n var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE = '[data-toggle=\"button\"]';\n var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLES_BUTTONS = '[data-toggle=\"buttons\"] .btn';\n var SELECTOR_INPUT = 'input:not([type=\"hidden\"])';\n var SELECTOR_ACTIVE = '.active';\n var SELECTOR_BUTTON = '.btn';\n var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$1 = \"click\" + EVENT_KEY$1 + DATA_API_KEY$1;\n var EVENT_FOCUS_BLUR_DATA_API = \"focus\" + EVENT_KEY$1 + DATA_API_KEY$1 + \" \" + (\"blur\" + EVENT_KEY$1 + DATA_API_KEY$1);\n var EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API = \"load\" + EVENT_KEY$1 + DATA_API_KEY$1;\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Class Definition\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n var Button = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Button(element) {\n this._element = element;\n } // Getters\n\n\n var _proto = Button.prototype; // Public\n\n _proto.toggle = function toggle() {\n var triggerChangeEvent = true;\n var addAriaPressed = true;\n var rootElement = $(this._element).closest(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLES)[0];\n\n if (rootElement) {\n var input = this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_INPUT);\n\n if (input) {\n if (input.type === 'radio') {\n if (input.checked && this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE)) {\n triggerChangeEvent = false;\n } else {\n var activeElement = rootElement.querySelector(SELECTOR_ACTIVE);\n\n if (activeElement) {\n $(activeElement).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (triggerChangeEvent) {\n // if it's not a radio button or checkbox don't add a pointless/invalid checked property to the input\n if (input.type === 'checkbox' || input.type === 'radio') {\n input.checked = !this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE);\n }\n\n $(input).trigger('change');\n }\n\n input.focus();\n addAriaPressed = false;\n }\n }\n\n if (!(this._element.hasAttribute('disabled') || this._element.classList.contains('disabled'))) {\n if (addAriaPressed) {\n this._element.setAttribute('aria-pressed', !this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE));\n }\n\n if (triggerChangeEvent) {\n $(this._element).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE);\n }\n }\n };\n\n _proto.dispose = function dispose() {\n $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$1);\n this._element = null;\n } // Static\n ;\n\n Button._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$1);\n\n if (!data) {\n data = new Button(this);\n $(this).data(DATA_KEY$1, data);\n }\n\n if (config === 'toggle') {\n data[config]();\n }\n });\n };\n\n _createClass(Button, null, [{\n key: \"VERSION\",\n get: function get() {\n return VERSION$1;\n }\n }]);\n\n return Button;\n }();\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Data Api implementation\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n $(document).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$1, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE_CARROT, function (event) {\n var button = event.target;\n var initialButton = button;\n\n if (!$(button).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_BUTTON)) {\n button = $(button).closest(SELECTOR_BUTTON)[0];\n }\n\n if (!button || button.hasAttribute('disabled') || button.classList.contains('disabled')) {\n event.preventDefault(); // work around Firefox bug #1540995\n } else {\n var inputBtn = button.querySelector(SELECTOR_INPUT);\n\n if (inputBtn && (inputBtn.hasAttribute('disabled') || inputBtn.classList.contains('disabled'))) {\n event.preventDefault(); // work around Firefox bug #1540995\n\n return;\n }\n\n if (initialButton.tagName !== 'LABEL' || inputBtn && inputBtn.type !== 'checkbox') {\n Button._jQueryInterface.call($(button), 'toggle');\n }\n }\n }).on(EVENT_FOCUS_BLUR_DATA_API, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE_CARROT, function (event) {\n var button = $(event.target).closest(SELECTOR_BUTTON)[0];\n $(button).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_FOCUS, /^focus(in)?$/.test(event.type));\n });\n $(window).on(EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API, function () {\n // ensure correct active class is set to match the controls' actual values/states\n // find all checkboxes/readio buttons inside data-toggle groups\n var buttons = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLES_BUTTONS));\n\n for (var i = 0, len = buttons.length; i < len; i++) {\n var button = buttons[i];\n var input = button.querySelector(SELECTOR_INPUT);\n\n if (input.checked || input.hasAttribute('checked')) {\n button.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE);\n } else {\n button.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE);\n }\n } // find all button toggles\n\n\n buttons = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE));\n\n for (var _i = 0, _len = buttons.length; _i < _len; _i++) {\n var _button = buttons[_i];\n\n if (_button.getAttribute('aria-pressed') === 'true') {\n _button.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE);\n } else {\n _button.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE);\n }\n }\n });\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * jQuery\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n $.fn[NAME$1] = Button._jQueryInterface;\n $.fn[NAME$1].Constructor = Button;\n\n $.fn[NAME$1].noConflict = function () {\n $.fn[NAME$1] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$1;\n return Button._jQueryInterface;\n };\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Constants\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n var NAME$2 = 'carousel';\n var VERSION$2 = '4.5.2';\n var DATA_KEY$2 = 'bs.carousel';\n var EVENT_KEY$2 = \".\" + DATA_KEY$2;\n var DATA_API_KEY$2 = '.data-api';\n var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$2 = $.fn[NAME$2];\n var ARROW_LEFT_KEYCODE = 37; // KeyboardEvent.which value for left arrow key\n\n var ARROW_RIGHT_KEYCODE = 39; // KeyboardEvent.which value for right arrow key\n\n var TOUCHEVENT_COMPAT_WAIT = 500; // Time for mouse compat events to fire after touch\n\n var SWIPE_THRESHOLD = 40;\n var Default = {\n interval: 5000,\n keyboard: true,\n slide: false,\n pause: 'hover',\n wrap: true,\n touch: true\n };\n var DefaultType = {\n interval: '(number|boolean)',\n keyboard: 'boolean',\n slide: '(boolean|string)',\n pause: '(string|boolean)',\n wrap: 'boolean',\n touch: 'boolean'\n };\n var DIRECTION_NEXT = 'next';\n var DIRECTION_PREV = 'prev';\n var DIRECTION_LEFT = 'left';\n var DIRECTION_RIGHT = 'right';\n var EVENT_SLIDE = \"slide\" + EVENT_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_SLID = \"slid\" + EVENT_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_KEYDOWN = \"keydown\" + EVENT_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_MOUSEENTER = \"mouseenter\" + EVENT_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_MOUSELEAVE = \"mouseleave\" + EVENT_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_TOUCHSTART = \"touchstart\" + EVENT_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_TOUCHMOVE = \"touchmove\" + EVENT_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_TOUCHEND = \"touchend\" + EVENT_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_POINTERDOWN = \"pointerdown\" + EVENT_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_POINTERUP = \"pointerup\" + EVENT_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_DRAG_START = \"dragstart\" + EVENT_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$1 = \"load\" + EVENT_KEY$2 + DATA_API_KEY$2;\n var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$2 = \"click\" + EVENT_KEY$2 + DATA_API_KEY$2;\n var CLASS_NAME_CAROUSEL = 'carousel';\n var CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1 = 'active';\n var CLASS_NAME_SLIDE = 'slide';\n var CLASS_NAME_RIGHT = 'carousel-item-right';\n var CLASS_NAME_LEFT = 'carousel-item-left';\n var CLASS_NAME_NEXT = 'carousel-item-next';\n var CLASS_NAME_PREV = 'carousel-item-prev';\n var CLASS_NAME_POINTER_EVENT = 'pointer-event';\n var SELECTOR_ACTIVE$1 = '.active';\n var SELECTOR_ACTIVE_ITEM = '.active.carousel-item';\n var SELECTOR_ITEM = '.carousel-item';\n var SELECTOR_ITEM_IMG = '.carousel-item img';\n var SELECTOR_NEXT_PREV = '.carousel-item-next, .carousel-item-prev';\n var SELECTOR_INDICATORS = '.carousel-indicators';\n var SELECTOR_DATA_SLIDE = '[data-slide], [data-slide-to]';\n var SELECTOR_DATA_RIDE = '[data-ride=\"carousel\"]';\n var PointerType = {\n TOUCH: 'touch',\n PEN: 'pen'\n };\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Class Definition\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n var Carousel = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Carousel(element, config) {\n this._items = null;\n this._interval = null;\n this._activeElement = null;\n this._isPaused = false;\n this._isSliding = false;\n this.touchTimeout = null;\n this.touchStartX = 0;\n this.touchDeltaX = 0;\n this._config = this._getConfig(config);\n this._element = element;\n this._indicatorsElement = this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_INDICATORS);\n this._touchSupported = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0;\n this._pointerEvent = Boolean(window.PointerEvent || window.MSPointerEvent);\n\n this._addEventListeners();\n } // Getters\n\n\n var _proto = Carousel.prototype; // Public\n\n _proto.next = function next() {\n if (!this._isSliding) {\n this._slide(DIRECTION_NEXT);\n }\n };\n\n _proto.nextWhenVisible = function nextWhenVisible() {\n // Don't call next when the page isn't visible\n // or the carousel or its parent isn't visible\n if (!document.hidden && $(this._element).is(':visible') && $(this._element).css('visibility') !== 'hidden') {\n this.next();\n }\n };\n\n _proto.prev = function prev() {\n if (!this._isSliding) {\n this._slide(DIRECTION_PREV);\n }\n };\n\n _proto.pause = function pause(event) {\n if (!event) {\n this._isPaused = true;\n }\n\n if (this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_NEXT_PREV)) {\n Util.triggerTransitionEnd(this._element);\n this.cycle(true);\n }\n\n clearInterval(this._interval);\n this._interval = null;\n };\n\n _proto.cycle = function cycle(event) {\n if (!event) {\n this._isPaused = false;\n }\n\n if (this._interval) {\n clearInterval(this._interval);\n this._interval = null;\n }\n\n if (this._config.interval && !this._isPaused) {\n this._interval = setInterval((document.visibilityState ? this.nextWhenVisible : this.next).bind(this), this._config.interval);\n }\n };\n\n _proto.to = function to(index) {\n var _this = this;\n\n this._activeElement = this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_ACTIVE_ITEM);\n\n var activeIndex = this._getItemIndex(this._activeElement);\n\n if (index > this._items.length - 1 || index < 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this._isSliding) {\n $(this._element).one(EVENT_SLID, function () {\n return _this.to(index);\n });\n return;\n }\n\n if (activeIndex === index) {\n this.pause();\n this.cycle();\n return;\n }\n\n var direction = index > activeIndex ? DIRECTION_NEXT : DIRECTION_PREV;\n\n this._slide(direction, this._items[index]);\n };\n\n _proto.dispose = function dispose() {\n $(this._element).off(EVENT_KEY$2);\n $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$2);\n this._items = null;\n this._config = null;\n this._element = null;\n this._interval = null;\n this._isPaused = null;\n this._isSliding = null;\n this._activeElement = null;\n this._indicatorsElement = null;\n } // Private\n ;\n\n _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {\n config = _extends({}, Default, config);\n Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$2, config, DefaultType);\n return config;\n };\n\n _proto._handleSwipe = function _handleSwipe() {\n var absDeltax = Math.abs(this.touchDeltaX);\n\n if (absDeltax <= SWIPE_THRESHOLD) {\n return;\n }\n\n var direction = absDeltax / this.touchDeltaX;\n this.touchDeltaX = 0; // swipe left\n\n if (direction > 0) {\n this.prev();\n } // swipe right\n\n\n if (direction < 0) {\n this.next();\n }\n };\n\n _proto._addEventListeners = function _addEventListeners() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (this._config.keyboard) {\n $(this._element).on(EVENT_KEYDOWN, function (event) {\n return _this2._keydown(event);\n });\n }\n\n if (this._config.pause === 'hover') {\n $(this._element).on(EVENT_MOUSEENTER, function (event) {\n return _this2.pause(event);\n }).on(EVENT_MOUSELEAVE, function (event) {\n return _this2.cycle(event);\n });\n }\n\n if (this._config.touch) {\n this._addTouchEventListeners();\n }\n };\n\n _proto._addTouchEventListeners = function _addTouchEventListeners() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n if (!this._touchSupported) {\n return;\n }\n\n var start = function start(event) {\n if (_this3._pointerEvent && PointerType[event.originalEvent.pointerType.toUpperCase()]) {\n _this3.touchStartX = event.originalEvent.clientX;\n } else if (!_this3._pointerEvent) {\n _this3.touchStartX = event.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX;\n }\n };\n\n var move = function move(event) {\n // ensure swiping with one touch and not pinching\n if (event.originalEvent.touches && event.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {\n _this3.touchDeltaX = 0;\n } else {\n _this3.touchDeltaX = event.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX - _this3.touchStartX;\n }\n };\n\n var end = function end(event) {\n if (_this3._pointerEvent && PointerType[event.originalEvent.pointerType.toUpperCase()]) {\n _this3.touchDeltaX = event.originalEvent.clientX - _this3.touchStartX;\n }\n\n _this3._handleSwipe();\n\n if (_this3._config.pause === 'hover') {\n // If it's a touch-enabled device, mouseenter/leave are fired as\n // part of the mouse compatibility events on first tap - the carousel\n // would stop cycling until user tapped out of it;\n // here, we listen for touchend, explicitly pause the carousel\n // (as if it's the second time we tap on it, mouseenter compat event\n // is NOT fired) and after a timeout (to allow for mouse compatibility\n // events to fire) we explicitly restart cycling\n _this3.pause();\n\n if (_this3.touchTimeout) {\n clearTimeout(_this3.touchTimeout);\n }\n\n _this3.touchTimeout = setTimeout(function (event) {\n return _this3.cycle(event);\n }, TOUCHEVENT_COMPAT_WAIT + _this3._config.interval);\n }\n };\n\n $(this._element.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_ITEM_IMG)).on(EVENT_DRAG_START, function (e) {\n return e.preventDefault();\n });\n\n if (this._pointerEvent) {\n $(this._element).on(EVENT_POINTERDOWN, function (event) {\n return start(event);\n });\n $(this._element).on(EVENT_POINTERUP, function (event) {\n return end(event);\n });\n\n this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_POINTER_EVENT);\n } else {\n $(this._element).on(EVENT_TOUCHSTART, function (event) {\n return start(event);\n });\n $(this._element).on(EVENT_TOUCHMOVE, function (event) {\n return move(event);\n });\n $(this._element).on(EVENT_TOUCHEND, function (event) {\n return end(event);\n });\n }\n };\n\n _proto._keydown = function _keydown(event) {\n if (/input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagName)) {\n return;\n }\n\n switch (event.which) {\n case ARROW_LEFT_KEYCODE:\n event.preventDefault();\n this.prev();\n break;\n\n case ARROW_RIGHT_KEYCODE:\n event.preventDefault();\n this.next();\n break;\n }\n };\n\n _proto._getItemIndex = function _getItemIndex(element) {\n this._items = element && element.parentNode ? [].slice.call(element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_ITEM)) : [];\n return this._items.indexOf(element);\n };\n\n _proto._getItemByDirection = function _getItemByDirection(direction, activeElement) {\n var isNextDirection = direction === DIRECTION_NEXT;\n var isPrevDirection = direction === DIRECTION_PREV;\n\n var activeIndex = this._getItemIndex(activeElement);\n\n var lastItemIndex = this._items.length - 1;\n var isGoingToWrap = isPrevDirection && activeIndex === 0 || isNextDirection && activeIndex === lastItemIndex;\n\n if (isGoingToWrap && !this._config.wrap) {\n return activeElement;\n }\n\n var delta = direction === DIRECTION_PREV ? -1 : 1;\n var itemIndex = (activeIndex + delta) % this._items.length;\n return itemIndex === -1 ? this._items[this._items.length - 1] : this._items[itemIndex];\n };\n\n _proto._triggerSlideEvent = function _triggerSlideEvent(relatedTarget, eventDirectionName) {\n var targetIndex = this._getItemIndex(relatedTarget);\n\n var fromIndex = this._getItemIndex(this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_ACTIVE_ITEM));\n\n var slideEvent = $.Event(EVENT_SLIDE, {\n relatedTarget: relatedTarget,\n direction: eventDirectionName,\n from: fromIndex,\n to: targetIndex\n });\n $(this._element).trigger(slideEvent);\n return slideEvent;\n };\n\n _proto._setActiveIndicatorElement = function _setActiveIndicatorElement(element) {\n if (this._indicatorsElement) {\n var indicators = [].slice.call(this._indicatorsElement.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_ACTIVE$1));\n $(indicators).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1);\n\n var nextIndicator = this._indicatorsElement.children[this._getItemIndex(element)];\n\n if (nextIndicator) {\n $(nextIndicator).addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1);\n }\n }\n };\n\n _proto._slide = function _slide(direction, element) {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n var activeElement = this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_ACTIVE_ITEM);\n\n var activeElementIndex = this._getItemIndex(activeElement);\n\n var nextElement = element || activeElement && this._getItemByDirection(direction, activeElement);\n\n var nextElementIndex = this._getItemIndex(nextElement);\n\n var isCycling = Boolean(this._interval);\n var directionalClassName;\n var orderClassName;\n var eventDirectionName;\n\n if (direction === DIRECTION_NEXT) {\n directionalClassName = CLASS_NAME_LEFT;\n orderClassName = CLASS_NAME_NEXT;\n eventDirectionName = DIRECTION_LEFT;\n } else {\n directionalClassName = CLASS_NAME_RIGHT;\n orderClassName = CLASS_NAME_PREV;\n eventDirectionName = DIRECTION_RIGHT;\n }\n\n if (nextElement && $(nextElement).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1)) {\n this._isSliding = false;\n return;\n }\n\n var slideEvent = this._triggerSlideEvent(nextElement, eventDirectionName);\n\n if (slideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!activeElement || !nextElement) {\n // Some weirdness is happening, so we bail\n return;\n }\n\n this._isSliding = true;\n\n if (isCycling) {\n this.pause();\n }\n\n this._setActiveIndicatorElement(nextElement);\n\n var slidEvent = $.Event(EVENT_SLID, {\n relatedTarget: nextElement,\n direction: eventDirectionName,\n from: activeElementIndex,\n to: nextElementIndex\n });\n\n if ($(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SLIDE)) {\n $(nextElement).addClass(orderClassName);\n Util.reflow(nextElement);\n $(activeElement).addClass(directionalClassName);\n $(nextElement).addClass(directionalClassName);\n var nextElementInterval = parseInt(nextElement.getAttribute('data-interval'), 10);\n\n if (nextElementInterval) {\n this._config.defaultInterval = this._config.defaultInterval || this._config.interval;\n this._config.interval = nextElementInterval;\n } else {\n this._config.interval = this._config.defaultInterval || this._config.interval;\n }\n\n var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(activeElement);\n $(activeElement).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function () {\n $(nextElement).removeClass(directionalClassName + \" \" + orderClassName).addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1);\n $(activeElement).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1 + \" \" + orderClassName + \" \" + directionalClassName);\n _this4._isSliding = false;\n setTimeout(function () {\n return $(_this4._element).trigger(slidEvent);\n }, 0);\n }).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);\n } else {\n $(activeElement).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1);\n $(nextElement).addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1);\n this._isSliding = false;\n $(this._element).trigger(slidEvent);\n }\n\n if (isCycling) {\n this.cycle();\n }\n } // Static\n ;\n\n Carousel._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$2);\n\n var _config = _extends({}, Default, $(this).data());\n\n if (_typeof(config) === 'object') {\n _config = _extends({}, _config, config);\n }\n\n var action = typeof config === 'string' ? config : _config.slide;\n\n if (!data) {\n data = new Carousel(this, _config);\n $(this).data(DATA_KEY$2, data);\n }\n\n if (typeof config === 'number') {\n data.to(config);\n } else if (typeof action === 'string') {\n if (typeof data[action] === 'undefined') {\n throw new TypeError(\"No method named \\\"\" + action + \"\\\"\");\n }\n\n data[action]();\n } else if (_config.interval && _config.ride) {\n data.pause();\n data.cycle();\n }\n });\n };\n\n Carousel._dataApiClickHandler = function _dataApiClickHandler(event) {\n var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(this);\n\n if (!selector) {\n return;\n }\n\n var target = $(selector)[0];\n\n if (!target || !$(target).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_CAROUSEL)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var config = _extends({}, $(target).data(), $(this).data());\n\n var slideIndex = this.getAttribute('data-slide-to');\n\n if (slideIndex) {\n config.interval = false;\n }\n\n Carousel._jQueryInterface.call($(target), config);\n\n if (slideIndex) {\n $(target).data(DATA_KEY$2).to(slideIndex);\n }\n\n event.preventDefault();\n };\n\n _createClass(Carousel, null, [{\n key: \"VERSION\",\n get: function get() {\n return VERSION$2;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"Default\",\n get: function get() {\n return Default;\n }\n }]);\n\n return Carousel;\n }();\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Data Api implementation\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n $(document).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$2, SELECTOR_DATA_SLIDE, Carousel._dataApiClickHandler);\n $(window).on(EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$1, function () {\n var carousels = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DATA_RIDE));\n\n for (var i = 0, len = carousels.length; i < len; i++) {\n var $carousel = $(carousels[i]);\n\n Carousel._jQueryInterface.call($carousel, $carousel.data());\n }\n });\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * jQuery\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n $.fn[NAME$2] = Carousel._jQueryInterface;\n $.fn[NAME$2].Constructor = Carousel;\n\n $.fn[NAME$2].noConflict = function () {\n $.fn[NAME$2] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$2;\n return Carousel._jQueryInterface;\n };\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Constants\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n var NAME$3 = 'collapse';\n var VERSION$3 = '4.5.2';\n var DATA_KEY$3 = 'bs.collapse';\n var EVENT_KEY$3 = \".\" + DATA_KEY$3;\n var DATA_API_KEY$3 = '.data-api';\n var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$3 = $.fn[NAME$3];\n var Default$1 = {\n toggle: true,\n parent: ''\n };\n var DefaultType$1 = {\n toggle: 'boolean',\n parent: '(string|element)'\n };\n var EVENT_SHOW = \"show\" + EVENT_KEY$3;\n var EVENT_SHOWN = \"shown\" + EVENT_KEY$3;\n var EVENT_HIDE = \"hide\" + EVENT_KEY$3;\n var EVENT_HIDDEN = \"hidden\" + EVENT_KEY$3;\n var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$3 = \"click\" + EVENT_KEY$3 + DATA_API_KEY$3;\n var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$1 = 'show';\n var CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE = 'collapse';\n var CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING = 'collapsing';\n var CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSED = 'collapsed';\n var DIMENSION_WIDTH = 'width';\n var DIMENSION_HEIGHT = 'height';\n var SELECTOR_ACTIVES = '.show, .collapsing';\n var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$1 = '[data-toggle=\"collapse\"]';\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Class Definition\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n var Collapse = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Collapse(element, config) {\n this._isTransitioning = false;\n this._element = element;\n this._config = this._getConfig(config);\n this._triggerArray = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(\"[data-toggle=\\\"collapse\\\"][href=\\\"#\" + element.id + \"\\\"],\" + (\"[data-toggle=\\\"collapse\\\"][data-target=\\\"#\" + element.id + \"\\\"]\")));\n var toggleList = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$1));\n\n for (var i = 0, len = toggleList.length; i < len; i++) {\n var elem = toggleList[i];\n var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(elem);\n var filterElement = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).filter(function (foundElem) {\n return foundElem === element;\n });\n\n if (selector !== null && filterElement.length > 0) {\n this._selector = selector;\n\n this._triggerArray.push(elem);\n }\n }\n\n this._parent = this._config.parent ? this._getParent() : null;\n\n if (!this._config.parent) {\n this._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this._element, this._triggerArray);\n }\n\n if (this._config.toggle) {\n this.toggle();\n }\n } // Getters\n\n\n var _proto = Collapse.prototype; // Public\n\n _proto.toggle = function toggle() {\n if ($(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$1)) {\n this.hide();\n } else {\n this.show();\n }\n };\n\n _proto.show = function show() {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (this._isTransitioning || $(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$1)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var actives;\n var activesData;\n\n if (this._parent) {\n actives = [].slice.call(this._parent.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_ACTIVES)).filter(function (elem) {\n if (typeof _this._config.parent === 'string') {\n return elem.getAttribute('data-parent') === _this._config.parent;\n }\n\n return elem.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE);\n });\n\n if (actives.length === 0) {\n actives = null;\n }\n }\n\n if (actives) {\n activesData = $(actives).not(this._selector).data(DATA_KEY$3);\n\n if (activesData && activesData._isTransitioning) {\n return;\n }\n }\n\n var startEvent = $.Event(EVENT_SHOW);\n $(this._element).trigger(startEvent);\n\n if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (actives) {\n Collapse._jQueryInterface.call($(actives).not(this._selector), 'hide');\n\n if (!activesData) {\n $(actives).data(DATA_KEY$3, null);\n }\n }\n\n var dimension = this._getDimension();\n\n $(this._element).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE).addClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING);\n this._element.style[dimension] = 0;\n\n if (this._triggerArray.length) {\n $(this._triggerArray).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSED).attr('aria-expanded', true);\n }\n\n this.setTransitioning(true);\n\n var complete = function complete() {\n $(_this._element).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING).addClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE + \" \" + CLASS_NAME_SHOW$1);\n _this._element.style[dimension] = '';\n\n _this.setTransitioning(false);\n\n $(_this._element).trigger(EVENT_SHOWN);\n };\n\n var capitalizedDimension = dimension[0].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice(1);\n var scrollSize = \"scroll\" + capitalizedDimension;\n var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);\n $(this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);\n this._element.style[dimension] = this._element[scrollSize] + \"px\";\n };\n\n _proto.hide = function hide() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (this._isTransitioning || !$(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$1)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var startEvent = $.Event(EVENT_HIDE);\n $(this._element).trigger(startEvent);\n\n if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {\n return;\n }\n\n var dimension = this._getDimension();\n\n this._element.style[dimension] = this._element.getBoundingClientRect()[dimension] + \"px\";\n Util.reflow(this._element);\n $(this._element).addClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE + \" \" + CLASS_NAME_SHOW$1);\n var triggerArrayLength = this._triggerArray.length;\n\n if (triggerArrayLength > 0) {\n for (var i = 0; i < triggerArrayLength; i++) {\n var trigger = this._triggerArray[i];\n var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(trigger);\n\n if (selector !== null) {\n var $elem = $([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector)));\n\n if (!$elem.hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$1)) {\n $(trigger).addClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSED).attr('aria-expanded', false);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n this.setTransitioning(true);\n\n var complete = function complete() {\n _this2.setTransitioning(false);\n\n $(_this2._element).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING).addClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE).trigger(EVENT_HIDDEN);\n };\n\n this._element.style[dimension] = '';\n var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);\n $(this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);\n };\n\n _proto.setTransitioning = function setTransitioning(isTransitioning) {\n this._isTransitioning = isTransitioning;\n };\n\n _proto.dispose = function dispose() {\n $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$3);\n this._config = null;\n this._parent = null;\n this._element = null;\n this._triggerArray = null;\n this._isTransitioning = null;\n } // Private\n ;\n\n _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {\n config = _extends({}, Default$1, config);\n config.toggle = Boolean(config.toggle); // Coerce string values\n\n Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$3, config, DefaultType$1);\n return config;\n };\n\n _proto._getDimension = function _getDimension() {\n var hasWidth = $(this._element).hasClass(DIMENSION_WIDTH);\n return hasWidth ? DIMENSION_WIDTH : DIMENSION_HEIGHT;\n };\n\n _proto._getParent = function _getParent() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var parent;\n\n if (Util.isElement(this._config.parent)) {\n parent = this._config.parent; // It's a jQuery object\n\n if (typeof this._config.parent.jquery !== 'undefined') {\n parent = this._config.parent[0];\n }\n } else {\n parent = document.querySelector(this._config.parent);\n }\n\n var selector = \"[data-toggle=\\\"collapse\\\"][data-parent=\\\"\" + this._config.parent + \"\\\"]\";\n var children = [].slice.call(parent.querySelectorAll(selector));\n $(children).each(function (i, element) {\n _this3._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(Collapse._getTargetFromElement(element), [element]);\n });\n return parent;\n };\n\n _proto._addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function _addAriaAndCollapsedClass(element, triggerArray) {\n var isOpen = $(element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$1);\n\n if (triggerArray.length) {\n $(triggerArray).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSED, !isOpen).attr('aria-expanded', isOpen);\n }\n } // Static\n ;\n\n Collapse._getTargetFromElement = function _getTargetFromElement(element) {\n var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);\n return selector ? document.querySelector(selector) : null;\n };\n\n Collapse._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var $this = $(this);\n var data = $this.data(DATA_KEY$3);\n\n var _config = _extends({}, Default$1, $this.data(), _typeof(config) === 'object' && config ? config : {});\n\n if (!data && _config.toggle && typeof config === 'string' && /show|hide/.test(config)) {\n _config.toggle = false;\n }\n\n if (!data) {\n data = new Collapse(this, _config);\n $this.data(DATA_KEY$3, data);\n }\n\n if (typeof config === 'string') {\n if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {\n throw new TypeError(\"No method named \\\"\" + config + \"\\\"\");\n }\n\n data[config]();\n }\n });\n };\n\n _createClass(Collapse, null, [{\n key: \"VERSION\",\n get: function get() {\n return VERSION$3;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"Default\",\n get: function get() {\n return Default$1;\n }\n }]);\n\n return Collapse;\n }();\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Data Api implementation\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n $(document).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$3, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$1, function (event) {\n // preventDefault only for elements (which change the URL) not inside the collapsible element\n if (event.currentTarget.tagName === 'A') {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n\n var $trigger = $(this);\n var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(this);\n var selectors = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector));\n $(selectors).each(function () {\n var $target = $(this);\n var data = $target.data(DATA_KEY$3);\n var config = data ? 'toggle' : $trigger.data();\n\n Collapse._jQueryInterface.call($target, config);\n });\n });\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * jQuery\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n $.fn[NAME$3] = Collapse._jQueryInterface;\n $.fn[NAME$3].Constructor = Collapse;\n\n $.fn[NAME$3].noConflict = function () {\n $.fn[NAME$3] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$3;\n return Collapse._jQueryInterface;\n };\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Constants\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n var NAME$4 = 'dropdown';\n var VERSION$4 = '4.5.2';\n var DATA_KEY$4 = 'bs.dropdown';\n var EVENT_KEY$4 = \".\" + DATA_KEY$4;\n var DATA_API_KEY$4 = '.data-api';\n var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$4 = $.fn[NAME$4];\n var ESCAPE_KEYCODE = 27; // KeyboardEvent.which value for Escape (Esc) key\n\n var SPACE_KEYCODE = 32; // KeyboardEvent.which value for space key\n\n var TAB_KEYCODE = 9; // KeyboardEvent.which value for tab key\n\n var ARROW_UP_KEYCODE = 38; // KeyboardEvent.which value for up arrow key\n\n var ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE = 40; // KeyboardEvent.which value for down arrow key\n\n var RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WHICH = 3; // MouseEvent.which value for the right button (assuming a right-handed mouse)\n\n var REGEXP_KEYDOWN = new RegExp(ARROW_UP_KEYCODE + \"|\" + ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE + \"|\" + ESCAPE_KEYCODE);\n var EVENT_HIDE$1 = \"hide\" + EVENT_KEY$4;\n var EVENT_HIDDEN$1 = \"hidden\" + EVENT_KEY$4;\n var EVENT_SHOW$1 = \"show\" + EVENT_KEY$4;\n var EVENT_SHOWN$1 = \"shown\" + EVENT_KEY$4;\n var EVENT_CLICK = \"click\" + EVENT_KEY$4;\n var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$4 = \"click\" + EVENT_KEY$4 + DATA_API_KEY$4;\n var EVENT_KEYDOWN_DATA_API = \"keydown\" + EVENT_KEY$4 + DATA_API_KEY$4;\n var EVENT_KEYUP_DATA_API = \"keyup\" + EVENT_KEY$4 + DATA_API_KEY$4;\n var CLASS_NAME_DISABLED = 'disabled';\n var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2 = 'show';\n var CLASS_NAME_DROPUP = 'dropup';\n var CLASS_NAME_DROPRIGHT = 'dropright';\n var CLASS_NAME_DROPLEFT = 'dropleft';\n var CLASS_NAME_MENURIGHT = 'dropdown-menu-right';\n var CLASS_NAME_POSITION_STATIC = 'position-static';\n var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2 = '[data-toggle=\"dropdown\"]';\n var SELECTOR_FORM_CHILD = '.dropdown form';\n var SELECTOR_MENU = '.dropdown-menu';\n var SELECTOR_NAVBAR_NAV = '.navbar-nav';\n var SELECTOR_VISIBLE_ITEMS = '.dropdown-menu .dropdown-item:not(.disabled):not(:disabled)';\n var PLACEMENT_TOP = 'top-start';\n var PLACEMENT_TOPEND = 'top-end';\n var PLACEMENT_BOTTOM = 'bottom-start';\n var PLACEMENT_BOTTOMEND = 'bottom-end';\n var PLACEMENT_RIGHT = 'right-start';\n var PLACEMENT_LEFT = 'left-start';\n var Default$2 = {\n offset: 0,\n flip: true,\n boundary: 'scrollParent',\n reference: 'toggle',\n display: 'dynamic',\n popperConfig: null\n };\n var DefaultType$2 = {\n offset: '(number|string|function)',\n flip: 'boolean',\n boundary: '(string|element)',\n reference: '(string|element)',\n display: 'string',\n popperConfig: '(null|object)'\n };\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Class Definition\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n var Dropdown = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Dropdown(element, config) {\n this._element = element;\n this._popper = null;\n this._config = this._getConfig(config);\n this._menu = this._getMenuElement();\n this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar();\n\n this._addEventListeners();\n } // Getters\n\n\n var _proto = Dropdown.prototype; // Public\n\n _proto.toggle = function toggle() {\n if (this._element.disabled || $(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DISABLED)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var isActive = $(this._menu).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2);\n\n Dropdown._clearMenus();\n\n if (isActive) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.show(true);\n };\n\n _proto.show = function show(usePopper) {\n if (usePopper === void 0) {\n usePopper = false;\n }\n\n if (this._element.disabled || $(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DISABLED) || $(this._menu).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var relatedTarget = {\n relatedTarget: this._element\n };\n var showEvent = $.Event(EVENT_SHOW$1, relatedTarget);\n\n var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this._element);\n\n $(parent).trigger(showEvent);\n\n if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {\n return;\n } // Disable totally Popper.js for Dropdown in Navbar\n\n\n if (!this._inNavbar && usePopper) {\n /**\n * Check for Popper dependency\n * Popper - https://popper.js.org\n */\n if (typeof Popper === 'undefined') {\n throw new TypeError('Bootstrap\\'s dropdowns require Popper.js (https://popper.js.org/)');\n }\n\n var referenceElement = this._element;\n\n if (this._config.reference === 'parent') {\n referenceElement = parent;\n } else if (Util.isElement(this._config.reference)) {\n referenceElement = this._config.reference; // Check if it's jQuery element\n\n if (typeof this._config.reference.jquery !== 'undefined') {\n referenceElement = this._config.reference[0];\n }\n } // If boundary is not `scrollParent`, then set position to `static`\n // to allow the menu to \"escape\" the scroll parent's boundaries\n // https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/24251\n\n\n if (this._config.boundary !== 'scrollParent') {\n $(parent).addClass(CLASS_NAME_POSITION_STATIC);\n }\n\n this._popper = new Popper(referenceElement, this._menu, this._getPopperConfig());\n } // If this is a touch-enabled device we add extra\n // empty mouseover listeners to the body's immediate children;\n // only needed because of broken event delegation on iOS\n // https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html\n\n\n if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement && $(parent).closest(SELECTOR_NAVBAR_NAV).length === 0) {\n $(document.body).children().on('mouseover', null, $.noop);\n }\n\n this._element.focus();\n\n this._element.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);\n\n $(this._menu).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2);\n $(parent).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2).trigger($.Event(EVENT_SHOWN$1, relatedTarget));\n };\n\n _proto.hide = function hide() {\n if (this._element.disabled || $(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DISABLED) || !$(this._menu).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var relatedTarget = {\n relatedTarget: this._element\n };\n var hideEvent = $.Event(EVENT_HIDE$1, relatedTarget);\n\n var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this._element);\n\n $(parent).trigger(hideEvent);\n\n if (hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this._popper) {\n this._popper.destroy();\n }\n\n $(this._menu).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2);\n $(parent).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2).trigger($.Event(EVENT_HIDDEN$1, relatedTarget));\n };\n\n _proto.dispose = function dispose() {\n $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$4);\n $(this._element).off(EVENT_KEY$4);\n this._element = null;\n this._menu = null;\n\n if (this._popper !== null) {\n this._popper.destroy();\n\n this._popper = null;\n }\n };\n\n _proto.update = function update() {\n this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar();\n\n if (this._popper !== null) {\n this._popper.scheduleUpdate();\n }\n } // Private\n ;\n\n _proto._addEventListeners = function _addEventListeners() {\n var _this = this;\n\n $(this._element).on(EVENT_CLICK, function (event) {\n event.preventDefault();\n event.stopPropagation();\n\n _this.toggle();\n });\n };\n\n _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {\n config = _extends({}, this.constructor.Default, $(this._element).data(), config);\n Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$4, config, this.constructor.DefaultType);\n return config;\n };\n\n _proto._getMenuElement = function _getMenuElement() {\n if (!this._menu) {\n var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this._element);\n\n if (parent) {\n this._menu = parent.querySelector(SELECTOR_MENU);\n }\n }\n\n return this._menu;\n };\n\n _proto._getPlacement = function _getPlacement() {\n var $parentDropdown = $(this._element.parentNode);\n var placement = PLACEMENT_BOTTOM; // Handle dropup\n\n if ($parentDropdown.hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DROPUP)) {\n placement = $(this._menu).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_MENURIGHT) ? PLACEMENT_TOPEND : PLACEMENT_TOP;\n } else if ($parentDropdown.hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DROPRIGHT)) {\n placement = PLACEMENT_RIGHT;\n } else if ($parentDropdown.hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DROPLEFT)) {\n placement = PLACEMENT_LEFT;\n } else if ($(this._menu).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_MENURIGHT)) {\n placement = PLACEMENT_BOTTOMEND;\n }\n\n return placement;\n };\n\n _proto._detectNavbar = function _detectNavbar() {\n return $(this._element).closest('.navbar').length > 0;\n };\n\n _proto._getOffset = function _getOffset() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var offset = {};\n\n if (typeof this._config.offset === 'function') {\n offset.fn = function (data) {\n data.offsets = _extends({}, data.offsets, _this2._config.offset(data.offsets, _this2._element) || {});\n return data;\n };\n } else {\n offset.offset = this._config.offset;\n }\n\n return offset;\n };\n\n _proto._getPopperConfig = function _getPopperConfig() {\n var popperConfig = {\n placement: this._getPlacement(),\n modifiers: {\n offset: this._getOffset(),\n flip: {\n enabled: this._config.flip\n },\n preventOverflow: {\n boundariesElement: this._config.boundary\n }\n }\n }; // Disable Popper.js if we have a static display\n\n if (this._config.display === 'static') {\n popperConfig.modifiers.applyStyle = {\n enabled: false\n };\n }\n\n return _extends({}, popperConfig, this._config.popperConfig);\n } // Static\n ;\n\n Dropdown._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$4);\n\n var _config = _typeof(config) === 'object' ? config : null;\n\n if (!data) {\n data = new Dropdown(this, _config);\n $(this).data(DATA_KEY$4, data);\n }\n\n if (typeof config === 'string') {\n if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {\n throw new TypeError(\"No method named \\\"\" + config + \"\\\"\");\n }\n\n data[config]();\n }\n });\n };\n\n Dropdown._clearMenus = function _clearMenus(event) {\n if (event && (event.which === RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WHICH || event.type === 'keyup' && event.which !== TAB_KEYCODE)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var toggles = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2));\n\n for (var i = 0, len = toggles.length; i < len; i++) {\n var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(toggles[i]);\n\n var context = $(toggles[i]).data(DATA_KEY$4);\n var relatedTarget = {\n relatedTarget: toggles[i]\n };\n\n if (event && event.type === 'click') {\n relatedTarget.clickEvent = event;\n }\n\n if (!context) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var dropdownMenu = context._menu;\n\n if (!$(parent).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n if (event && (event.type === 'click' && /input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagName) || event.type === 'keyup' && event.which === TAB_KEYCODE) && $.contains(parent, event.target)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n var hideEvent = $.Event(EVENT_HIDE$1, relatedTarget);\n $(parent).trigger(hideEvent);\n\n if (hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {\n continue;\n } // If this is a touch-enabled device we remove the extra\n // empty mouseover listeners we added for iOS support\n\n\n if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {\n $(document.body).children().off('mouseover', null, $.noop);\n }\n\n toggles[i].setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');\n\n if (context._popper) {\n context._popper.destroy();\n }\n\n $(dropdownMenu).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2);\n $(parent).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2).trigger($.Event(EVENT_HIDDEN$1, relatedTarget));\n }\n };\n\n Dropdown._getParentFromElement = function _getParentFromElement(element) {\n var parent;\n var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);\n\n if (selector) {\n parent = document.querySelector(selector);\n }\n\n return parent || element.parentNode;\n } // eslint-disable-next-line complexity\n ;\n\n Dropdown._dataApiKeydownHandler = function _dataApiKeydownHandler(event) {\n // If not input/textarea:\n // - And not a key in REGEXP_KEYDOWN => not a dropdown command\n // If input/textarea:\n // - If space key => not a dropdown command\n // - If key is other than escape\n // - If key is not up or down => not a dropdown command\n // - If trigger inside the menu => not a dropdown command\n if (/input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagName) ? event.which === SPACE_KEYCODE || event.which !== ESCAPE_KEYCODE && (event.which !== ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE && event.which !== ARROW_UP_KEYCODE || $(event.target).closest(SELECTOR_MENU).length) : !REGEXP_KEYDOWN.test(event.which)) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.disabled || $(this).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DISABLED)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this);\n\n var isActive = $(parent).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2);\n\n if (!isActive && event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE) {\n return;\n }\n\n event.preventDefault();\n event.stopPropagation();\n\n if (!isActive || isActive && (event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE || event.which === SPACE_KEYCODE)) {\n if (event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE) {\n $(parent.querySelector(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2)).trigger('focus');\n }\n\n $(this).trigger('click');\n return;\n }\n\n var items = [].slice.call(parent.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_VISIBLE_ITEMS)).filter(function (item) {\n return $(item).is(':visible');\n });\n\n if (items.length === 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n var index = items.indexOf(event.target);\n\n if (event.which === ARROW_UP_KEYCODE && index > 0) {\n // Up\n index--;\n }\n\n if (event.which === ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE && index < items.length - 1) {\n // Down\n index++;\n }\n\n if (index < 0) {\n index = 0;\n }\n\n items[index].focus();\n };\n\n _createClass(Dropdown, null, [{\n key: \"VERSION\",\n get: function get() {\n return VERSION$4;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"Default\",\n get: function get() {\n return Default$2;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"DefaultType\",\n get: function get() {\n return DefaultType$2;\n }\n }]);\n\n return Dropdown;\n }();\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Data Api implementation\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n $(document).on(EVENT_KEYDOWN_DATA_API, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2, Dropdown._dataApiKeydownHandler).on(EVENT_KEYDOWN_DATA_API, SELECTOR_MENU, Dropdown._dataApiKeydownHandler).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$4 + \" \" + EVENT_KEYUP_DATA_API, Dropdown._clearMenus).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$4, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2, function (event) {\n event.preventDefault();\n event.stopPropagation();\n\n Dropdown._jQueryInterface.call($(this), 'toggle');\n }).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$4, SELECTOR_FORM_CHILD, function (e) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n });\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * jQuery\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n $.fn[NAME$4] = Dropdown._jQueryInterface;\n $.fn[NAME$4].Constructor = Dropdown;\n\n $.fn[NAME$4].noConflict = function () {\n $.fn[NAME$4] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$4;\n return Dropdown._jQueryInterface;\n };\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Constants\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n var NAME$5 = 'modal';\n var VERSION$5 = '4.5.2';\n var DATA_KEY$5 = 'bs.modal';\n var EVENT_KEY$5 = \".\" + DATA_KEY$5;\n var DATA_API_KEY$5 = '.data-api';\n var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$5 = $.fn[NAME$5];\n var ESCAPE_KEYCODE$1 = 27; // KeyboardEvent.which value for Escape (Esc) key\n\n var Default$3 = {\n backdrop: true,\n keyboard: true,\n focus: true,\n show: true\n };\n var DefaultType$3 = {\n backdrop: '(boolean|string)',\n keyboard: 'boolean',\n focus: 'boolean',\n show: 'boolean'\n };\n var EVENT_HIDE$2 = \"hide\" + EVENT_KEY$5;\n var EVENT_HIDE_PREVENTED = \"hidePrevented\" + EVENT_KEY$5;\n var EVENT_HIDDEN$2 = \"hidden\" + EVENT_KEY$5;\n var EVENT_SHOW$2 = \"show\" + EVENT_KEY$5;\n var EVENT_SHOWN$2 = \"shown\" + EVENT_KEY$5;\n var EVENT_FOCUSIN = \"focusin\" + EVENT_KEY$5;\n var EVENT_RESIZE = \"resize\" + EVENT_KEY$5;\n var EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS = \"click.dismiss\" + EVENT_KEY$5;\n var EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS = \"keydown.dismiss\" + EVENT_KEY$5;\n var EVENT_MOUSEUP_DISMISS = \"mouseup.dismiss\" + EVENT_KEY$5;\n var EVENT_MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS = \"mousedown.dismiss\" + EVENT_KEY$5;\n var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$5 = \"click\" + EVENT_KEY$5 + DATA_API_KEY$5;\n var CLASS_NAME_SCROLLABLE = 'modal-dialog-scrollable';\n var CLASS_NAME_SCROLLBAR_MEASURER = 'modal-scrollbar-measure';\n var CLASS_NAME_BACKDROP = 'modal-backdrop';\n var CLASS_NAME_OPEN = 'modal-open';\n var CLASS_NAME_FADE$1 = 'fade';\n var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3 = 'show';\n var CLASS_NAME_STATIC = 'modal-static';\n var SELECTOR_DIALOG = '.modal-dialog';\n var SELECTOR_MODAL_BODY = '.modal-body';\n var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3 = '[data-toggle=\"modal\"]';\n var SELECTOR_DATA_DISMISS = '[data-dismiss=\"modal\"]';\n var SELECTOR_FIXED_CONTENT = '.fixed-top, .fixed-bottom, .is-fixed, .sticky-top';\n var SELECTOR_STICKY_CONTENT = '.sticky-top';\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Class Definition\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n var Modal = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Modal(element, config) {\n this._config = this._getConfig(config);\n this._element = element;\n this._dialog = element.querySelector(SELECTOR_DIALOG);\n this._backdrop = null;\n this._isShown = false;\n this._isBodyOverflowing = false;\n this._ignoreBackdropClick = false;\n this._isTransitioning = false;\n this._scrollbarWidth = 0;\n } // Getters\n\n\n var _proto = Modal.prototype; // Public\n\n _proto.toggle = function toggle(relatedTarget) {\n return this._isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(relatedTarget);\n };\n\n _proto.show = function show(relatedTarget) {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (this._isShown || this._isTransitioning) {\n return;\n }\n\n if ($(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$1)) {\n this._isTransitioning = true;\n }\n\n var showEvent = $.Event(EVENT_SHOW$2, {\n relatedTarget: relatedTarget\n });\n $(this._element).trigger(showEvent);\n\n if (this._isShown || showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._isShown = true;\n\n this._checkScrollbar();\n\n this._setScrollbar();\n\n this._adjustDialog();\n\n this._setEscapeEvent();\n\n this._setResizeEvent();\n\n $(this._element).on(EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS, SELECTOR_DATA_DISMISS, function (event) {\n return _this.hide(event);\n });\n $(this._dialog).on(EVENT_MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS, function () {\n $(_this._element).one(EVENT_MOUSEUP_DISMISS, function (event) {\n if ($(event.target).is(_this._element)) {\n _this._ignoreBackdropClick = true;\n }\n });\n });\n\n this._showBackdrop(function () {\n return _this._showElement(relatedTarget);\n });\n };\n\n _proto.hide = function hide(event) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (event) {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n\n if (!this._isShown || this._isTransitioning) {\n return;\n }\n\n var hideEvent = $.Event(EVENT_HIDE$2);\n $(this._element).trigger(hideEvent);\n\n if (!this._isShown || hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._isShown = false;\n var transition = $(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$1);\n\n if (transition) {\n this._isTransitioning = true;\n }\n\n this._setEscapeEvent();\n\n this._setResizeEvent();\n\n $(document).off(EVENT_FOCUSIN);\n $(this._element).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3);\n $(this._element).off(EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS);\n $(this._dialog).off(EVENT_MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS);\n\n if (transition) {\n var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);\n $(this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function (event) {\n return _this2._hideModal(event);\n }).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);\n } else {\n this._hideModal();\n }\n };\n\n _proto.dispose = function dispose() {\n [window, this._element, this._dialog].forEach(function (htmlElement) {\n return $(htmlElement).off(EVENT_KEY$5);\n });\n /**\n * `document` has 2 events `EVENT_FOCUSIN` and `EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API`\n * Do not move `document` in `htmlElements` array\n * It will remove `EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API` event that should remain\n */\n\n $(document).off(EVENT_FOCUSIN);\n $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$5);\n this._config = null;\n this._element = null;\n this._dialog = null;\n this._backdrop = null;\n this._isShown = null;\n this._isBodyOverflowing = null;\n this._ignoreBackdropClick = null;\n this._isTransitioning = null;\n this._scrollbarWidth = null;\n };\n\n _proto.handleUpdate = function handleUpdate() {\n this._adjustDialog();\n } // Private\n ;\n\n _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {\n config = _extends({}, Default$3, config);\n Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$5, config, DefaultType$3);\n return config;\n };\n\n _proto._triggerBackdropTransition = function _triggerBackdropTransition() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n if (this._config.backdrop === 'static') {\n var hideEventPrevented = $.Event(EVENT_HIDE_PREVENTED);\n $(this._element).trigger(hideEventPrevented);\n\n if (hideEventPrevented.defaultPrevented) {\n return;\n }\n\n var isModalOverflowing = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight;\n\n if (!isModalOverflowing) {\n this._element.style.overflowY = 'hidden';\n }\n\n this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_STATIC);\n\n var modalTransitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._dialog);\n $(this._element).off(Util.TRANSITION_END);\n $(this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function () {\n _this3._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_STATIC);\n\n if (!isModalOverflowing) {\n $(_this3._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function () {\n _this3._element.style.overflowY = '';\n }).emulateTransitionEnd(_this3._element, modalTransitionDuration);\n }\n }).emulateTransitionEnd(modalTransitionDuration);\n\n this._element.focus();\n } else {\n this.hide();\n }\n };\n\n _proto._showElement = function _showElement(relatedTarget) {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n var transition = $(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$1);\n var modalBody = this._dialog ? this._dialog.querySelector(SELECTOR_MODAL_BODY) : null;\n\n if (!this._element.parentNode || this._element.parentNode.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {\n // Don't move modal's DOM position\n document.body.appendChild(this._element);\n }\n\n this._element.style.display = 'block';\n\n this._element.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');\n\n this._element.setAttribute('aria-modal', true);\n\n this._element.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');\n\n if ($(this._dialog).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SCROLLABLE) && modalBody) {\n modalBody.scrollTop = 0;\n } else {\n this._element.scrollTop = 0;\n }\n\n if (transition) {\n Util.reflow(this._element);\n }\n\n $(this._element).addClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3);\n\n if (this._config.focus) {\n this._enforceFocus();\n }\n\n var shownEvent = $.Event(EVENT_SHOWN$2, {\n relatedTarget: relatedTarget\n });\n\n var transitionComplete = function transitionComplete() {\n if (_this4._config.focus) {\n _this4._element.focus();\n }\n\n _this4._isTransitioning = false;\n $(_this4._element).trigger(shownEvent);\n };\n\n if (transition) {\n var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._dialog);\n $(this._dialog).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, transitionComplete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);\n } else {\n transitionComplete();\n }\n };\n\n _proto._enforceFocus = function _enforceFocus() {\n var _this5 = this;\n\n $(document).off(EVENT_FOCUSIN) // Guard against infinite focus loop\n .on(EVENT_FOCUSIN, function (event) {\n if (document !== event.target && _this5._element !== event.target && $(_this5._element).has(event.target).length === 0) {\n _this5._element.focus();\n }\n });\n };\n\n _proto._setEscapeEvent = function _setEscapeEvent() {\n var _this6 = this;\n\n if (this._isShown) {\n $(this._element).on(EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS, function (event) {\n if (_this6._config.keyboard && event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE$1) {\n event.preventDefault();\n\n _this6.hide();\n } else if (!_this6._config.keyboard && event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE$1) {\n _this6._triggerBackdropTransition();\n }\n });\n } else if (!this._isShown) {\n $(this._element).off(EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS);\n }\n };\n\n _proto._setResizeEvent = function _setResizeEvent() {\n var _this7 = this;\n\n if (this._isShown) {\n $(window).on(EVENT_RESIZE, function (event) {\n return _this7.handleUpdate(event);\n });\n } else {\n $(window).off(EVENT_RESIZE);\n }\n };\n\n _proto._hideModal = function _hideModal() {\n var _this8 = this;\n\n this._element.style.display = 'none';\n\n this._element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true);\n\n this._element.removeAttribute('aria-modal');\n\n this._element.removeAttribute('role');\n\n this._isTransitioning = false;\n\n this._showBackdrop(function () {\n $(document.body).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_OPEN);\n\n _this8._resetAdjustments();\n\n _this8._resetScrollbar();\n\n $(_this8._element).trigger(EVENT_HIDDEN$2);\n });\n };\n\n _proto._removeBackdrop = function _removeBackdrop() {\n if (this._backdrop) {\n $(this._backdrop).remove();\n this._backdrop = null;\n }\n };\n\n _proto._showBackdrop = function _showBackdrop(callback) {\n var _this9 = this;\n\n var animate = $(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$1) ? CLASS_NAME_FADE$1 : '';\n\n if (this._isShown && this._config.backdrop) {\n this._backdrop = document.createElement('div');\n this._backdrop.className = CLASS_NAME_BACKDROP;\n\n if (animate) {\n this._backdrop.classList.add(animate);\n }\n\n $(this._backdrop).appendTo(document.body);\n $(this._element).on(EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS, function (event) {\n if (_this9._ignoreBackdropClick) {\n _this9._ignoreBackdropClick = false;\n return;\n }\n\n if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) {\n return;\n }\n\n _this9._triggerBackdropTransition();\n });\n\n if (animate) {\n Util.reflow(this._backdrop);\n }\n\n $(this._backdrop).addClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3);\n\n if (!callback) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!animate) {\n callback();\n return;\n }\n\n var backdropTransitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._backdrop);\n $(this._backdrop).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, callback).emulateTransitionEnd(backdropTransitionDuration);\n } else if (!this._isShown && this._backdrop) {\n $(this._backdrop).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3);\n\n var callbackRemove = function callbackRemove() {\n _this9._removeBackdrop();\n\n if (callback) {\n callback();\n }\n };\n\n if ($(this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$1)) {\n var _backdropTransitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._backdrop);\n\n $(this._backdrop).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, callbackRemove).emulateTransitionEnd(_backdropTransitionDuration);\n } else {\n callbackRemove();\n }\n } else if (callback) {\n callback();\n }\n } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // the following methods are used to handle overflowing modals\n // todo (fat): these should probably be refactored out of modal.js\n // ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n ;\n\n _proto._adjustDialog = function _adjustDialog() {\n var isModalOverflowing = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight;\n\n if (!this._isBodyOverflowing && isModalOverflowing) {\n this._element.style.paddingLeft = this._scrollbarWidth + \"px\";\n }\n\n if (this._isBodyOverflowing && !isModalOverflowing) {\n this._element.style.paddingRight = this._scrollbarWidth + \"px\";\n }\n };\n\n _proto._resetAdjustments = function _resetAdjustments() {\n this._element.style.paddingLeft = '';\n this._element.style.paddingRight = '';\n };\n\n _proto._checkScrollbar = function _checkScrollbar() {\n var rect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();\n this._isBodyOverflowing = Math.round(rect.left + rect.right) < window.innerWidth;\n this._scrollbarWidth = this._getScrollbarWidth();\n };\n\n _proto._setScrollbar = function _setScrollbar() {\n var _this10 = this;\n\n if (this._isBodyOverflowing) {\n // Note: DOMNode.style.paddingRight returns the actual value or '' if not set\n // while $(DOMNode).css('padding-right') returns the calculated value or 0 if not set\n var fixedContent = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_FIXED_CONTENT));\n var stickyContent = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_STICKY_CONTENT)); // Adjust fixed content padding\n\n $(fixedContent).each(function (index, element) {\n var actualPadding = element.style.paddingRight;\n var calculatedPadding = $(element).css('padding-right');\n $(element).data('padding-right', actualPadding).css('padding-right', parseFloat(calculatedPadding) + _this10._scrollbarWidth + \"px\");\n }); // Adjust sticky content margin\n\n $(stickyContent).each(function (index, element) {\n var actualMargin = element.style.marginRight;\n var calculatedMargin = $(element).css('margin-right');\n $(element).data('margin-right', actualMargin).css('margin-right', parseFloat(calculatedMargin) - _this10._scrollbarWidth + \"px\");\n }); // Adjust body padding\n\n var actualPadding = document.body.style.paddingRight;\n var calculatedPadding = $(document.body).css('padding-right');\n $(document.body).data('padding-right', actualPadding).css('padding-right', parseFloat(calculatedPadding) + this._scrollbarWidth + \"px\");\n }\n\n $(document.body).addClass(CLASS_NAME_OPEN);\n };\n\n _proto._resetScrollbar = function _resetScrollbar() {\n // Restore fixed content padding\n var fixedContent = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_FIXED_CONTENT));\n $(fixedContent).each(function (index, element) {\n var padding = $(element).data('padding-right');\n $(element).removeData('padding-right');\n element.style.paddingRight = padding ? padding : '';\n }); // Restore sticky content\n\n var elements = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(\"\" + SELECTOR_STICKY_CONTENT));\n $(elements).each(function (index, element) {\n var margin = $(element).data('margin-right');\n\n if (typeof margin !== 'undefined') {\n $(element).css('margin-right', margin).removeData('margin-right');\n }\n }); // Restore body padding\n\n var padding = $(document.body).data('padding-right');\n $(document.body).removeData('padding-right');\n document.body.style.paddingRight = padding ? padding : '';\n };\n\n _proto._getScrollbarWidth = function _getScrollbarWidth() {\n // thx d.walsh\n var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div');\n scrollDiv.className = CLASS_NAME_SCROLLBAR_MEASURER;\n document.body.appendChild(scrollDiv);\n var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.getBoundingClientRect().width - scrollDiv.clientWidth;\n document.body.removeChild(scrollDiv);\n return scrollbarWidth;\n } // Static\n ;\n\n Modal._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config, relatedTarget) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$5);\n\n var _config = _extends({}, Default$3, $(this).data(), _typeof(config) === 'object' && config ? config : {});\n\n if (!data) {\n data = new Modal(this, _config);\n $(this).data(DATA_KEY$5, data);\n }\n\n if (typeof config === 'string') {\n if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {\n throw new TypeError(\"No method named \\\"\" + config + \"\\\"\");\n }\n\n data[config](relatedTarget);\n } else if (_config.show) {\n data.show(relatedTarget);\n }\n });\n };\n\n _createClass(Modal, null, [{\n key: \"VERSION\",\n get: function get() {\n return VERSION$5;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"Default\",\n get: function get() {\n return Default$3;\n }\n }]);\n\n return Modal;\n }();\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Data Api implementation\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n $(document).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$5, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3, function (event) {\n var _this11 = this;\n\n var target;\n var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(this);\n\n if (selector) {\n target = document.querySelector(selector);\n }\n\n var config = $(target).data(DATA_KEY$5) ? 'toggle' : _extends({}, $(target).data(), $(this).data());\n\n if (this.tagName === 'A' || this.tagName === 'AREA') {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n\n var $target = $(target).one(EVENT_SHOW$2, function (showEvent) {\n if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {\n // Only register focus restorer if modal will actually get shown\n return;\n }\n\n $target.one(EVENT_HIDDEN$2, function () {\n if ($(_this11).is(':visible')) {\n _this11.focus();\n }\n });\n });\n\n Modal._jQueryInterface.call($(target), config, this);\n });\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * jQuery\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n $.fn[NAME$5] = Modal._jQueryInterface;\n $.fn[NAME$5].Constructor = Modal;\n\n $.fn[NAME$5].noConflict = function () {\n $.fn[NAME$5] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$5;\n return Modal._jQueryInterface;\n };\n /**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap (v4.5.2): tools/sanitizer.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n var uriAttrs = ['background', 'cite', 'href', 'itemtype', 'longdesc', 'poster', 'src', 'xlink:href'];\n var ARIA_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN = /^aria-[\\w-]*$/i;\n var DefaultWhitelist = {\n // Global attributes allowed on any supplied element below.\n '*': ['class', 'dir', 'id', 'lang', 'role', ARIA_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN],\n a: ['target', 'href', 'title', 'rel'],\n area: [],\n b: [],\n br: [],\n col: [],\n code: [],\n div: [],\n em: [],\n hr: [],\n h1: [],\n h2: [],\n h3: [],\n h4: [],\n h5: [],\n h6: [],\n i: [],\n img: ['src', 'srcset', 'alt', 'title', 'width', 'height'],\n li: [],\n ol: [],\n p: [],\n pre: [],\n s: [],\n small: [],\n span: [],\n sub: [],\n sup: [],\n strong: [],\n u: [],\n ul: []\n };\n /**\n * A pattern that recognizes a commonly useful subset of URLs that are safe.\n *\n * Shoutout to Angular 7 https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/7.2.4/packages/core/src/sanitization/url_sanitizer.ts\n */\n\n var SAFE_URL_PATTERN = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp|tel|file):|[^#&/:?]*(?:[#/?]|$))/gi;\n /**\n * A pattern that matches safe data URLs. Only matches image, video and audio types.\n *\n * Shoutout to Angular 7 https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/7.2.4/packages/core/src/sanitization/url_sanitizer.ts\n */\n\n var DATA_URL_PATTERN = /^data:(?:image\\/(?:bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png|tiff|webp)|video\\/(?:mpeg|mp4|ogg|webm)|audio\\/(?:mp3|oga|ogg|opus));base64,[\\d+/a-z]+=*$/i;\n\n function allowedAttribute(attr, allowedAttributeList) {\n var attrName = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n\n if (allowedAttributeList.indexOf(attrName) !== -1) {\n if (uriAttrs.indexOf(attrName) !== -1) {\n return Boolean(attr.nodeValue.match(SAFE_URL_PATTERN) || attr.nodeValue.match(DATA_URL_PATTERN));\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n\n var regExp = allowedAttributeList.filter(function (attrRegex) {\n return attrRegex instanceof RegExp;\n }); // Check if a regular expression validates the attribute.\n\n for (var i = 0, len = regExp.length; i < len; i++) {\n if (attrName.match(regExp[i])) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n function sanitizeHtml(unsafeHtml, whiteList, sanitizeFn) {\n if (unsafeHtml.length === 0) {\n return unsafeHtml;\n }\n\n if (sanitizeFn && typeof sanitizeFn === 'function') {\n return sanitizeFn(unsafeHtml);\n }\n\n var domParser = new window.DOMParser();\n var createdDocument = domParser.parseFromString(unsafeHtml, 'text/html');\n var whitelistKeys = Object.keys(whiteList);\n var elements = [].slice.call(createdDocument.body.querySelectorAll('*'));\n\n var _loop = function _loop(i, len) {\n var el = elements[i];\n var elName = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n\n if (whitelistKeys.indexOf(el.nodeName.toLowerCase()) === -1) {\n el.parentNode.removeChild(el);\n return \"continue\";\n }\n\n var attributeList = [].slice.call(el.attributes);\n var whitelistedAttributes = [].concat(whiteList['*'] || [], whiteList[elName] || []);\n attributeList.forEach(function (attr) {\n if (!allowedAttribute(attr, whitelistedAttributes)) {\n el.removeAttribute(attr.nodeName);\n }\n });\n };\n\n for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {\n var _ret = _loop(i);\n\n if (_ret === \"continue\") continue;\n }\n\n return createdDocument.body.innerHTML;\n }\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Constants\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n var NAME$6 = 'tooltip';\n var VERSION$6 = '4.5.2';\n var DATA_KEY$6 = 'bs.tooltip';\n var EVENT_KEY$6 = \".\" + DATA_KEY$6;\n var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$6 = $.fn[NAME$6];\n var CLASS_PREFIX = 'bs-tooltip';\n var BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX = new RegExp(\"(^|\\\\s)\" + CLASS_PREFIX + \"\\\\S+\", 'g');\n var DISALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES = ['sanitize', 'whiteList', 'sanitizeFn'];\n var DefaultType$4 = {\n animation: 'boolean',\n template: 'string',\n title: '(string|element|function)',\n trigger: 'string',\n delay: '(number|object)',\n html: 'boolean',\n selector: '(string|boolean)',\n placement: '(string|function)',\n offset: '(number|string|function)',\n container: '(string|element|boolean)',\n fallbackPlacement: '(string|array)',\n boundary: '(string|element)',\n sanitize: 'boolean',\n sanitizeFn: '(null|function)',\n whiteList: 'object',\n popperConfig: '(null|object)'\n };\n var AttachmentMap = {\n AUTO: 'auto',\n TOP: 'top',\n RIGHT: 'right',\n BOTTOM: 'bottom',\n LEFT: 'left'\n };\n var Default$4 = {\n animation: true,\n template: '',\n trigger: 'hover focus',\n title: '',\n delay: 0,\n html: false,\n selector: false,\n placement: 'top',\n offset: 0,\n container: false,\n fallbackPlacement: 'flip',\n boundary: 'scrollParent',\n sanitize: true,\n sanitizeFn: null,\n whiteList: DefaultWhitelist,\n popperConfig: null\n };\n var HOVER_STATE_SHOW = 'show';\n var HOVER_STATE_OUT = 'out';\n var Event = {\n HIDE: \"hide\" + EVENT_KEY$6,\n HIDDEN: \"hidden\" + EVENT_KEY$6,\n SHOW: \"show\" + EVENT_KEY$6,\n SHOWN: \"shown\" + EVENT_KEY$6,\n INSERTED: \"inserted\" + EVENT_KEY$6,\n CLICK: \"click\" + EVENT_KEY$6,\n FOCUSIN: \"focusin\" + EVENT_KEY$6,\n FOCUSOUT: \"focusout\" + EVENT_KEY$6,\n MOUSEENTER: \"mouseenter\" + EVENT_KEY$6,\n MOUSELEAVE: \"mouseleave\" + EVENT_KEY$6\n };\n var CLASS_NAME_FADE$2 = 'fade';\n var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4 = 'show';\n var SELECTOR_TOOLTIP_INNER = '.tooltip-inner';\n var SELECTOR_ARROW = '.arrow';\n var TRIGGER_HOVER = 'hover';\n var TRIGGER_FOCUS = 'focus';\n var TRIGGER_CLICK = 'click';\n var TRIGGER_MANUAL = 'manual';\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Class Definition\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n var Tooltip = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Tooltip(element, config) {\n if (typeof Popper === 'undefined') {\n throw new TypeError('Bootstrap\\'s tooltips require Popper.js (https://popper.js.org/)');\n } // private\n\n\n this._isEnabled = true;\n this._timeout = 0;\n this._hoverState = '';\n this._activeTrigger = {};\n this._popper = null; // Protected\n\n this.element = element;\n this.config = this._getConfig(config);\n this.tip = null;\n\n this._setListeners();\n } // Getters\n\n\n var _proto = Tooltip.prototype; // Public\n\n _proto.enable = function enable() {\n this._isEnabled = true;\n };\n\n _proto.disable = function disable() {\n this._isEnabled = false;\n };\n\n _proto.toggleEnabled = function toggleEnabled() {\n this._isEnabled = !this._isEnabled;\n };\n\n _proto.toggle = function toggle(event) {\n if (!this._isEnabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (event) {\n var dataKey = this.constructor.DATA_KEY;\n var context = $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey);\n\n if (!context) {\n context = new this.constructor(event.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig());\n $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey, context);\n }\n\n context._activeTrigger.click = !context._activeTrigger.click;\n\n if (context._isWithActiveTrigger()) {\n context._enter(null, context);\n } else {\n context._leave(null, context);\n }\n } else {\n if ($(this.getTipElement()).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4)) {\n this._leave(null, this);\n\n return;\n }\n\n this._enter(null, this);\n }\n };\n\n _proto.dispose = function dispose() {\n clearTimeout(this._timeout);\n $.removeData(this.element, this.constructor.DATA_KEY);\n $(this.element).off(this.constructor.EVENT_KEY);\n $(this.element).closest('.modal').off('hide.bs.modal', this._hideModalHandler);\n\n if (this.tip) {\n $(this.tip).remove();\n }\n\n this._isEnabled = null;\n this._timeout = null;\n this._hoverState = null;\n this._activeTrigger = null;\n\n if (this._popper) {\n this._popper.destroy();\n }\n\n this._popper = null;\n this.element = null;\n this.config = null;\n this.tip = null;\n };\n\n _proto.show = function show() {\n var _this = this;\n\n if ($(this.element).css('display') === 'none') {\n throw new Error('Please use show on visible elements');\n }\n\n var showEvent = $.Event(this.constructor.Event.SHOW);\n\n if (this.isWithContent() && this._isEnabled) {\n $(this.element).trigger(showEvent);\n var shadowRoot = Util.findShadowRoot(this.element);\n var isInTheDom = $.contains(shadowRoot !== null ? shadowRoot : this.element.ownerDocument.documentElement, this.element);\n\n if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || !isInTheDom) {\n return;\n }\n\n var tip = this.getTipElement();\n var tipId = Util.getUID(this.constructor.NAME);\n tip.setAttribute('id', tipId);\n this.element.setAttribute('aria-describedby', tipId);\n this.setContent();\n\n if (this.config.animation) {\n $(tip).addClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$2);\n }\n\n var placement = typeof this.config.placement === 'function' ? this.config.placement.call(this, tip, this.element) : this.config.placement;\n\n var attachment = this._getAttachment(placement);\n\n this.addAttachmentClass(attachment);\n\n var container = this._getContainer();\n\n $(tip).data(this.constructor.DATA_KEY, this);\n\n if (!$.contains(this.element.ownerDocument.documentElement, this.tip)) {\n $(tip).appendTo(container);\n }\n\n $(this.element).trigger(this.constructor.Event.INSERTED);\n this._popper = new Popper(this.element, tip, this._getPopperConfig(attachment));\n $(tip).addClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4); // If this is a touch-enabled device we add extra\n // empty mouseover listeners to the body's immediate children;\n // only needed because of broken event delegation on iOS\n // https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html\n\n if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {\n $(document.body).children().on('mouseover', null, $.noop);\n }\n\n var complete = function complete() {\n if (_this.config.animation) {\n _this._fixTransition();\n }\n\n var prevHoverState = _this._hoverState;\n _this._hoverState = null;\n $(_this.element).trigger(_this.constructor.Event.SHOWN);\n\n if (prevHoverState === HOVER_STATE_OUT) {\n _this._leave(null, _this);\n }\n };\n\n if ($(this.tip).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$2)) {\n var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this.tip);\n $(this.tip).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);\n } else {\n complete();\n }\n }\n };\n\n _proto.hide = function hide(callback) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var tip = this.getTipElement();\n var hideEvent = $.Event(this.constructor.Event.HIDE);\n\n var complete = function complete() {\n if (_this2._hoverState !== HOVER_STATE_SHOW && tip.parentNode) {\n tip.parentNode.removeChild(tip);\n }\n\n _this2._cleanTipClass();\n\n _this2.element.removeAttribute('aria-describedby');\n\n $(_this2.element).trigger(_this2.constructor.Event.HIDDEN);\n\n if (_this2._popper !== null) {\n _this2._popper.destroy();\n }\n\n if (callback) {\n callback();\n }\n };\n\n $(this.element).trigger(hideEvent);\n\n if (hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {\n return;\n }\n\n $(tip).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4); // If this is a touch-enabled device we remove the extra\n // empty mouseover listeners we added for iOS support\n\n if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {\n $(document.body).children().off('mouseover', null, $.noop);\n }\n\n this._activeTrigger[TRIGGER_CLICK] = false;\n this._activeTrigger[TRIGGER_FOCUS] = false;\n this._activeTrigger[TRIGGER_HOVER] = false;\n\n if ($(this.tip).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$2)) {\n var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(tip);\n $(tip).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);\n } else {\n complete();\n }\n\n this._hoverState = '';\n };\n\n _proto.update = function update() {\n if (this._popper !== null) {\n this._popper.scheduleUpdate();\n }\n } // Protected\n ;\n\n _proto.isWithContent = function isWithContent() {\n return Boolean(this.getTitle());\n };\n\n _proto.addAttachmentClass = function addAttachmentClass(attachment) {\n $(this.getTipElement()).addClass(CLASS_PREFIX + \"-\" + attachment);\n };\n\n _proto.getTipElement = function getTipElement() {\n this.tip = this.tip || $(this.config.template)[0];\n return this.tip;\n };\n\n _proto.setContent = function setContent() {\n var tip = this.getTipElement();\n this.setElementContent($(tip.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_TOOLTIP_INNER)), this.getTitle());\n $(tip).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$2 + \" \" + CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4);\n };\n\n _proto.setElementContent = function setElementContent($element, content) {\n if (_typeof(content) === 'object' && (content.nodeType || content.jquery)) {\n // Content is a DOM node or a jQuery\n if (this.config.html) {\n if (!$(content).parent().is($element)) {\n $element.empty().append(content);\n }\n } else {\n $element.text($(content).text());\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.config.html) {\n if (this.config.sanitize) {\n content = sanitizeHtml(content, this.config.whiteList, this.config.sanitizeFn);\n }\n\n $element.html(content);\n } else {\n $element.text(content);\n }\n };\n\n _proto.getTitle = function getTitle() {\n var title = this.element.getAttribute('data-original-title');\n\n if (!title) {\n title = typeof this.config.title === 'function' ? this.config.title.call(this.element) : this.config.title;\n }\n\n return title;\n } // Private\n ;\n\n _proto._getPopperConfig = function _getPopperConfig(attachment) {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var defaultBsConfig = {\n placement: attachment,\n modifiers: {\n offset: this._getOffset(),\n flip: {\n behavior: this.config.fallbackPlacement\n },\n arrow: {\n element: SELECTOR_ARROW\n },\n preventOverflow: {\n boundariesElement: this.config.boundary\n }\n },\n onCreate: function onCreate(data) {\n if (data.originalPlacement !== data.placement) {\n _this3._handlePopperPlacementChange(data);\n }\n },\n onUpdate: function onUpdate(data) {\n return _this3._handlePopperPlacementChange(data);\n }\n };\n return _extends({}, defaultBsConfig, this.config.popperConfig);\n };\n\n _proto._getOffset = function _getOffset() {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n var offset = {};\n\n if (typeof this.config.offset === 'function') {\n offset.fn = function (data) {\n data.offsets = _extends({}, data.offsets, _this4.config.offset(data.offsets, _this4.element) || {});\n return data;\n };\n } else {\n offset.offset = this.config.offset;\n }\n\n return offset;\n };\n\n _proto._getContainer = function _getContainer() {\n if (this.config.container === false) {\n return document.body;\n }\n\n if (Util.isElement(this.config.container)) {\n return $(this.config.container);\n }\n\n return $(document).find(this.config.container);\n };\n\n _proto._getAttachment = function _getAttachment(placement) {\n return AttachmentMap[placement.toUpperCase()];\n };\n\n _proto._setListeners = function _setListeners() {\n var _this5 = this;\n\n var triggers = this.config.trigger.split(' ');\n triggers.forEach(function (trigger) {\n if (trigger === 'click') {\n $(_this5.element).on(_this5.constructor.Event.CLICK, _this5.config.selector, function (event) {\n return _this5.toggle(event);\n });\n } else if (trigger !== TRIGGER_MANUAL) {\n var eventIn = trigger === TRIGGER_HOVER ? _this5.constructor.Event.MOUSEENTER : _this5.constructor.Event.FOCUSIN;\n var eventOut = trigger === TRIGGER_HOVER ? _this5.constructor.Event.MOUSELEAVE : _this5.constructor.Event.FOCUSOUT;\n $(_this5.element).on(eventIn, _this5.config.selector, function (event) {\n return _this5._enter(event);\n }).on(eventOut, _this5.config.selector, function (event) {\n return _this5._leave(event);\n });\n }\n });\n\n this._hideModalHandler = function () {\n if (_this5.element) {\n _this5.hide();\n }\n };\n\n $(this.element).closest('.modal').on('hide.bs.modal', this._hideModalHandler);\n\n if (this.config.selector) {\n this.config = _extends({}, this.config, {\n trigger: 'manual',\n selector: ''\n });\n } else {\n this._fixTitle();\n }\n };\n\n _proto._fixTitle = function _fixTitle() {\n var titleType = _typeof(this.element.getAttribute('data-original-title'));\n\n if (this.element.getAttribute('title') || titleType !== 'string') {\n this.element.setAttribute('data-original-title', this.element.getAttribute('title') || '');\n this.element.setAttribute('title', '');\n }\n };\n\n _proto._enter = function _enter(event, context) {\n var dataKey = this.constructor.DATA_KEY;\n context = context || $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey);\n\n if (!context) {\n context = new this.constructor(event.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig());\n $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey, context);\n }\n\n if (event) {\n context._activeTrigger[event.type === 'focusin' ? TRIGGER_FOCUS : TRIGGER_HOVER] = true;\n }\n\n if ($(context.getTipElement()).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4) || context._hoverState === HOVER_STATE_SHOW) {\n context._hoverState = HOVER_STATE_SHOW;\n return;\n }\n\n clearTimeout(context._timeout);\n context._hoverState = HOVER_STATE_SHOW;\n\n if (!context.config.delay || !context.config.delay.show) {\n context.show();\n return;\n }\n\n context._timeout = setTimeout(function () {\n if (context._hoverState === HOVER_STATE_SHOW) {\n context.show();\n }\n }, context.config.delay.show);\n };\n\n _proto._leave = function _leave(event, context) {\n var dataKey = this.constructor.DATA_KEY;\n context = context || $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey);\n\n if (!context) {\n context = new this.constructor(event.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig());\n $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey, context);\n }\n\n if (event) {\n context._activeTrigger[event.type === 'focusout' ? TRIGGER_FOCUS : TRIGGER_HOVER] = false;\n }\n\n if (context._isWithActiveTrigger()) {\n return;\n }\n\n clearTimeout(context._timeout);\n context._hoverState = HOVER_STATE_OUT;\n\n if (!context.config.delay || !context.config.delay.hide) {\n context.hide();\n return;\n }\n\n context._timeout = setTimeout(function () {\n if (context._hoverState === HOVER_STATE_OUT) {\n context.hide();\n }\n }, context.config.delay.hide);\n };\n\n _proto._isWithActiveTrigger = function _isWithActiveTrigger() {\n for (var trigger in this._activeTrigger) {\n if (this._activeTrigger[trigger]) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n };\n\n _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {\n var dataAttributes = $(this.element).data();\n Object.keys(dataAttributes).forEach(function (dataAttr) {\n if (DISALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES.indexOf(dataAttr) !== -1) {\n delete dataAttributes[dataAttr];\n }\n });\n config = _extends({}, this.constructor.Default, dataAttributes, _typeof(config) === 'object' && config ? config : {});\n\n if (typeof config.delay === 'number') {\n config.delay = {\n show: config.delay,\n hide: config.delay\n };\n }\n\n if (typeof config.title === 'number') {\n config.title = config.title.toString();\n }\n\n if (typeof config.content === 'number') {\n config.content = config.content.toString();\n }\n\n Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$6, config, this.constructor.DefaultType);\n\n if (config.sanitize) {\n config.template = sanitizeHtml(config.template, config.whiteList, config.sanitizeFn);\n }\n\n return config;\n };\n\n _proto._getDelegateConfig = function _getDelegateConfig() {\n var config = {};\n\n if (this.config) {\n for (var key in this.config) {\n if (this.constructor.Default[key] !== this.config[key]) {\n config[key] = this.config[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return config;\n };\n\n _proto._cleanTipClass = function _cleanTipClass() {\n var $tip = $(this.getTipElement());\n var tabClass = $tip.attr('class').match(BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX);\n\n if (tabClass !== null && tabClass.length) {\n $tip.removeClass(tabClass.join(''));\n }\n };\n\n _proto._handlePopperPlacementChange = function _handlePopperPlacementChange(popperData) {\n this.tip = popperData.instance.popper;\n\n this._cleanTipClass();\n\n this.addAttachmentClass(this._getAttachment(popperData.placement));\n };\n\n _proto._fixTransition = function _fixTransition() {\n var tip = this.getTipElement();\n var initConfigAnimation = this.config.animation;\n\n if (tip.getAttribute('x-placement') !== null) {\n return;\n }\n\n $(tip).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$2);\n this.config.animation = false;\n this.hide();\n this.show();\n this.config.animation = initConfigAnimation;\n } // Static\n ;\n\n Tooltip._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$6);\n\n var _config = _typeof(config) === 'object' && config;\n\n if (!data && /dispose|hide/.test(config)) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!data) {\n data = new Tooltip(this, _config);\n $(this).data(DATA_KEY$6, data);\n }\n\n if (typeof config === 'string') {\n if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {\n throw new TypeError(\"No method named \\\"\" + config + \"\\\"\");\n }\n\n data[config]();\n }\n });\n };\n\n _createClass(Tooltip, null, [{\n key: \"VERSION\",\n get: function get() {\n return VERSION$6;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"Default\",\n get: function get() {\n return Default$4;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"NAME\",\n get: function get() {\n return NAME$6;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"DATA_KEY\",\n get: function get() {\n return DATA_KEY$6;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"Event\",\n get: function get() {\n return Event;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"EVENT_KEY\",\n get: function get() {\n return EVENT_KEY$6;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"DefaultType\",\n get: function get() {\n return DefaultType$4;\n }\n }]);\n\n return Tooltip;\n }();\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * jQuery\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n $.fn[NAME$6] = Tooltip._jQueryInterface;\n $.fn[NAME$6].Constructor = Tooltip;\n\n $.fn[NAME$6].noConflict = function () {\n $.fn[NAME$6] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$6;\n return Tooltip._jQueryInterface;\n };\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Constants\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n var NAME$7 = 'popover';\n var VERSION$7 = '4.5.2';\n var DATA_KEY$7 = 'bs.popover';\n var EVENT_KEY$7 = \".\" + DATA_KEY$7;\n var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$7 = $.fn[NAME$7];\n var CLASS_PREFIX$1 = 'bs-popover';\n var BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX$1 = new RegExp(\"(^|\\\\s)\" + CLASS_PREFIX$1 + \"\\\\S+\", 'g');\n\n var Default$5 = _extends({}, Tooltip.Default, {\n placement: 'right',\n trigger: 'click',\n content: '',\n template: ''\n });\n\n var DefaultType$5 = _extends({}, Tooltip.DefaultType, {\n content: '(string|element|function)'\n });\n\n var CLASS_NAME_FADE$3 = 'fade';\n var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5 = 'show';\n var SELECTOR_TITLE = '.popover-header';\n var SELECTOR_CONTENT = '.popover-body';\n var Event$1 = {\n HIDE: \"hide\" + EVENT_KEY$7,\n HIDDEN: \"hidden\" + EVENT_KEY$7,\n SHOW: \"show\" + EVENT_KEY$7,\n SHOWN: \"shown\" + EVENT_KEY$7,\n INSERTED: \"inserted\" + EVENT_KEY$7,\n CLICK: \"click\" + EVENT_KEY$7,\n FOCUSIN: \"focusin\" + EVENT_KEY$7,\n FOCUSOUT: \"focusout\" + EVENT_KEY$7,\n MOUSEENTER: \"mouseenter\" + EVENT_KEY$7,\n MOUSELEAVE: \"mouseleave\" + EVENT_KEY$7\n };\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Class Definition\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n var Popover = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Tooltip) {\n _inheritsLoose(Popover, _Tooltip);\n\n function Popover() {\n return _Tooltip.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n\n var _proto = Popover.prototype; // Overrides\n\n _proto.isWithContent = function isWithContent() {\n return this.getTitle() || this._getContent();\n };\n\n _proto.addAttachmentClass = function addAttachmentClass(attachment) {\n $(this.getTipElement()).addClass(CLASS_PREFIX$1 + \"-\" + attachment);\n };\n\n _proto.getTipElement = function getTipElement() {\n this.tip = this.tip || $(this.config.template)[0];\n return this.tip;\n };\n\n _proto.setContent = function setContent() {\n var $tip = $(this.getTipElement()); // We use append for html objects to maintain js events\n\n this.setElementContent($tip.find(SELECTOR_TITLE), this.getTitle());\n\n var content = this._getContent();\n\n if (typeof content === 'function') {\n content = content.call(this.element);\n }\n\n this.setElementContent($tip.find(SELECTOR_CONTENT), content);\n $tip.removeClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$3 + \" \" + CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5);\n } // Private\n ;\n\n _proto._getContent = function _getContent() {\n return this.element.getAttribute('data-content') || this.config.content;\n };\n\n _proto._cleanTipClass = function _cleanTipClass() {\n var $tip = $(this.getTipElement());\n var tabClass = $tip.attr('class').match(BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX$1);\n\n if (tabClass !== null && tabClass.length > 0) {\n $tip.removeClass(tabClass.join(''));\n }\n } // Static\n ;\n\n Popover._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {\n return this.each(function () {\n var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$7);\n\n var _config = _typeof(config) === 'object' ? config : null;\n\n if (!data && /dispose|hide/.test(config)) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!data) {\n data = new Popover(this, _config);\n $(this).data(DATA_KEY$7, data);\n }\n\n if (typeof config === 'string') {\n if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {\n throw new TypeError(\"No method named \\\"\" + config + \"\\\"\");\n }\n\n data[config]();\n }\n });\n };\n\n _createClass(Popover, null, [{\n key: \"VERSION\",\n // Getters\n get: function get() {\n return VERSION$7;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"Default\",\n get: function get() {\n return Default$5;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"NAME\",\n get: function get() {\n return NAME$7;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"DATA_KEY\",\n get: function get() {\n return DATA_KEY$7;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"Event\",\n get: function get() {\n return Event$1;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"EVENT_KEY\",\n get: function get() {\n return EVENT_KEY$7;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"DefaultType\",\n get: function get() {\n return DefaultType$5;\n }\n }]);\n\n return Popover;\n }(Tooltip);\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * jQuery\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n $.fn[NAME$7] = Popover._jQueryInterface;\n $.fn[NAME$7].Constructor = Popover;\n\n $.fn[NAME$7].noConflict = function () {\n $.fn[NAME$7] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$7;\n return Popover._jQueryInterface;\n };\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Constants\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n\n var NAME$8 = 'scrollspy';\n var VERSION$8 = '4.5.2';\n var DATA_KEY$8 = 'bs.scrollspy';\n var EVENT_KEY$8 = \".\" + DATA_KEY$8;\n var DATA_API_KEY$6 = '.data-api';\n var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$8 = $.fn[NAME$8];\n var Default$6 = {\n offset: 10,\n method: 'auto',\n target: ''\n };\n var DefaultType$6 = {\n offset: 'number',\n method: 'string',\n target: '(string|element)'\n };\n var EVENT_ACTIVATE = \"activate\" + EVENT_KEY$8;\n var EVENT_SCROLL = \"scroll\" + EVENT_KEY$8;\n var EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$2 = \"load\" + EVENT_KEY$8 + DATA_API_KEY$6;\n var CLASS_NAME_DROPDOWN_ITEM = 'dropdown-item';\n var CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2 = 'active';\n var SELECTOR_DATA_SPY = '[data-spy=\"scroll\"]';\n var SELECTOR_NAV_LIST_GROUP = '.nav, .list-group';\n var SELECTOR_NAV_LINKS = '.nav-link';\n var SELECTOR_NAV_ITEMS = '.nav-item';\n var SELECTOR_LIST_ITEMS = '.list-group-item';\n var SELECTOR_DROPDOWN = '.dropdown';\n var SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_ITEMS = '.dropdown-item';\n var SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_TOGGLE = '.dropdown-toggle';\n var METHOD_OFFSET = 'offset';\n var METHOD_POSITION = 'position';\n /**\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Class Definition\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n var ScrollSpy = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function ScrollSpy(element, config) {\n var _this = this;\n\n this._element = element;\n this._scrollElement = element.tagName === 'BODY' ? window : element;\n this._config = this._getConfig(config);\n this._selector = this._config.target + \" \" + SELECTOR_NAV_LINKS + \",\" + (this._config.target + \" \" + SELECTOR_LIST_ITEMS + \",\") + (this._config.target + \" \" + SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_ITEMS);\n this._offsets = [];\n this._targets = [];\n this._activeTarget = null;\n this._scrollHeight = 0;\n $(this._scrollElement).on(EVENT_SCROLL, function (event) {\n return _this._process(event);\n });\n this.refresh();\n\n this._process();\n } // Getters\n\n\n var _proto = ScrollSpy.prototype; // Public\n\n _proto.refresh = function refresh() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var autoMethod = this._scrollElement === this._scrollElement.window ? METHOD_OFFSET : METHOD_POSITION;\n var offsetMethod = this._config.method === 'auto' ? autoMethod : this._config.method;\n var offsetBase = offsetMethod === METHOD_POSITION ? this._getScrollTop() : 0;\n this._offsets = [];\n this._targets = [];\n this._scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight();\n var targets = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(this._selector));\n targets.map(function (element) {\n var target;\n var targetSelector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);\n\n if (targetSelector) {\n target = document.querySelector(targetSelector);\n }\n\n if (target) {\n var targetBCR = target.getBoundingClientRect();\n\n if (targetBCR.width || targetBCR.height) {\n // TODO (fat): remove sketch reliance on jQuery position/offset\n return [$(target)[offsetMethod]().top + offsetBase, targetSelector];\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n }).filter(function (item) {\n return item;\n }).sort(function (a, b) {\n return a[0] - b[0];\n }).forEach(function (item) {\n _this2._offsets.push(item[0]);\n\n _this2._targets.push(item[1]);\n });\n };\n\n _proto.dispose = function dispose() {\n $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$8);\n $(this._scrollElement).off(EVENT_KEY$8);\n this._element = null;\n this._scrollElement = null;\n this._config = null;\n this._selector = null;\n this._offsets = null;\n this._targets = null;\n this._activeTarget = null;\n this._scrollHeight = null;\n } // Private\n ;\n\n _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {\n config = _extends({}, Default$6, _typeof(config) === 'object' && config ? config : {});\n\n if (typeof config.target !== 'string' && Util.isElement(config.target)) {\n var id = $(config.target).attr('id');\n\n if (!id) {\n id = Util.getUID(NAME$8);\n $(config.target).attr('id', id);\n }\n\n config.target = \"#\" + id;\n }\n\n Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$8, config, DefaultType$6);\n return config;\n };\n\n _proto._getScrollTop = function _getScrollTop() {\n return this._scrollElement === window ? this._scrollElement.pageYOffset : this._scrollElement.scrollTop;\n };\n\n _proto._getScrollHeight = function _getScrollHeight() {\n return this._scrollElement.scrollHeight || Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight);\n };\n\n _proto._getOffsetHeight = function _getOffsetHeight() {\n return this._scrollElement === window ? window.innerHeight : this._scrollElement.getBoundingClientRect().height;\n };\n\n _proto._process = function _process() {\n var scrollTop = this._getScrollTop() + this._config.offset;\n\n var scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight();\n\n var maxScroll = this._config.offset + scrollHeight - this._getOffsetHeight();\n\n if (this._scrollHeight !== scrollHeight) {\n this.refresh();\n }\n\n if (scrollTop >= maxScroll) {\n var target = this._targets[this._targets.length - 1];\n\n if (this._activeTarget !== target) {\n this._activate(target);\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n if (this._activeTarget && scrollTop < this._offsets[0] && this._offsets[0] > 0) {\n this._activeTarget = null;\n\n this._clear();\n\n return;\n }\n\n for (var i = this._offsets.length; i--;) {\n var isActiveTarget = this._activeTarget !== this._targets[i] && scrollTop >= this._offsets[i] && (typeof this._offsets[i + 1] === 'undefined' || scrollTop < this._offsets[i + 1]);\n\n if (isActiveTarget) {\n this._activate(this._targets[i]);\n }\n }\n };\n\n _proto._activate = function _activate(target) {\n this._activeTarget = target;\n\n this._clear();\n\n var queries = this._selector.split(',').map(function (selector) {\n return selector + \"[data-target=\\\"\" + target + \"\\\"],\" + selector + \"[href=\\\"\" + target + \"\\\"]\";\n });\n\n var $link = $([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(queries.join(','))));\n\n if ($link.hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DROPDOWN_ITEM)) {\n $link.closest(SELECTOR_DROPDOWN).find(SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_TOGGLE).addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2);\n $link.addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2);\n } else {\n // Set triggered link as active\n $link.addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2); // Set triggered links parents as active\n // With both and